Gift Card Directory

Gift card informations changes over time. We validate and check merchant details for you.

Gift Card Information

We have been compiling gift cards, gift certificates and gift vouchers around the world.

The enthusiasm of gift cards goes beyond border of countries. You are very welcome to access the information and provide feedback to improve gift card details for others. Select a country flag below to search the gift card you are interested in.

Card Details by Country


In order to provide accurate and up-to-date data for gift card related informations, we have implemented an innovative data management application.

Via GCB moderators. We have moderators from different countries to help with data collection from official source.
  • Our moderators collects merchant information in their country
  • Data is collected and entered into staging database for process
  • Data is validated and processed to improve quality
  • Additional supporting resources are attached to card merchants entry
  • Gift card is published to GCB for public review
Via GCB members:
  • GCB registered members can also help submitting gift cards
  • Submitted information will be reviewed and validated by moderators before published
  • If there is enough supporting evidences, gift card will go through the moderator's process above.

GCB App | Manages Balance Simply and Easily

GCB stores all gift cards data on your local device only.