商家网站、联系电话以及礼品卡、购物卡信息。礼卡名称 EQ3.
EQ3礼卡网页链接 方便快捷地使用 礼卡余额移动应用
EQ3 is currently in a transition period while we build a new and improved Gift Card program. For the time being, we are unable to fulfil new gift card requests.
If you are an EQ3 Insider or would like to join, you will be notified once our new gift cards become available.
Any existing EQ3 gift cards (purchased prior to January 2 2021) with a remaining balance can still be redeemed in-store and will not expire. The gift card must be physically present at the time of purchase in order to be validated.
Please contact Customer Care (1-888-988-2014) for all gift card balance inquiries.