更多 Downtown Grand Junction。 访问 https://downtowngj.org
Downtown Grand Junction, Colorado | Businesses, events, and information from Downtown Grand Junction, Colorado, the most popular visitor destination in Grand Junction!
Downtown Grand Junction Colorado is nestled in the heart of the Grand Valley and home to dozens of delightful shops, music venues, restaurants, galleries and area services.
downtown grand junction gift card
商家网站、联系电话以及礼品卡、购物卡信息。礼卡名称 Downtown Grand Junction.
Downtown Grand Junction礼卡网页链接 方便快捷地使用 礼卡余额移动应用
Give the Perfect Gift! « Downtown Grand Junction, Colorado
Downtown gift cards are valid at 100+ downtown businesses, from spas, entertainment, retail, restaurants and beyond! View a list of businesses who accept Downtown Gift Cards. The gift cards are issued by MetaBank®, Member FDIC. Gift Cards can
Downtown Grand Junction Colorado is nestled in the heart of the Grand Valley and home to dozens of delightful shops, music venues, restaurants, galleries and area services.
Gift cards may be purchased at our new location or online. If purchased online, the gift cards can be mailed to the address you provide on the form or they may be picked up at our office during normal business hours. In addition, you may purchase gift cards at Colorado Baby, located at 560 Main Street, Monday – Thursday from noon to 5 pm and Friday-Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm.
Please note: Gift cards do not expire. However, a $3.00 fee will be deducted monthly from the card balance starting the 1st day after 1 year of inactivity from the purchase date. The gift card company, CardSpot EML, receives the fee.
If you have questions regarding gift cards, please call 970-255-4922 and leave a message and your call will be returned.
Downtown gift cards are valid at 100+ downtown businesses, from spas, entertainment, retail, restaurants and beyond! View a list of businesses who accept Downtown Gift Cards. The gift cards are issued by MetaBank®, Member FDIC.
你可以用一下方式查询Downtown Grand Junction余额:在线查询、电话查询、商家服务台或收款处。
Gift cards may be purchased at our new location or online. If purchased online, the gift cards can be mailed to the address you provide on the form or they may be picked up at our office during normal business hours. In addition, you may purchase gift cards at Colorado Baby, located at 560 Main Street, Monday – Thursday from noon to 5 pm and Friday-Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm. Enter Amount (minimum of $10) Enter Quantity Billing Information: Purchasers Name Purcheser Company/Organization Address Phone Email Payment Info: Delivery Options: (Gift Cards can be picked up at our office, 101 South 3rd Street, Suite 100, Grand Junction CO 81501; M-F 10am-4pm.) - I will pick my card(s) up - Mail my card(s) to me or recipient Click "Order now" and proceed to Checkout Terms and Conditions: Please note: for cards unused for 12 consecutive months, gift card provider (EML Payments USA, LLC) will deduct $3.00 off the balance each month until used. Please relay this information to card receiver if giving as a gift.