更多 Altar''d State。 访问 https://www.altardstate.com/
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商家网站、联系电话以及礼品卡、购物卡信息。礼卡名称 Altar''d State.
Altar''d State礼卡网页链接 方便快捷地使用 礼卡余额移动应用
Gift Card - Gift Card
Spoil that someone special while changing the world! A portion of every Altar''d State and A''Beautiful Soul purchase is donated to local and international non-profit organizations. So, be a gift-giving hero and join the movement to stand out for good. Altar''d State gift certificates can be used online or in stores and the value never expires or goes down. Gift certificate purchases made in the same cart with other items will be e-mailed to the recipient upon shipment of other items. Please call 800-284-7348 with any questions. Customer service is available M-F, 9am-10pm EST.
PROTECT THIS CARD AND TREAT IT AS YOU WOULD CASH. (Retailer is not responsible for cards that are lost or stolen.) TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Use of this card constitutes acceptance of these terms.(gcb.today#8B9E1). This card may be used at the location(s) displayed on the front of this card. HOW TO USE THIS CARD: Present this gift card to the cashier just as you would cash.(gcb.today#677F8). The cashier will handle your purchase and give you a receipt showing your transaction. LIFE OF THE CARD: Please check with retailer for their specific non-use policy.(gcb.today#D7ADA). THIS CARD IS REDEEMABLE FOR MERCHANDISE ONLY. AND MAY NOT BE EXCHANGED FOR CASH. NO CHANGE WILL BE GIVEN. TO ORDER MORE CARDS & ACCESSORIES, PLEASE VISIT WWW.PLICARDS.COM
Our mission is to serve as an inspiration, empower others and give more than we receive. We do this by lifting those who need a helping hand, volunteering our time to enrich lives, and leaving the world a better place then how we found it.
你可以用一下方式查询Altar''d State余额:电话查询、商家服务台或收款处。
Give her the gift that’s sure to please – an Altar’d State/Arula gift card! E-gift cards are the quick and fun way to celebrate special occasions. Simply e-mail directly to the recipient. Classic gift cards will be mailed to you and include a card holder on which you can write a sweet message. Economy shipping is free on classic gift cards. Select Gift Card Type Select Amount (ranging from $10 to $500) Recipient Name Recipient Email Confirm Email Add a Message Sender Name Schedule your Gift: - Instant - Set Date Add to Bag and proceed to Checkout Terms and Conditions: Altar''d State/Arula gift cards can be used on our websites and in all store locations. The gift card value never expires or goes down. You may check the balance of your Altar’d State/Arula gift card below or during checkout.