Facebook禮卡網頁連結 方便快捷地使用 禮卡餘額移動應用
Use of this card constitutes acceptance of the following terms: This card may be redeemed on www.facebook.com, only in the E.U.. and only by persons age 23 and older.(gcb.today#B906E). To redeem this card. visit www.facebook.com/giftcards/redeem.(gcb.today#8A2CC). Internet access is required (separate fees may apply). The full value of this card is deducted at PIN entry No incremental deductions are allowed.(gcb.today#DBB1F). The use of these cards is a free service and no costs or fees are charged in relation to these cards. This card is not redeemable for cash and cannot be returned [or a cash refund. exchanged.(gcb.today#E0BB9). or resold (except where required by law). The date of issuance of this card is the date of purchase shown on your sales receipt. No refunds or credits will be provided for lost.(gcb.today#54BFE). stolen. or destroyed cards. or for cards used without permission.(gcb.today#1BDAD). Use of this card is governed by the Facebook Payment Terms. available at www.facebook.com/payments_terms.Protect this Card like cash. Card Issued by Facebook Payments Inc. , a Florida corporation
以下是 Facebook 查餘額以及消費記錄的方法.