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Perthshire Off Road, drive in wild Scottish hills and valleys

PERTHSHIRE OFF ROAD THE DRIVING EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME!Do you want a CHALLENGE like this?mud, deep water, hills and thrills!We have a hugely challenging highland site near Perth. Drive the wilds of Perthshire off road in 400 acres of spectacular terrain. Land Rovers (4x4) Quads (4x2) ATV (8x8) and more.Robert Weeks recommends Perthshire Off road Driving Centre: "Had a great three hours off road driving with Angus for my wife''s birthday treat. Unlike many other centres one passenger is also welcome to give it a try. Angus is a great instructor who slowly built the confidence levels up" You can come anytime- 7 days a week throughout the year (conditions permitting!) Individual Off Road Driving Activity sessions Individuals can join our regular ''Challenge Days'' and choose from 5 separate exciting activities including:Defender 4x4 Off Road DrivingQuadsOff Road Rally Karting8x8 ATVNovelty driving in a reverse steering Land RoverExceptional value � per person There are discounts as you add more people to your adventure (2 for £250)- on the Gift Voucher page try it and see the discounts add up!Click for More Details on Individual Multi-Vehicle challenge days.The Off Road ChallengeDesigned to get you quickly and safely to grips with the techniques and challenges of DEFENDER 4x4 OFF ROAD DRIVING. Learn to handle mud, rough terrain, challenging hill climbs, steep descents and deep water in our spectacular and unique Off Road activity area in the highlands of Perthshire, Scotland. We only use 300tdi Land Rover Defenders with power steering but no electronic driving aids. With instructor in the passenger seat its just you, the Defender and your skills taking on challenging terrain- and we do the cleaning afterwards!From £ - Click for Individual Defender Land Rover session details and prices.4x4 Off Road DrivingWithout doubt the best Quad Biking experience available in Scotland. Miles of fast undulating tracks and trails, wide open spaces and spectacular scenery. Honda 250 fourtrax quads (2 wheel drive for more fun).From � Click for more details on Quad Bike sessions with Perthshire Off Road.Exhilarating Quad BikingAll our individual sessions are available as Gift vouchers and can be purchased over the phone or from our online shop.Perthshire Off Road Driving Gift voucherBuy a voucher for that special person or Treat yourself!Our Off Road DRIVING GIFT VOUCHERS make a really different Birthday Present, Christmas Present or just anytime Present! Group Driving Packages   4x4 Off Road driving Land Rover session Quad Bikes8 wheel drive ATVNovelty Driving  Four separate activities over a period of 3 to 4 hours. Off Road Rally Karting can also be included and the package tailored to suit the occasion and budget. For more details click Group SessionsYour customers will be impressed with the Off Road Driving experience and we can add to the Multi-Activity sessions to suit your budget. Groups (minimum of 4) are increasingly discovering the fun and enjoyment of a great day out with Perthshire Offroad with 4x4 Off Road Driving or any mixture of the other Activities on offer. For more details clickGroup SessionsPlease look around to select the package that suits you- then book online using a Gift Voucher, if time is short we will email a voucher- this will be valid until the post arrives . You can use one for yourself too, there is no extra charge, or Contact Us to book by phone and for directions.SPECIAL CREDIT CRUNCH busting offer! From now till the end of next year pay half now and half later, up to the day the activity is taken. You can do this online, by Gift Voucher, or by phone. See us on Facebook

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Gift Vouchers- buy our off road sessions through our secure online shop

All our Off Road Driving experiences can be brought as a gift voucher.You can buy gift vouchers for our most popular experiences online from this page using Cheque, Paypal or by Credit/Debit card...SPECIAL CREDIT CRUNCH busting offer! From now till the end of next year pay half now and half later, up to the day the activity is taken. You can do this online or by phone.Which ever way you choose we will post the gift voucher the same day first class or if time is short we can send an e-voucher to your email address. There is no added cost for a gift voucher so you can also treat yourself with a voucher. Don''t forget that you can ''mix and match'' and make up your own package for your perfect day''s driving.The gift voucher holder should contact us to book the session (date and time) when they want to use it. Land Rover Off Road Sessions Gift Vouchers to drive Land Rovers, with expert tuition, are arranged to match your skill level.All sessions start at the driving skill level of the individual (including complete beginners) and goes as far as they want to take it.Further details are on the 4x4 Driving page. Each session includes a free place for a second person.For the second or additional people, vouchers with the same serial number can be issued in each recipients name. Just make a note of this when you book. Quad Sessions Gift Vouchers to drive Drive the latest Honda Fourtrax Quads through stunning Perthshire scenery.Miles of exciting trails with loch views and hills and valleys ideally suited to quads. Experience the ''Bowl'' (fast and furious), the Blair Burn (wet), the Drovers Trail (challenging) and much more. How far and where you go depends on your experience and the session length. Further details are on the Quads page.                                                                              The Perthshire Off Road Challenge ''The Challenge'' is five driving events put together as a package.Further details are on the The Challenge page. You can do ''The Challenge'' as an individual. Buy a voucher here (either as a gift or for yourself) and then contact us. We make up the groups. Other Off Road vehicles are available These cannot be purchased as a separate gift voucher but can be added to other vouchers.We can make a mix Karts and Land Rover driving to suit you,however you may find it more convenient, and economical, to get a voucher for the "Perthshire Off Road Challenge" above. Booking information You can book a session by phone. Call us on 01738851185. Payment can be by credit/debit card or a cheque. Please make cheques payable to "Perthshire Off Road", and send to the address on the Contact Us page. Please include the recipients name and the address to which the voucher should be sent. All Gift Vouchers are serial numbered and can be ordered by phone as well as through this page and sent out immediately.We can be very flexible with the arrangements so please contact us to discuss your individual requirements. Gift Voucher Refund Policy.You can claim a refund up to 7 days after placing an order with Perthshire Off Road Driving Centre. Refunds can only be made to the purchaser. Refunds will not be made to the recipient (user) or any third party. The request for a refund must be made in writing within seven calendar days and delivered or sent to our offices (email is acceptable). However if you prefer another activity listed on our website the value of your unused voucher can be used towards the purchase this activity. Perthshire Off Road is a member of the Perthshire Tourist Board and an active participant in the Perthshire Tourist Board Activity Holidays Programme.



Perthshire Off Road Driving Centre礼卡网址和服务条款


  • Gift Vouchers- buy our off road sessions through our secure online ... All our Off Road Driving experiences can be brought as a gift voucher. You can buy gift vouchers for our most popular experiences online from this page ...
  • Perthshire Off Road, drive in wild Scottish hills and valleys Buy a voucher for that special person or Treat yourself! Our Off Road DRIVING GIFT VOUCHERS make a really different Birthday Present, Christmas Present or just ...
  • Quad Bike Trekking and All Terrain Vehicle All our Quad Bike, ATV, 4x4 and Multi Activity Challenge Sessions are available as Gift Vouchers which can be ordered from our Online Gift Vouchers Shop or ...

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