更多 Cajun Card Office。 访问 https://cajuncard.louisiana.edu
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Card Services | Cajun Card Office
Your Cajun Card will be the most important thing in your wallet during your time at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.. First and foremost, it serves as your student ID. But the Cajun Card is also your free season pass to all Ragin'' Cajun ® home games *, gives you admission to campus events, is your library card, meal card, building, lab, and parking pass, and gets you discounts at ...
The Cajun Card! You may know it under different names such as ID card, library card, meal plan card, or parking access card — but that''s because it serves as all those things and more. The Cajun Card is an important card to help you navigate through college life. From sporting events to discounts through the Red Dot program, take advantage of everything it has to offer.
你可以用一下方式查询Cajun Card Office余额:在线查询、电话查询、商家服务台或收款处。
One card does it all! Current students and employees are eligible to receive a Cajun Card. Visit us in the Student Union, Rm. 134 and bring a form of picture ID and a Ragin'' Cajun smile. Please make sure to read the Cajun Card Agreement under our policies section.