更多 Cotton Patch Cafe。 访问 https://www.cottonpatch.com/
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商家网站、联系电话以及礼品卡、购物卡信息。礼卡名称 Cotton Patch Cafe.
Cotton Patch Caf\u00e9
Cotton Patch Caf\u00e9 is an American restaurant chain. The chain has 52 casual dining restaurants located in the US states of Texas (44), Arkansas (2), New Mexico (2) and Oklahoma (4).
Cotton Patch Cafe礼卡网页链接 方便快捷地使用 礼卡余额移动应用
Cotton Patch Cafe
For balance inquiries: 1-800-242-5353
Present at any Cotton Patch Café for the purchase of goods or services in the United States. This card cannot be redeemed for cash (except in those states that require redemption for cash) or replaced if lost or stolen.(gcb.today#6A323). If found, please return this card to the merchant. After 12 months of non-use, a $2.00 per month service fee will be deducted from the remaining balance, except where prohibited by law. ©2011 Cotton Patch Café, Inc.