Gift Card Balance News

Gift card balance check is very easy with our app.

Firstly, save your card number and pin in our app.

Then, go through the balance check process to get remaining balance.

Yes, its safe. All your data is only stored on your phone.

Are you frustrated when your gift cards passed expiry date?

Take care of your gift cards and put them in our app.

Then you can frequently review card details and balance on your phone.

Simple and Easy.

Thanks for everyone’s support. Our [Gift Card Balance] apps are being consistently improved.

We are trying to implement more cards in our app.

Awesome news! Due to popular demands for our Australian edition, we have also launched American edition of the app.

New USA version is called [Gift Card Balance US]

Australian version is renamed to [Gift Card Balance AU]

Don’t wait, download it from Android Market. You won’t be disappointed.