HTA Saldo för presentkort Storbritannien katalog över presentkort

Presentkort, presentkort och presentkort

HTA företagsöversikt

Merchant webbplats info och HTA kortsaldo kontroll.


HTA | Home

The HTA welcomes garden retailers, growers, manufacturers and suppliers, landscapers and service providers in the UK.We promote, support and nurture our industry to ensure a robust and sustainable future. We do this through representation of members’ interests to government and media, provide great garden gifting products and help members develop their businesses through first-class advice.No matter the size or location of your business, if you''re part of the gardening, amenity and landscaping industry, you need to be part of the association that represents it.

HTA Säljarinformation

Webbplats, kontaktnummer och presentkortsinformation för HTA.

Merchant Directory Länkar

Officiell webbplats
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Information om handlare
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Merchant Insights

  • General Enquiries - HTA National Garden Gift Voucher Develop Your Business. News, Events & Current Issues. Associations, Committees & Groups. HTA; General Enquiries; General Enquiries. The Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) is the trade association for the UK garden industry. The HTA has, for over 100 years, promoted the interested of its members and the industry at large ...
  • HTA | Retailer Membership Gain access to the National Garden Gift Voucher Promotion: The largest and longest running gardening promotion in the UK – worth £30M to the industry - drives footfall to your business. Sold in over 2,000 garden retail outlets. On purchasing, customers spend on average 23% more than the value of the voucher/card on other goods. Upon redemption, customers spend on average 57% more than the ...
  • HTA | HTA Guide to Potentially Harmful Plants National Garden Gift Voucher Develop Your Business. News, Events & Current Issues. Associations, Committees & Groups. HTA; Develop Your Business; Marketing Campaigns; HTA Guide to Potentially Harmful Plants; HTA Guide to Potentially Harmful Plants. Through the UK''s horticultural trade, the British public is fortunate to have access to a wealth of plant species. Most of these are harmless ...
  • HTA | Assurance, Compliance & Plant Health We''re here to offer HTA members with a reference point for legal and other compliance and assurance issues that affect horticulture. We liaise with a range of external stakeholders including APHA, AHDB, PHSI and Defra, as well as other central government departments, to provide or signpost accurate and up to date information.

Handlars sociala medier

Länkar på sociala medier för HTA

HTA presentkort

HTA presentkort eller presentkortslänkar. Bekvämt sätt att hantera balans i farten i GCB mobilapp


HTA | National Garden Gift Voucher

We''ve run the National Garden Gift Voucher scheme since 1962. It creates around two million visits to garden centres and retail nurseries every year, and leave millions of gardeners delighted.The scheme is all about promoting gardening and gardening good causes; it''s the UK''s longest running gardening promotion. Gardens do so much good for our health, happiness, and environment; we need to do all we can to promote these benefits to the public. We support promotions like National Children''s Gardening Week and gardening good causes like Greenfingers Charity with the National Garden Gift Voucher scheme. Whenever you get behind the scheme you''re championing gardening and its benefits for our country.

HTA köp av presentkort


Presentkortswebbsida, villkor & villkor för HTA.

