Designer Desirables礼卡网页链接 方便快捷地使用 礼卡余额移动应用
Our Gift Vouchers are sent electronically at midnight either on the date you specify if after 24hrs from purchase to the email address given. It takes 24hrs to verify the card holders details & security checks to validate purchaser. If you don''t know the recipients email address you can enter your own and print it off from your email. Payment for the gift voucher will be charged on purchase not on the date of issue and are valid for 6 months from issue. The value of the gift voucher is your choice.
Confirmation of the Gift Voucher will only be sent to the purchaser once the order is confirmed by Designer Desirables. Gift Vouchers can only be cancelled by the purchaser within 1 hour of purchase and will not be valid until confirmation email received. Unwanted Gift Vouchers can not be returned and voucher codes can not be used to purchase another gift voucher.
Items bought using gift vouchers can be returned or exchanged but not refunded, only additional monies paid over and above the gift voucher will be refunded and a new gift voucher code will be issued. When a new gift voucher is issued it will expire on the same date as the original gift voucher.
If you spend more than your gift voucher value you can pay the additional money at checkout, if you spend less than the gift voucher value you will have a credit balance to use later using the same voucher code.
Using your gift voucher is easy just enter your unique code at checkout. You may purchase more than one gift voucher at the same time.
你可以用一下方式查询Designer Desirables余额:商家服务台或收款处。
以下是 Designer Desirables 查余额以及消费记录的方法.