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Gift Vouchers | Creative Writes
Creative Writes Gift Vouchers Creative Writes offers gift vouchers for all our creative writing courses – all on Zoom as we go through the COVID pandemic, with the exception of our Walk & Write Workshops (new for 2022). These will take place outdoors at a variety of outdoor North London locations. For a thoughtful gift, the chance...
Creative Writes offers gift vouchers for all our creative writing courses – all on Zoom as we go through the COVID pandemic, with the exception of our Walk & Write Workshops (new for 2022). These will take place outdoors at a variety of outdoor North London locations. For a thoughtful gift, the chance to give somebody something they will enjoy and cherish, Creative Writes Gift Vouchers are an ideal present.
Creative Writes gift vouchers are perfect for your friends & family- or you can add them to your present list! They can be purchased for any Creative Writes Course, click on the links below to buy your voucher, and we will send it to you or the recipient, then please let us know who the vouchers are for via email: info@creativewrites.co.uk
Please see our Courses pages for further info on each class: before you book your gift vouchers: https://www.creativewrites.co.uk/courses/
(Space to Write Mondays have been running on Zoom every week since Spring 2020, 3-4 pm. You can purchase gift vouchers to the value of as many Space to Write Mondays as you wish).
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