更多 Modo Yoga Saskatoon。 訪問 http://saskatoon.mokshayoga.ca
Welcome - Modo Yoga Saskatoon
Modo Yoga Saskatoon619 1st Ave NSaskatoon, SKS7K 1X7View in Google Maps(306) 649-2424info@modoyogasaskatoon.comHoursMonday - Friday 6:30am-9:00pmSaturday 8:00am-5:30pmSunday 8:00pm-7:00pm* we are open 1/2 hr prior to class start time and 1/2 hr after class ends.*ParkingThere is free parking in the Queen Street Plaza parking lot, as well as on the North side of the building. Street parking is free for up to 3 hours.
modo yoga saskatoon
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