Officiellt presentkort
National Garden Gift Voucher
Utforska andra kort


  • HTA | Gift Cards The gift card version of National Garden Gift Vouchers is the natural progression from paper vouchers and has many advantages over the paper scheme, whilst keeping the same fees. There are two parts to the scheme, redeeming and selling. You can be set-up just to redeem, but to sell you must also be a redeemer. Selling gift cards can either be done through your EPOS system (if integrated), or ...
  • HTA | Where to buy and spend The gift card format expires 30 months after it is purchased. The paper gift vouchers usually have an expiry date printed on the back. Typically this will give at least three years in which to spend the voucher. A small number of old vouchers do not have an expiry date on them, and these vouchers do not expire. Is the scheme financially safe? It''s more robust than most gift card schemes that ...
  • HTA | Home We''ve run the National Garden Gift Voucher scheme since 1962. It creates around two million visits to garden centres and retail nurseries every year, and leave millions of gardeners delighted. National Garden Gift Voucher. National Garden Gift Voucher Order your Gift Voucher Point of Sale. We have a range of FREE point of sale for you to order, including clip strips, CDUs and shelf wobblers ...
  • HTA | Supporting Greenfingers Raising funds - 1% of HTA''s commission (essentially our gross profit) on sales of the gift card format of National Garden Gift Vouchers will be donated to Greenfingers Charity. The cost of this is met through HTA''s existing operating budgets and does not involve any additional cost or contribution from our member businesses. We also prompt shoppers in our online store to make a 50p donation to ...
  • HTA | Point of Sale National Garden Gift Voucher; Point of Sale; Point of Sale. We provide free in-store promotional materials for National Garden Gift Vouchers. They''re designed to show shoppers that you accept and sell National Garden Gift Vouchers. Where possible they''re also designed to serve a purpose in your store too; we have opening hours signs for your doors/windows as well as units for you to display ...
  • Object Moved This document may be found here

HTA Saldo för presentkort

Du kan ta reda HTA ett kortsaldo en butikskutt/ helpdesk.

Saldo för presentkort

Alternativ för saldokontroll av presentkort

  • I butik: Ta presentkortet till en fysisk butik hos återförsäljaren eller restaurangen som utfärdade presentkortet. Gå till en butiksmedarbetare eller kassörska och be om hjälp med att kontrollera saldot. De kan vanligtvis skanna eller manuellt mata in presentkortsnumret för att ge det aktuella saldot.
  • Mobilapp: Om presentkortsutgivaren har en mobilapp, ladda ner och installera den på din smartphone eller surfplatta. Logga in eller skapa ett konto och lägg sedan till ditt presentkort i appen. Appen ska visa det tillgängliga saldot.
  • Kvitto: Om du nyligen gjorde ett köp med presentkortet, kontrollera kvittot. Vissa kvitton visar det återstående saldot efter varje transaktion.


Information för HTA presentkortssaldoförfrågan för att se återstående saldo och transaktioner.

Kontrollera kvitto
HTA presentkortssaldo på inköpskvitto
Kontrollera shoppingkvitto för saldo
Lagra räknare
HTA förfrågan om presentkortssaldo i butik
Besök butiksdisken eller helpdesk för balans
  • Online-saldo: följ länken till handlarens officiella webbplats för balanskontroll. Du måste fylla i kortnummer och stift för att hämta kortsaldot.
  • Telefonsamtal: ring handlarens supportnummer och fråga om du kan kontrollera kortsaldot. Du kanske kan få saldo på telefonen efter att ha lämnat kortuppgifter.
  • Faktura/ inleverans: kortets återstående saldo skrivs ut på inköpsfakturan/kvittot.
  • Butiksdisk: vanligtvis kan kortsaldot tittas upp i butiken eller butiksdisken


  • Getting an epos system - HTA Does the system let you activate, accept and balance check HTA Gift Cards? 3. Does the system let you perform automated invoice matching? 4. Does the system work with hand-held terminals/devices that staff can use throughout the store to take payment, answer customer stock enquiries, book in stock and view your web site? 5. Can the system send and receive data to third party systems (e.g. via ...

HTA Användargranskning

Dela med dig av dina erfarenheter av HTA


Appen Saldo för presentkort

Appen saldo av presentkort hjälper dig att hantera alla presentkortssaldon på ett ställe. Lägg till ditt kort i appen och använd HTA en presentkortssaldokontroll med några klick.
  • Livekortssaldo från korthandlare
  • Inget mer tendentiöst kortnummer som skriver varje gång
  • Balansera frågealternativ med en blick
Gift Card Balance App

GCB-| Hanterar balans enkelt och enkelt

GCB lagrar endast alla presentkortsdata på din lokala enhet.