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Physiotherapist in Tralee - Eddie O'' Grady Physiotherapy

Physiotherapist in Tralee offering one to one hands-on, evidence based physiotherapy treatments for injury recovery and rehabilitation.

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  • admin, Author at Eddie O''Grady Physiotherapist stretching of piriformis, tensor fascia latae, psoas/iliopsoas muscle, rectus femoris. Sometimes strengthening of the hip area may also be required to balance ... https://www.physiotherapiststralee.ie/author/admin/
  • Low Back Pain - Facet vs Disc - Eddie O''Grady Physiotherapist With a locked facet joint, a simple osteopathic manipulation can give a person an immediate 60 – 70 % relief from pain symptoms. The person is often almost back to normal the next day. With a facet joint injury, you are simply unlocking the locked facet joint in which the limited movement and was causing the problem. https://www.physiotherapiststralee.ie/back-pain/
  • Wrist and Finger Injuries - Eddie O''Grady Physiotherapist Wrist and finger injuries are something we see quite a lot ofin both of our Kerry based clinics, and we are happy to say our physical therapy treatments have yielded very successful results. Whether you are suffering from a fracture,a muscular, tendon, ligamentor joint complaint, we can tailor a treatment plan to have you pain […] https://www.physiotherapiststralee.ie/conditions_treated/wrist-and-finger-injuries/
  • Pronation / Supination - Eddie O''Grady Physiotherapist A physiotherapist explains Pronation and supination as movements that occur at the subtalar joint of the foot. The normal biomechanics of the foot are designed to absorb and direct the forces occurring throughout the gait cycle. As the foot is loaded, eversion of the subtalar joint, dorsiflextion of the ankle, and abduction of the forefoot occur. https://www.physiotherapiststralee.ie/physiotherapist/
  • Haemochromatosis Related Joint Pain - Eddie O''Grady Physiotherapist Haemochromatosis Related Joint Pain. March 9, 2022, Haemochromatosis is a inherited condition where iron levels in the body increase over many years leading to iron overload. If the condition is not treated, it can lead to damage in certain parts of the. body such as the liver, joints, pancreas and heart. https://www.physiotherapiststralee.ie/joint-pain-from-haemochromatosis/

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IMPORTANT : I AM HAVING A LOT OF TECHNICAL PROBLEMS WITH ONLINE GIFT VOUCHER ORDERS. PLEASE CONTACT ME DIRECTLY ON 0867700191 TO ORDER GIFT VOUCHERS. THEY ARE AVAILABLE AT THE CLINIC AT ALL TIMES. DO NOT ORDER ONLINE. THANK YOU. Our gift vouchers are valued at €60 per voucher and they can be used towards the payment of products and treatments offered in either of our practices.

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IMPORTANT : I AM HAVING A LOT OF TECHNICAL PROBLEMS WITH ONLINE GIFT VOUCHER ORDERS. PLEASE CONTACT ME DIRECTLY ON 0867700191 TO ORDER GIFT VOUCHERS. THEY ARE AVAILABLE AT THE CLINIC AT ALL TIMES. DO NOT ORDER ONLINE. THANK YOU. Our gift vouchers are valued at €60 per voucher and they can be used towards the payment of products and treatments offered in either of our practices.


  • Gift Voucher - Eddie O''Grady Physiotherapist Our gift vouchers are valued at €60 per voucher and they can be used towards the payment of products and treatments offered in either of our practices. € 60 + - Add to cart Description Description IMPORTANT : I AM HAVING A LOT OF TECHNICAL PROBLEMS WITH ONLINE GIFT VOUCHER ORDERS. PLEASE CONTACT ME DIRECTLY ON 0867700191 TO ORDER GIFT VOUCHERS. https://www.physiotherapiststralee.ie/product/gift-voucher/

Eddie O''Grady Physiotherapist Saldo för presentkort

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