Specsavers Saldo för presentkort Irland katalog över presentkort

Presentkort, presentkort och presentkort

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Merchant webbplats info och Specsavers kortsaldo kontroll. https://www.specsavers.ie


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Populära frågor

  • Are Specsavers easy to use? “We are very satisfied with the service that Specsavers provide; they are always helpful and the branch locations suit our business. The voucher system is quick and easy to use.” Hollie Harris - Health & Safety Administrator. Mole Valley Farmers. “Coleg y Cymoedd have used the Corporate Eyecare Scheme for a number of years. https://www.specsavers.ie/corporate
  • How much are hearing aids on Specsavers? Specsavers Advance hearing aids. Rechargeable Bluetooth €800 with PRSI. FIND OUT MORE. RemoteCare. Find out more. Hearing aid help at home. Find out more. Free online hearing check. Take a quick test. Keeping you safe in store. Read more . Our advance range. Invisible hearing aids from €600 or rechargeable from €1500. https://www.specsavers.ie/hearing

Specsavers presentkort

Specsavers presentkort eller presentkortslänkar. Bekvämt sätt att hantera balans i farten i GCB mobilapp


Gift Vouchers | Specsavers

Gift card can be used in full or part payment for any eyecare goods and services purchased in any Specsavers in the ROI. Excludes UK. Gift card cannot be exchanged in whole or in part for cash. Valid until expiry date shown. For your nearest Specsavers visit specsavers.ie

Specsavers köp av presentkort


A great gift idea for your friends and family who wear glasses, sunglasses or contact lenses.
You can buy gift vouchers for any whole value between €1 and €250 and they can be used to buy prescription glasses, sunglasses, accessories, contact lenses and contact lens solutions. Great if you know someone with their eye on some designer specs or just need a contact lens top-up.
A great gift idea for your friends and family who wear glasses, sunglasses or contact lenses.
You can buy gift vouchers for any whole value between €1 and €250 and they can be used to buy prescription glasses, sunglasses, accessories, contact lenses and contact lens solutions. Great if you know someone with their eye on some designer specs or just need a contact lens top-up.
When you purchase a gift voucher, make sure you save a copy of it before printing it out so that you can refer back to the unique PIN (Personal Identification Number) if required at a later date.
Gift card/eVoucher can be used in full or part payment for any eyecare goods and services purchased in any Specsavers store in the ROI. Excludes UK. Cannot be used for hearcare goods and services. Cannot be redeemed online. Gift card/eVoucher cannot be exchanged in whole or in part for cash. If you do not spend the entire balance of the gift card/eVoucher the remaining balance shall be updated after each transaction. The balance of the gift card/eVoucher can be checked at your local Specsavers store. If any product purchased with a gift card/eVoucher is subsequently returned, any refund shall be made to this gift card/eVoucher. Valid for 24 months from the date of purchase and any remaining balance shall be cancelled upon the end of this 24-month period. Treat this gift card/eVoucher as if it were cash as Specsavers will not accept liability for lost, stolen or damaged gift cards/eVouchers. Specsavers reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of the gift card/eVoucher at any time and to take appropriate action, including the cancellation of the gift card/eVoucher if, at its discretion, it deems such action necessary. This does not affect your legal rights. Find your nearest store at specsavers.ie


Presentkortswebbsida, villkor & villkor för Specsavers.

Officiellt presentkort


  • Gift Vouchers | Specsavers Gift card can be used in full or part payment for any eyecare goods and services purchased in any Specsavers in the ROI. Excludes UK. Gift card cannot be exchanged in whole or in part for cash. Valid until expiry date shown. For your nearest Specsavers visit specsavers.ie https://giftvouchers.specsavers.ie/giftvouchers.ie/index.html
  • Gift Vouchers | Specsavers A great gift idea for your friends and family who wear glasses, sunglasses or contact lenses. https://giftvouchers.specsavers.ie/
  • Red or Dead competition | Specsavers IE ASOS gift card is valid for 24 months from purchase date and can only be used by the recipient online at www.asos.com. The bundle prize is as stated and is non-exchangeable and non-transferable. There is no cash or other alternative to the prize in whole or in part. https://www.specsavers.ie/redordead-giveaway

Specsavers Saldo för presentkort

Du kan ta reda Specsavers ett kortsaldo en butikskutt/ helpdesk.

Saldo för presentkort

Alternativ för saldokontroll av presentkort

  • I butik: Ta presentkortet till en fysisk butik hos återförsäljaren eller restaurangen som utfärdade presentkortet. Gå till en butiksmedarbetare eller kassörska och be om hjälp med att kontrollera saldot. De kan vanligtvis skanna eller manuellt mata in presentkortsnumret för att ge det aktuella saldot.
  • Mobilapp: Om presentkortsutgivaren har en mobilapp, ladda ner och installera den på din smartphone eller surfplatta. Logga in eller skapa ett konto och lägg sedan till ditt presentkort i appen. Appen ska visa det tillgängliga saldot.
  • Kvitto: Om du nyligen gjorde ett köp med presentkortet, kontrollera kvittot. Vissa kvitton visar det återstående saldot efter varje transaktion.


Information för Specsavers presentkortssaldoförfrågan för att se återstående saldo och transaktioner.

Kontrollera kvitto
Specsavers presentkortssaldo på inköpskvitto
Kontrollera shoppingkvitto för saldo
Lagra räknare
Specsavers förfrågan om presentkortssaldo i butik
Besök butiksdisken eller helpdesk för balans
  • Online-saldo: följ länken till handlarens officiella webbplats för balanskontroll. Du måste fylla i kortnummer och stift för att hämta kortsaldot.
  • Telefonsamtal: ring handlarens supportnummer och fråga om du kan kontrollera kortsaldot. Du kanske kan få saldo på telefonen efter att ha lämnat kortuppgifter.
  • Faktura/ inleverans: kortets återstående saldo skrivs ut på inköpsfakturan/kvittot.
  • Butiksdisk: vanligtvis kan kortsaldot tittas upp i butiken eller butiksdisken


  • Labyrinthitis Symptoms, Causes and Treatment | Specsavers IE Symptoms of labyrinthitis. Dizziness; Vertigo (the feeling that you, or everything around you, is spinning); Loss of balance; Difficulty standing up or walking ... https://www.specsavers.ie/hearing/ear-health/labyrinthitis
  • Glue Ear Symptoms and Treatment | Specsavers IE And, in some cases, their balance might be affected too. If you think your child is experiencing any of these symptoms, then it's best to see your GP who can have  ... https://www.specsavers.ie/hearing/ear-health/glue-ear

Specsavers Användargranskning

Dela med dig av dina erfarenheter av Specsavers


Appen Saldo för presentkort

Appen saldo av presentkort hjälper dig att hantera alla presentkortssaldon på ett ställe. Lägg till ditt kort i appen och använd Specsavers en presentkortssaldokontroll med några klick.
  • Livekortssaldo från korthandlare
  • Inget mer tendentiöst kortnummer som skriver varje gång
  • Balansera frågealternativ med en blick
Gift Card Balance App

GCB-| Hanterar balans enkelt och enkelt

GCB lagrar endast alla presentkortsdata på din lokala enhet.