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Home • Spirit of Gold Coast • Whale Watching Gold Coast

As the chill sets in Antarctica, we prepare to be enthralled by the annual migration of our Antarctic cousins, the Majestic Humpback Whale. Each year, some 1,200 humpbacks make an epic 5,000 km journey between Antarctica and Australia and then back again.Whale Watching SeasonYes it’s finally whale watching season, Be spellbound as they perform some of the most amazing acrobatic displays that only Mother Nature could choreograph. Now is your opportunity to witness the Humpback Whales in their natural environment with the stunning Gold Coast skyline glistening in the background.Spirit Whale Watching Gold Coast ToursTake home unique memories! Within minutes our vessel, Spirit of Gold Coast, will have you up close and personal with these majestic creatures. You’ll be mesmerised by the natural beauty and wonder of these Gentle Giants of the Sea.About Spirit Gold CoastWe pride ourselves in our work as leaders in the industry, few can claim to have a marine biologist on deck, Our very own Zara King is a hostess with a marine biology & ecology degree. Our Whale Watching Gold Coast tours focus on learning about whales and their natural environment with respect to their habitat.Spirit Whale Watching tours will leave you with a deep respect and love for these majestic creatures.

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  • Home [www.spiritwhalewatching.com.au] Travel with a professional crew who will provide information and detailed commentary. We have a Marine Biologist on board who is passionate about the Marine Life and explains all about the Whale Migration. Guaranteed Whale Sighting – Get a free return trip if you don’t see whales on your cruise.. Spirit of Gold Coast is the only company to have sighted Migaloo, the White Whale for 3 ... https://www.spiritwhalewatching.com.au/
  • FAQ - Spirit of Gold Coast Whale Watching Tours Australia The gift voucher is valid for the whole season and can be used on any day. To utilize the voucher the recipient person calls the office direct, quotes the unique voucher number to book. Then brings the voucher with them on the day of their cruise. WHERE DO YOU LEAVE FROM? Spirit of Gold Coast Whale Watching Tours departs from Mariners Cove Marina, Berth 95, Arm D, next to the Helicopter Pad ... https://www.spiritwhalewatching.com.au/frequently-asked-questions/

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Home • Spirit of Gold Coast • Whale Watching Gold Coast

Gift certificates are valid for any whale watching cruise in the year of purchase.Booking on any day will depend on availability and weather conditions. Please send us an email with your request and we will get back to you shortly. Alternatively or to redeem your voucher before travel, please phone 07 5572 7755.Contact us to Buy a Gift Voucher!

Spirit Whale Watching köp av presentkort


Presentkortswebbsida, villkor & villkor för Spirit Whale Watching.

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Contact Us To Buy A Gift Voucher!


  • Gift Cards - Spirit of Gold Coast Whale Watching Tours ... Gift certificates are valid for any whale watching cruise in the year of purchase. Booking on any day will depend on availability and weather conditions. Please send us an email with your request and we will get back to you shortly. Alternatively or to redeem your voucher before travel, please phone 07 5572 7755. Contact us to Buy a Gift Voucher! https://www.spiritwhalewatching.com.au/gift-vouchers/
  • And the Winner is… Spirit Young Whale Warrior Announced! The Spirit crew were honored to receive so many high quality entries to the competition and have thanked each and every entrant with a gift voucher to experience watching the gentle giants of the sea first hand. Check out some of the other contestants work in the presentation below (Hover over the picture to click on slides) https://www.spiritwhalewatching.com.au/winner-spirit-young-whale-warrior-announced/

Spirit Whale Watching Saldo för presentkort

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  • Mobilapp: Om presentkortsutgivaren har en mobilapp, ladda ner och installera den på din smartphone eller surfplatta. Logga in eller skapa ett konto och lägg sedan till ditt presentkort i appen. Appen ska visa det tillgängliga saldot.
  • Kvitto: Om du nyligen gjorde ett köp med presentkortet, kontrollera kvittot. Vissa kvitton visar det återstående saldot efter varje transaktion.


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  • Telefonsamtal: ring handlarens supportnummer och fråga om du kan kontrollera kortsaldot. Du kanske kan få saldo på telefonen efter att ha lämnat kortuppgifter.
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