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Canberra Art Workshop | Community art group
FlashbackHow CAW exhibited in 1954.Each ‘On Show’ exhibition by CAW makes history in its own ways.As it happens, one of CAW’s friends, Dr Alan Jones, has been researching Canberra’s art societies.We are grateful to Alan for discovering in the National Library the room sheet for our fifth annual exhibition in 1954.Back then, Canberra Art Workshop was called the Canberra Art Club.The 1954 exhibition included ‘hero’ paintings by three of the then modernist gods of the Sydney art scene, Roland Wakelin, Margo Lewers and Jean Bellette.They provided six of the 75 paintings in the show (look at the prices!)Our 1954 exhibition was turbocharged by including these ‘big name’ contemporary artists to boost visitor numbers.And, nationally-known art personalities were directly involved with our organisation in other ways at that time.
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