Leap Card Dublin Bus 禮卡餘額 愛爾蘭 禮品卡目錄


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更多 Leap Card Dublin Bus。 訪問 https://www.dublinbus.ie


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Diversion due to Lusk Village Closure » Published on Tuesday, March 26, 2019 We wish to advise customers that due to pipe laying works, Station Road is closed in Lusk Village from Monday 1 April ... Diversion due to Lusk Village Closure »

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Leap Card Dublin Bus 商家信息

商家網站、聯繫電話以及禮品卡、購物卡資訊。 禮卡名稱 Leap Card Dublin Bus.




  • Leap Card - Dublin Bus A Leap Card is a reloadable smartcard that can be used to pay for individual journeys using travel credit and more regular commuters can load Rambler, Monthly or Annual tickets onto their Leap Card. https://dublinbus.ie/Fares-and-Tickets/Leap-Card/
  • Leap Card - Dublin Bus A Leap Card is a reloadable smartcard that can be used to pay for individual journeys using travel credit and more regular commuters can load Rambler, ... https://www.dublinbus.ie/Fares-and-Tickets/Leap-Card/
  • Child Leap Card - Dublin Bus There are two versions of the Child Leap Card. Children 5 - 15 years of age (inclusive) can use an anonymous Child Leap Card. You can buy an anonymous Leap Card at any Payzone outlet. For children between 16 and 18 years of age, an application must be completed to obtain a personalised Leap Card. https://www.dublinbus.ie/Fares-and-Tickets/Leap-Card/Child-Leap-Card/
  • Tourist Information - Dublin Bus Welcome to Dublin. Welcome to Dublin and to Dublin Bus, the best way to see our lovely city. This section is a guide to Dublin Bus services, which will make it easier for you to get to all the places you want to see. https://www.dublinbus.ie/Your-Journey1/Tourist-Information/
  • Visitor Leap Card - Dublin Bus The Visitor Leap Card allows for unlimited use on all Dublin Bus services, including Airlink, Nitelink, Xpresso DART and Commuter Rail and Luas services for 72 hours. The card is not valid on Dublin Bus Tours. The card is validated by touching on at the smart card reader on the right hand side as you enter the bus. https://www.dublinbus.ie/Fares-and-Tickets/Leap-Card/Visitor-Leap-Card/
  • Child Leap Card - Dublin Bus A Child Leap Card is a reusable plastic smart card that can be used instead of paying with cash when travelling on all Dublin Bus services, including Airlink, Xpresso and Nitelink, as well as Luas, DART and Commuter Rail services. Leap Cards for 4 to 15 year olds can be bought online at www.leapcard.ie or at over 400 Payzone outlets around the ... https://www.dublinbus.ie/Fares-and-Tickets/Child/Leap-Card-Fares/
  • Adult - Dublin Bus Leap Cards can be bought online at www.leapcard.ie or at over 400 Payzone outlets around the City. What is Travel Credit? Travel Credit works in a similar way to mobile phone credit. It is a cash value which you load onto the card and every time you use the card to travel, the cost of the journey is deducted. ... https://dublinbus.ie/Fares-and-Tickets/Adult/
  • Dublin Bus An unsuitable job for a woman – not according to Dublin Bus! Cut to the Chase campaign; our newest customer experience improvement Continuous investment in students is an investment for the future Cyclist safety is a top priority for Dublin Bus Equality and Diversity in the workplace is a duty not an option http://www.dublinbus.ie/
  • Timetables - Dublin Bus Timetables. Xpresso Rail Connections Airport Services Nitelink Services A to Z Finder Contracted Services Core Route Map City Centre Bus Stops Mobile Apps Tourist Information Dublin Bus - Preparing for Winter https://www.dublinbus.ie/Your-Journey1/Timetables/


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Leap Card Dublin Bus 禮品卡

Leap Card Dublin Bus禮卡網頁連結 方便快捷地使用 禮卡餘額移動應用


Leap Card - Dublin Bus

Getting started with LeapA Leap Card is a reloadable smartcard that can be used to pay for individual journeys using travel credit and more regular commuters can load Rambler, Monthly or Annual tickets onto their Leap Card.Where can I buy it?You can buy a Leap Card here or at any Payzone outlet.Where can I use it?You can use your Leap Card when travelling on all Dublin Bus services, including Airlink, Xpresso and Nitelink, as well as Luas, Dart and Commuter Rail services.How much does it cost?A fully refundable deposit of €5.00 (Child €3.00) is charged for your card and you must also top-up with a minimum of €5.00 Travel Credit.What if I lose my Leap Card?You can register your Leap Card here to protect against loss or theft.  Once you report your stolen card within 5 days, you can order a replacement card which will be sent out to you in 5 working days. FaresAdult Fares Stages 1- 3€1.55●Stages 4 – 13€2.25●Over 13 Stages€2.50●Xpresso€3.00●Route 90 & 40e€1.55●  Child Far ...

Leap Card Dublin Bus 禮品卡購買


Bus Átha Cliath-Dublin Bus, a designated activity company, limited by shares, registered in Ireland at 59 Upper O’Connell St, Dublin 1. No 119569 was founded in 1987 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of the state-owned Córas Iompar Eireann Group. We operate the Public Service Obligation network in the Greater Dublin Area under a contract of services with the National Transport Authority. Our network covers a region from Newcastle in County Wicklow to the south, Balbriggan in north County Dublin and Maynooth in County Kildare to the west.


Leap Card Dublin Bus禮卡網址和服務條款


Leap Card Dublin Bus 禮卡餘額

你可以用一下方式查詢Leap Card Dublin Bus餘額:線上查詢、商家服務台或收款處。



  • 在線:訪問禮品卡發行機構的網站,尋找“查詢餘額”或“禮品卡餘額”部分。在網頁上輸入禮品卡號碼和密碼(如適用)以查看餘額。 https://www.leapcard.ie/en/login.aspx
  • 店內:將禮品卡帶到發行禮品卡的零售商或餐廳的實體店位置。聯繫店員或收銀員,請求協助檢查餘額。他們通常可以掃描或手動輸入禮品卡號以提供當前餘額。
  • 移動應用程序:如果禮品卡發行商有移動應用程序,請將其下載並安裝在您的智能手機或平板電腦上。登錄或創建帳戶,然後將您的禮品卡添加到應用程序。該應用程序應顯示可用餘額。
  • 收據:如果您最近使用禮品卡進行了購買,請查看收據。有些收據顯示每次交易後的餘額。

Leap Card Dublin Bus 禮品卡餘額檢查


A Leap Card is a reloadable smartcard that can be used to pay for individual journeys using travel credit and more regular commuters can load Rambler, Monthly or Annual tickets onto their Leap Card. Where can I buy it? You can buy a Leap Card here (https://www.leapcard.ie/Home/index.html) or at any Payzone outlet.


以下是 Leap Card Dublin Bus 查餘額以及消費記錄的方法.

Leap Card Dublin Bus 購物收據上的禮品卡餘額
Leap Card Dublin Bus 店內禮品卡餘額查詢
  • 線上查詢
  • 電話查詢
  • 收據小票
  • 服務台


Leap Card Dublin Bus 使用者評論

分享您的經驗 Leap Card Dublin Bus



禮卡餘額應用説明你管理各種禮品卡、購物卡、消費卡。 把你的禮卡放在應用裡 方便快捷地對Leap Card Dublin Bus卡查餘額
  • 即使餘額查詢
  • 無需重複輸入卡號
  • 多種餘額查詢方式資訊
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