更多 The Broken Barrel Tavern。 访问 http://www.brokenbarreltavern.com/
The Broken Barrel Tavern
Todays SpecialsDINE IN ONLY [Soups & Salads]Soup & Salad - 6.99Choose cup of Soup and side House or Caesar Salad. AVAILABLE: 11:00 - 15:00Add Soda/Iced Tea - $1.00DINE IN ONLY [Sandwiches]Smoked Turkey - 6.99Tender slices of piping hot whole smoked breast meat are served with lettuce, tomato, onion and sauce of your choice. AVAILABLE: 11:00 - 15:00Add Soda/Iced Tea - $1.00DINE IN ONLY [Sandwiches]Pulled Chicken - 6.99These smoked-from-scratch birds are hand pulled and served with your choice of sauce. AVAILABLE: 11:00 - 15:00Add Soda/Iced Tea - $1.00DINE IN ONLY [Sandwiches]Pulled Rib - 6.99Our delicious dry rubbed ribs are pulled from the bone, topped with our delicious cole slaw and served as the most flavorful sandwich you''ll ever have! AVAILABLE: 11:00 - 15:00Add Soda/Iced Tea - $1.00DINE IN ONLY [Sandwiches]Pulled Pork - 6.99We cook our butts off :-) for more than half a day, hand pull to perfection, then ...
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