更多 Embsay & Bolton Abbey Steam Railway。 访问 https://www.embsayboltonabbeyrailway.org.uk
Embsay & Bolton Abbey Steam Railway | A great day out for all the family!
Step back into a bygone era with a visit to the award-winning Embsay & Bolton Abbey Steam Railway.We will engage, enthuse and excite you … The sight and sound of powerful majestic steam engines, from the industrial workhorses of pits, collieries, docks and factory yards to the more glamorous locomotives which graced main lines … all lovingly restored by our team of volunteers.We’ve got vintage Edwardian carriages, Victorian Director’s Saloons and original 1960’s slam-door stock to ride in. We’re proud of our re-built Bolton Abbey Station & the delightful Victorian features of the restored Embsay Station. The rural request-stop Holywell Halt is a wonderful place to picnic, whilst our traditionally-uniformed friendly staff will leave you with some enduring memories of a special day out.
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GIFT VOUCHERS | Embsay & Bolton Abbey Steam Railway
A gift voucher can make an excellent gift for someone special in the family!We can provide you with a lovely gift voucher for a birthday, an anniversary, a retirement present or even as a Christmas present. We can help you mark your special occasion in a very special way.The gift voucher could be for a couple of tickets on our regular steam trains, or for a special event such as our Afternoon Tea, Fish & Chip Specials, the Curry Express or perhaps a magical day on the steam engine footplate as a participant on our Footplate Experience course.Simply click through to our ticketing system and choose the ‘Gift Vouchers’ option.
A gift voucher can make an excellent gift for someone special in the family!
We can provide you with a lovely gift voucher for a birthday, an anniversary, a retirement present or even as a Christmas present. We can help you mark your special occasion in a very special way.
The gift voucher could be for a couple of tickets on our regular steam trains, or for a special event such as our Afternoon Tea, Fish & Chip Specials, the Curry Express or perhaps a magical day on the steam engine footplate as a participant on our Footplate Experience course.
I was given the ticket for this trip as a gift and it was worth every penny.The way the stations are set out is just as you would imagine it would have been back in the day.The cafe was well stocked there was good clean toilets on the platforms.The step into the train was a little high at Embsay but there are portable steps on the platform and a good train guard to help.The actual steam engine is a credit to the crew well maintained & a joy to watch them shunting.The walk up to the Abbey was well worth the effort.I will be returning for the Christmas special.
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