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We’ve done the legwork for you with our fantastic package deals, specials, vouchers and bonds. These great value packages and special offers can only be purchased over the phone or by email. Can’t find a package to suit you? Why not get in touch and let us design a custom package made specifically for you. Choose from a great range of accommodation options and adventure actives to create your ideal getaway. Looking for the perfect gift for family, friends or employees? Our vouchers and bonds take the hassle out of gift buying. Give them an experience-based gift that they’ll never forgot.
Here at Mt Barney Lodge we reckon experience gifts are a great eco-friendly gift option. They have become quite popular in recent years. Instead of giving someone a present they’ll never use, give them an experience they’ll appreciate. We can provide gift vouchers for a variety of our getaway packages, activities and adventures. You can also purchase ‘Barney Bonds‘ – a way of giving a dollar-value without losing the cash in a card! If you want to be environmentally conscious, or even if you just want to be a little more aware of where your money is going, contact us and ask about our great experience gift options. Note: vouchers and bonds have 12 month validity from date of purchase
Purchase of 10 or more vouchers of the same value and receive a 10% discount off that bulk purchase. The perfect idea for corporate gifts. Get in touch for more information or to purchase.
你可以用一下方式查詢Mt Barney Lodge餘額:商家服務台或收款處。
以下是 Mt Barney Lodge 查餘額以及消費記錄的方法.