更多 The Dragonfly Coffee House。 访问 http://www.thedragonflycoffeehouse.com
The Dragonfly Coffee House
We’re the cozy community coffee house you thought was long gone. Independently owned and operated, here, you’ll be treated like a “regular” from your very first visit. And by your third...? We’ll likely know your “usual” as well as your name! By combining exceptional espresso with unique house made pastries, we aim to earn the opportunity to serve you, and inspire you to become a daily fixture in our House. We serve good medicine with a hearty side of not taking ourselves too seriously.
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Dragonfly Coffee House
The Dragonfly Coffee House
2387 NW Thurman St. Portland OR
There are a lot of amazing Coffee Houses to choose from
We are honored and grateful you’ve chosen ours for Yours!
你可以用一下方式查询The Dragonfly Coffee House余额:商家服务台或收款处。
以下是 The Dragonfly Coffee House 查余额以及消费记录的方法.