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Sheffield Gift Card - the ultimate gift card for Sheffield City Centre

Whether it’s a Birthday, Wedding or Christmas present, to mark an Anniversary or to say Thank You, let them choose where and how they want to spend it.

sheffield gift card

Sheffield Informações do comerciante

Site, número de contato e informações de cartão de presente para Sheffield Gift Card.

Links do Diretório do Comerciante

Site oficial
Serviço e suporte

Mídia social do comerciante

Links de mídia social para Sheffield Gift Card

Sheffield Cartão de presente

Sheffield presente cartão ou vale-presente links. Maneira conveniente para gerenciar equilíbrio na mosca em GCB app móvel

Programa de vale-presente

Sheffield City Centre Gift Card - Sheffield Gift Card

The Sheffield City Centre Gift Card can be used at many city centre businesses - just choose the quantity and value of the card(s) you’d like below.

Sheffield Gift Card Compra com  Cartão

Formulários de vale-presente

The Sheffield City Centre Gift Card is the perfect present for friends, family and colleagues. Gift cards can be loaded with any amount from £5 to £200 and the lucky recipient does not need to redeem the full value at once. The card value can easily be checked at any time using our online service. With over 80 participating venues across the City Centres, from hairdressers to delicious restaurants, what’s not to like? Choose your desired amount and give the gift of choice.

Links de vale-presente

Página de web de cartão presente, termos e condições para Sheffield.

Cartão de presente oficial
Região de cartão

Informações sobre cartões-presente

  • Sheffield City Centre Gift Card launched - Sheffield Gift Card The Sheffield Gift Card can be used at participating businesses in Sheffield city centre. The card works in the same way to a store gift card but can be redeemed at a wide range of retailers, restaurants, leisure and entertainment venues here in Sheffield city centre.
  • Sheffield Gift Card - Sheffield Gift Card The Sheffield Gift Card is the perfect present for friends, family and colleagues. Gift cards can be loaded with any amount from £5 to £200 and the lucky recipient does not need to redeem the full value at once. The card value can easily be checked at any time using our online service.
  • Sheffield Gift Card - the ultimate gift card for Sheffield City Centre Whether it's a Birthday, Wedding or Christmas present, to mark an Anniversary or to say Thank You, let them choose where and how they want to spend it.
  • Sheffield Gift Card - The ultimate city centre gift card ... The following businesses participate in the Sheffield Gift Card scheme. Find out more about each business on our A-Z directory. The gift card can only be redeemed at the specific locations of the businesses listed and cannot be redeemed online.
  • Give the ultimate local gift this ... - Sheffield Gift Card With 70 shops, salons, theatres, cinemas, restaurants and bars now signed up, the Sheffield Gift Card is the ultimate local gift this Christmas. Whether it be a bonus for hardworking staff, a corporate gift for clients or a present for family and friends, the Sheffield Gift Card can be redeemed at some of Sheffield’s favourite independents as well as national chains with stores in the city ...
  • A gift card is not just for Christmas! - Sheffield Gift Card The Sheffield Gift Card makes a great gift at any time of the year and can be used in over 80 participating businesses. Give the gift of your favourite city for any occasion! From high street brands to independent retailers the Sheffield Gift Card caters to coffee lovers and vintage fashionistas, culture seekers and high […]
  • Don''t forget Mother''s Day! - Sheffield Gift Card Really treat your Mum this Mother’s Day! Rather than a bunch of flowers or box of chocolates, choose the Sheffield City Centre Gift Card. With a choice of over 80 participating businesses, this is the perfect gift for Mums in Sheffield. The Sheffield City Centre Gift Card is a pre-loaded Visa card which works in the […]
  • Sheffield Gift Card - Sheffield Gift Card Description. The Sheffield Gift Card is the perfect present for friends, family and colleagues. Gift cards can be loaded with any amount from £5 to £200 and the ...
  • Showroom Cinema: now accepting the Sheffield Gift Card The Sheffield Gift Card can be used at Showroom’s box office, in the café bar, and to buy another treats and drinks to enjoy whilst you’re watching the film. Meabh O’Donovan, development manager at Showroom, said: “We love the idea of a gift card that can be used across Sheffield, and the sheer range of choices that it gives. There are a wealth of amazing and unique businesses that ...
  • Where to buy - Sheffield Gift Card There are several easy ways to purchase the Sheffield Gift Card - online or on the high street.
  • the ultimate local gift - businesses get involved - Sheffield Gift Card Accept the Sheffield City Centre Gift Card at your business TODAY. Quick and easy set up. No costs involved. 70 businesses have already signed up!
  • Privacy and security - Sheffield Gift Card Sheffield BID operates the Sheffield City Centre Gift Card. The company complies with existing data protection legislation.
  • H Samuel joins the gift card programme - Sheffield Gift Card Popular high street jeweller H Samuel is the latest store to join the Sheffield Gift Card family. Founded in 1862, this has long been the go-to store for rings, necklaces and watches for customers of all ages. The High Street store, situated at the top of Chapel Walk, specialises in wedding and engagement rings, stocking platinum, diamond and gold varieties, perfect for a romantic Christmas ...
  • True North Brew Co: now accepting the Sheffield Gift Card ... Nov 24, 2017 ... Sheffield's True North Brew Co is now accepting the Sheffield Gift Card at three of its city centre venues, where customers will be able to spend ...

