更多 First Pass Custom Tattoo。 访问 https://www.firstpasscustomtattoo.co.uk
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First Pass stands for everything that is life, Evan Christodoulou the owner/Tattoo Artist who came up with the name believes that everything in this life is a First Pass.Never the less First Pass is also considered to be the " first layer" within the tattooing industry.First Pass is created with great respect for the people and always tries to construct, execute and deliver the best quality in Tattoos.A welcoming parlor with great respect to the customers and a creative approach to all tattoos.Please leave us your details on custom pieces on the Inquiries section and we will contact you as soon as possible.UK BASED✍ CUSTOM TATTOO/DESIGNS🍃 VEGAN FRIENDLY🌈 LGBTQ FRIENDLYAPPOINTMENTS ONLY .
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Gift Vouchers | firstpasstattoo
GIFT VOUCHERSAvailable at the shop or you can pre-order online by clicking the Paypal button with the amount you would like to include.On the form below please fill in the information with the correct amount, once the email is received with the correct payment you will get a confirmation and have to be collected by the shop.1 HOUR2 HOURSHALF DAY SESSIONFULL DAY SESSION
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