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Vitality Spa & Wellness is based in picturesque Old Lyme and offers Award-Winning Massage, Facials and Day-Spa Packages as well as luxurious Manicures and Pedicures, Reflexology and Reiki. Vitality Spa & Wellness was founded in 2005 and was the first holistic wellness center serving the Connecticut Shoreline. We believe that beauty is a reflection of inner health and that practicing wellness helps you live long live well.Lindsay EisensmithOwner & Founder
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Vitality Spa & Holistic Wellness Center
There is nothing quite like receiving a Vitality Spa Gift Card for a special day or just for being a special person. When you give a Vitality gift you know that your special someone will have a fantastic experience whether they choose a massage, a facial or one of our many other holistic wellness services. Click to […]
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