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更多 Kalyana Yoga。 訪問 http://www.kalyanayoga.ca


Kalyana Yoga Shala | Kalyana Yoga Shala is a space that aligns with the rhythm and healing qualities of nature. Come to find the solace and surrender that awaits.

Ottawa, Yoga. Kalyana Yoga Shala. Located in the east end of Ottawa, on St.Laurent Blvd, Kalyana Yoga Shala is a place to call home. A warm and welcome atmosphere that invites surrender from the daily drive and releases us to the peace that rests within.

Kalyana Yoga 商家信息

商家網站、聯繫電話以及禮品卡、購物卡資訊。 禮卡名稱 Kalyana Yoga.




  • Registration | Kalyana Yoga Shala Ottawa, Yoga. Kalyana Yoga Shala. Located in the east end of Ottawa, on St.Laurent Blvd, Kalyana Yoga Shala is a place to call home. A warm and welcome atmosphere that invites surrender from the daily drive and releases us to the peace that rests within. http://www.kalyanayoga.ca/registration
  • Classes | Kalyana Yoga Shala Class Descriptions. Home Practices. Fees. Memberships. Teachers. Gift Certificate. Kalyana Yoga Shala is closed FOR NOW. Updates will follow online here on our classes … https://www.kalyanayoga.ca/schedule
  • Memberships! | Kalyana Yoga Shala Gift Certificate; Already a member you can upgrade to the 8 or 12 month auto-renewal and benefit for one FREE month. Membership Offerings (Auto-Renew)! Perks: Daily … http://www.kalyanayoga.ca/events/new-memberships
  • About | Kalyana Yoga Shala Ottawa, Yoga. Kalyana Yoga Shala. Located in the east end of Ottawa, on St.Laurent Blvd, Kalyana Yoga Shala is a place to call home. A warm and welcome atmosphere that … https://www.kalyanayoga.ca/about
  • Wellness | Kalyana Yoga Shala Gift Certificate; Workshops; HYTT. Hatha Yoga Teacher Training; Wellness; Contact Us; Wellness. Home Wellness . In support and to further meet the needs of our … http://www.kalyanayoga.ca/wellness
  • Frequently Asked Questions | Kalyana Yoga Shala Ottawa, Yoga. Kalyana Yoga Shala. Located in the east end of Ottawa, on St.Laurent Blvd, Kalyana Yoga Shala is a place to call home. A warm and welcome atmosphere that … https://www.kalyanayoga.ca/about/faq


Kalyana Yoga 的社交媒體連結

Kalyana Yoga 禮品卡

Kalyana Yoga禮卡網頁連結 方便快捷地使用 禮卡餘額移動應用


Gift Certificate | Kalyana Yoga Shala

Your gift cards will be elegantly packaged with a Yoga Studio and Wellness Centre Brochure. A few gift ideas … starting at $82* for a Wellness Centre service, such as a Thai Yoga Massage, Pranassage, Natural Nutrition session, Yoga Therapy, Reiki or at the Yoga studio starting as low as *20.00

Kalyana Yoga 禮品卡購買


Your Kalyana Yoga Shala gift certificate is a doorway to these gifts, a profound way to show your appreciation for someone special (and a wonderful item to add to your own wish list as well).
Your gift cards will be elegantly packaged with a Yoga Studio and Wellness Centre Brochure.
A few gift ideas …
starting at $82* for a Wellness Centre service, such as a Thai Yoga Massage, Pranassage, Natural Nutrition session, Yoga Therapy,  Reiki or at the Yoga studio starting as low as *20.00
Purchase your gift certificate online or at the studio for any amount. If you purchase online and opt in to receive email notifications, you’ll receive a PDF of your gift certificate to print out or simply forward by email.


Kalyana Yoga禮卡網址和服務條款


  • Gift Certificate | Kalyana Yoga Shala Your gift cards will be elegantly packaged with a Yoga Studio and Wellness Centre Brochure. A few gift ideas … starting at $82* for a Wellness Centre service, such as a Thai Yoga Massage, Pranassage, Natural Nutrition session, Yoga Therapy, Reiki or at the Yoga studio starting as low as *20.00 http://www.kalyanayoga.ca/schedule/gift-certificate-the-gift-health
  • Fees | Kalyana Yoga Shala Gift Certificate; All fees are in Canadian Dollars. Class Packages. Fees. Expiration. Single Class. $17.70. 6 months from date of purchase. 5 Class Pass. $75.22. 6 … https://www.kalyanayoga.ca/fees
  • Teachers | Kalyana Yoga Shala Gift Certificate; Anne A path of Karma yoga was found early on in life. Anne’s yoga practice expanded when she was introduced to Hatha yoga. It was a melding of paths … https://www.kalyanayoga.ca/teachers
  • Class Descriptions | Kalyana Yoga Shala Gift Certificate; Ottawa’s Kalyana Yoga Shala offers the following classes. To view our online teaching schedule, please click HERE. To print our schedule, please … https://www.kalyanayoga.ca/descriptions
  • Home Practices | Kalyana Yoga Shala Gift Certificate; Rest and Restoration Practice 1 Rest and Restoration Practice 2 Ease in Each Moment Meditation Golden Light Meditation Mothers Meditation . Stay in … https://www.kalyanayoga.ca/home-practices

Kalyana Yoga 禮卡餘額

你可以用一下方式查詢Kalyana Yoga餘額:商家服務台或收款處。



  • 店內:將禮品卡帶到發行禮品卡的零售商或餐廳的實體店位置。聯繫店員或收銀員,請求協助檢查餘額。他們通常可以掃描或手動輸入禮品卡號以提供當前餘額。
  • 移動應用程序:如果禮品卡發行商有移動應用程序,請將其下載並安裝在您的智能手機或平板電腦上。登錄或創建帳戶,然後將您的禮品卡添加到應用程序。該應用程序應顯示可用餘額。
  • 收據:如果您最近使用禮品卡進行了購買,請查看收據。有些收據顯示每次交易後的餘額。


以下是 Kalyana Yoga 查餘額以及消費記錄的方法.

Kalyana Yoga 購物收據上的禮品卡餘額
Kalyana Yoga 店內禮品卡餘額查詢
  • 線上查詢
  • 電話查詢
  • 收據小票
  • 服務台

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  • 無需重複輸入卡號
  • 多種餘額查詢方式資訊
Gift Card Balance App

