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Canberra Art Workshop | Community art group

FlashbackHow CAW exhibited in 1954.Each ‘On Show’ exhibition by CAW makes history in its own ways.As it happens, one of CAW’s friends, Dr Alan Jones, has been researching Canberra’s art societies.We are grateful to Alan for discovering in the National Library the room sheet for our fifth annual exhibition in 1954.Back then, Canberra Art Workshop was called the Canberra Art Club.The 1954 exhibition included ‘hero’ paintings by three of the then modernist gods of the Sydney art scene, Roland Wakelin, Margo Lewers and Jean Bellette.They provided six of the 75 paintings in the show (look at the prices!)Our 1954 exhibition was turbocharged by including these ‘big name’ contemporary artists to boost visitor numbers.And, nationally-known art personalities were directly involved with our organisation in other ways at that time.

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  • Community art group - Canberra Art Workshop Give them a CAW gift voucher for a membership, course or workshop! For that friend who always wanted to be creative – but never quite got around to it. Get friends and family into the studio. Vouchers. WORKSHOPS. CAW hosts a stimulating and comprehensive program of Weekend Workshops tutored by some of Australia’s most exciting artists, who range from experimenters in new art practices to ...
  • Membership | Canberra Art Workshop Claiming a membership gift voucher? Choose from one of the memberships that you were given. Full membership voucher claim link; Pensioner / senior voucher claim link; Students voucher claim link; Select ‘”Add to cart” Add the voucher you have received in the space provided. The system will prevent proceeding any further if there’s no ...


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  • Workshop Gift Vouchers | Canberra Art Workshop A gift voucher provides the perfect gift for birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries or any other occasion. CAW’s gift vouchers can hold any value and can be redeemed for any of our workshops or courses. When you give a CAW gift voucher to someone special in your life, you are giving this person the opportunity to learn new skills within a welcoming group of like-minded people. Buy a gift ...
  • Membership Gift Vouchers | Canberra Art Workshop A CAW membership gift voucher provides the perfect gift for birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries or any other occasion. Our membership gift vouchers can be bought for any of the three CAW membership categories (Full, Senior, Student) and can be redeemed within 12 months from the purchase date. When you give a CAW gift voucher to someone special in your life, you are giving this person the ...
  • Full Membership Gift Vouchers Claim Page | Canberra Art ... This product is only valid to purchase for customers with valid full membership gift voucher. Home / Memberships / Full Membership Gift Vouchers Claim Page. Full Membership Gift Vouchers Claim Page $ 100. This page is only valid for customers with valid Full Membership Gift Vouchers Full Membership Gift Vouchers Claim Page quantity. Add to cart. Category: Memberships. Description; CONSTITUTION ...
  • Student Membership Gift Vouchers Claim Page | Canberra Art ... This page is only valid for customers with valid Student Membership Gift Voucher. Student Membership Gift Vouchers Claim Page quantity Add to cart ...
  • Courses Gift Vouchers | Canberra Art Workshop A gift voucher provides the perfect gift for birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries or any other occasion. CAW’s gift vouchers can hold any value and can be redeemed for any of our workshops or courses. When you give a CAW gift voucher to someone special in your life, you are giving this person the opportunity to learn new skills within a welcoming group of like-minded people. Buy a gift ...

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