更多 Wienerschnitzel。 訪問 https://www.wienerschnitzel.com/
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商家網站、聯繫電話以及禮品卡、購物卡資訊。 禮卡名稱 Wienerschnitzel.
Wienerschnitzel is an American fast food chain founded in 1961 (as \"Der Wienerschnitzel\") that specializes in hot dogs, also known as the World''s Largest Hot Dog Chain.
Wienerschnitzel禮卡網頁連結 方便快捷地使用 禮卡餘額移動應用
This card is redeemable for food and beverage at participating Wienerschnitzel locations only. Present this card at the time of payment and the amount will be deducted from the balance until the funds are depleted.(gcb.today#4C1326). This card, or any balance, may not be redeemed for cash unless required by law. This card cannot be replaced if lost or stolen.(gcb.today#D80E2E). Reload this card at any participating Wienerschnitzel location. Check card balance at www.wienerschnitzel.com or at any participating Wienerschnitzel location.