更多 DFO。 訪問 https://www.dfo.com.au
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商家網站、聯繫電話以及禮品卡、購物卡資訊。 禮卡名稱 DFO.
DFO禮卡網頁連結 方便快捷地使用 禮卡餘額移動應用
DFO Brisbane. Grab a deal at Brisbane''s biggest outlet shopping destination with over 140 stores offering up to 70% off the original price.
DFO Gift Cards are simple to use and can be redeemed at DFO Brisbane, Essendon, Homebush, Moorabbin, Perth, South Wharf and Uni Hill where EFTPOS is available.
Select Gift Card Amount (Ranging from $50 to $200 or make a custom amount)
Enter Quantity
Add message (Optional)
Add to cart and proceed to checkout
Terms and Condition :
The card is valid from the date of activation. Australian laws require all gift cards purchased after 1st November 2019 hold a 36 month expiry. There are exceptions to the laws and therefore the expiry period for your card may vary.
Gift cards will be activated within 48hours of purchase and cannot be redeemed for cash, reloaded, returned for a refund, have their balances consolidated to a new gift card, or be replaced or re-instated after expiry and are not legal tender, account cards, debit or credit cards or securities. The card cannot be used to make online purchases.