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Cape May Clambake / Gift Certificates – The Lobster House® Restaurant
Clambakes are shipped FedEx overnight. All orders must be placed by 10 a.m. EST for next day delivery. We recommend someone be available to accept delivery of overnight shipments. There are no Saturday, Sunday or Monday deliveries. Gift Cards are shipped USPS. Holiday Shipping Deadlines Thanksgiving To insure delivery
Located overlooking Cape May Harbor in historic Cape May, NJ, The Lobster House has proudly provided guests a variety of dining experiences for over four generations. Open for luncheon and dinner year-round, 7 days a week, our main waterfront restaurant’s five dining rooms and full bar offer upscale family friendly dining in a uniquely nautical atmosphere.
If you would like to send someone a truly unique gift, consider the Lobster House’s Cape May Clambake. Filled with succulent fresh seafood, the Clambake is shipped in the can it cooks in on their stove top! We ship Fed-Ex overnight to anywhere in the U.S. Call 609-884-8296 from 9 a.m. til 4 p.m. ET to order.
Lobster House gift certificates are available in our online store. We offer free shipping on gift certificates.
你可以用一下方式查詢The Lobster House餘額:電話查詢、商家服務台或收款處。
Surprise your loved ones with a gift certificate to the Lobster House. Lobster House gift certificates are available in our online store. We offer free shipping on gift certificates. FREE SHIPPING! There are no shipping charges on gift certificates. Gift Certificates are sent out USPS. If ordered over the weekend, the gift certificate will go out Tuesday. Select Amount (ranging from $25 to $500) Add to Cart and proceed to Checkout