Sheffield Saldo do cartão presente

Você pode descobrir o saldo do cartão Sheffield por verificar saldo on-line, visita loja contador / balcão.

Saldo do cartão presente

Opções de verificação de saldo do vale-presente

  • Online: visite o site do emissor do vale-presente e procure a seção "Verificar saldo" ou "Saldo do vale-presente". Insira o número do vale-presente e o PIN (se aplicável) na página da Web para visualizar o saldo restante.
  • Na loja: leve o vale-presente a uma loja física do varejista ou restaurante que emitiu o vale-presente. Aproxime-se de um funcionário da loja ou caixa e solicite ajuda para verificar o saldo. Eles geralmente podem digitalizar ou inserir manualmente o número do cartão-presente para fornecer o saldo atual.
  • Aplicativo móvel: se o emissor do vale-presente tiver um aplicativo móvel, baixe-o e instale-o em seu smartphone ou tablet. Faça login ou crie uma conta e adicione seu vale-presente ao aplicativo. O aplicativo deve exibir o saldo disponível.
  • Recibo: Se você fez uma compra recente usando o vale-presente, verifique o recibo. Alguns recibos exibem o saldo restante após cada transação.

Sheffield Gift Card Verificar saldo do cartão

Consulta de Saldo do Vale-Presente

Informações para Sheffield inquérito de saldo de cartão presente para ver o saldo e transações restantes.

Verificação on-line
Recebimento de cheque
Sheffield Gift Card saldo do cartão presente na recepção de compras
Verificar compra recibo para o equilíbrio
Balcão de loja
Sheffield Gift Card inquérito de saldo de cartão presente em loja
Visite a loja contador ou help desk para equilíbrio
  • Saldo on-line: Siga o link para o site de verificação de saldo oficial do comerciante. Você precisará preencher o número do cartão e o pin a fim de recuperar o saldo do cartão.
  • Ligação: ligar do comerciante suporte número e fornece dados do cartão, você será capaz de obter o equilíbrio no telefone.
  • Factura / recibo: o saldo remanescente do cartão está impresso na factura comercial / recibo.
  • Balcão de loja: geralmente o saldo do cartão poderia ser pesquisado no balcão de loja ou a loja

Informações sobre o saldo do vale-presente

  • Check Your Balance - Sheffield Gift Card Check Your Balance. Click the relevant link below to check your balance. Click here if your Sheffield Gift Card has a number on the front of the card. Click here if  ...
  • Check balance - Sheffield Gift Card Input your unique Gift Card number here to check your current available balance. (Funds are updated overnight). Businesses get involved · Terms and ...
  • The Ultimate Gift Card - Contact Us - Sheffield Gift Card 0114 399 2509. Lines are open Monday to Saturday 9am to 10pm and Sunday 10am to 6pm. t. Check your card balance. · Businesses  ...
  • The ultimate city centre gift card - where to spend - Sheffield Gift Card The Sheffield Gift Card can be used at a wide range of city centre businesses including retailers, restaurants, leisure ... Life is Balance, 156 Devonshire Street

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App de saldo de cartão presente

App de saldo de cartão presente ajuda a gerenciar todos os saldos de cartão de presente em um só lugar. Adicionar seu cartão a app e usar o verificador de equilíbrio automatizado Sheffield presente cartão em poucos cliques.
  • Viver o saldo do cartão de comerciante de cartão
  • Número do cartão não mais tendencioso digitar cada vez
  • Opções de consulta de saldo em um relance
Gift Card Balance App

GCB App | Gerencia o equilíbrio simplesmente e facilmente

GCB armazena todos os dados de cartões de presente em seu dispositivo local apenas.