Bird On A Wire Saldo do cartão presente Nova Zelândia diretório de cartões de presente

Cartão-presente, vale-presente e vale-presente

Bird On A Wire Visão geral do negócio

Mercante site info e Bird On A Wire cartão saldo cheque.

Destaques de negócios

Bird On A Wire

At Bird On A Wire, we serve free range rotisserie chicken, fresh salads and great selection of burgers and more. We believe in serving real wholesome food. Eat in or Takeaway.

Bird On A Wire Informações do comerciante

Site, número de contato e informações de cartão de presente para Bird On A Wire.

Links do Diretório do Comerciante

Site oficial
Página inicial

Informações do comerciante

Mídia social do comerciante

Links de mídia social para Bird On A Wire

Bird On A Wire Cartão de presente

Bird On A Wire presente cartão ou vale-presente links. Maneira conveniente para gerenciar equilíbrio na mosca em GCB app móvel

Programa de vale-presente

Gift Cards — Bird On A Wire

FAQ’sWhere can I purchase and use my Bird On A Wire Gift Card?Bird On A Wire Gift Cards can be purchased online or instore and may be used at any Bird On A Wire restaurant.How long do I have to use the gift card?All Bird On A Wire gift cards have a 3 year expiry from the date of purchase, so you have plenty time to use them. The expiry date of gift cards cannot be extended and any unused balances on expired gift cards will be lost which are not refundable or transferrable. Bird On A Wire is not responsible for any unused balances on expired gift cards.Can I add more money to an existing Bird On A Wire Gift Card?No. Bird On A Wire Gift Cards can only be loaded once at the time of purchase. If you want to load more onto the gift card the easiest option is to simply get a new gift card.Can I get my money refunded?No. Bird On A Wire Gift Cards are not refundable. They should be treated just like cash and kept somewhere safe until you are ready to use it.Can I get change on my purchase?No change is issued when using your Bird On A Wire Gift Card. The balance remaining will still be on your gift card and can be used with your next purchase.Can I use my Bird On A Wire Gift Card in conjunction with other in store offers?Yes. Your gift card is simply a method of payment and can be used when purchasing deals and promotions in store.How do I check the balance of my Bird On A Wire Gift Card?You can check your gift card balance at anytime using the online portal, simply scan the QR code on the back of you gift card or click the link above. You will just need the card number and the four digit PIN on the back of your gift card. The details for this are clearly displayed on the back of the gift cards.Can I purchase gift cards with a gift card?No. Gift cards must be paid for using cash, debit card or credit card.What denominations do Bird On A Wire Gift Cards come in?Minimum $25 when purchasing online. You can choose any value you like between $10 and $999 when purchased instore.If I have lost my gift card or if it’s stolen can I get a refund or replacement?No, Bird On A Wire Gift Cards should be treated just like cash and unfortunately if it is lost or stolen we are unable to refund this amount or replace the gift card with a new one. Who do I contact if I have a problem?If you have any problems, please email us at

Bird On A Wire Compra com  Cartão

Formulários de vale-presente

Bird On A Wire cards can only be redeemed at Bird On A Wire in New Zealand. Please treat the gift card as cash. It cannot be replaced if lost or stolen. Bird On A Wire cards cannot be redeemed for cash, returned for a refund or exchanged. Unused balances are not refundable or transferable. Bird On A Wire is not responsible for lost or stolen gift cards. Risk of loss or theft and title for Bird On A Wire Gift cards pass to the purchaser upon activation. Card value expires 3 years after purchase. No change is given and any balance that remains on the gift card can only be used against future purchases. Any balance that remains on the gift card after expiry will not be available for use or refunded.
How long do I have to use the gift card?All Bird On A Wire gift cards have a 3 year expiry from the date of purchase, so you have plenty time to use them. The expiry date of gift cards cannot be extended and any unused balances on expired gift cards will be lost which are not refundable or transferrable. Bird On A Wire is not responsible for any unused balances on expired gift cards.
Can I add more money to an existing Bird On A Wire Gift Card?No. Bird On A Wire Gift Cards can only be loaded once at the time of purchase. If you want to load more onto the gift card the easiest option is to simply get a new gift card.
Can I get change on my purchase?No change is issued when using your Bird On A Wire Gift Card. The balance remaining will still be on your gift card and can be used with your next purchase.
Can I use my Bird On A Wire Gift Card in conjunction with other in store offers?Yes. Your gift card is simply a method of payment and can be used when purchasing deals and promotions in store.
How do I check the balance of my Bird On A Wire Gift Card?You can check your gift card balance at anytime using the online portal, simply scan the QR code on the back of you gift card or click the link above. You will just need the card number and the four digit PIN on the back of your gift card. The details for this are clearly displayed on the back of the gift cards.
Can I purchase gift cards with a gift card?No. Gift cards must be paid for using cash, debit card or credit card.
If I have lost my gift card or if it’s stolen can I get a refund or replacement?No, Bird On A Wire Gift Cards should be treated just like cash and unfortunately if it is lost or stolen we are unable to refund this amount or replace the gift card with a new one.

Links de vale-presente

Página de web de cartão presente, termos e condições para Bird On A Wire.

Cartão de presente oficial
Cartão de compra on-line
Região de cartão

Informações sobre cartões-presente

  • Bird On A Wire - Online Ordering Add a gift card. Enter the 11 to 21 digit number off the back of your giftcard and the 3 to 8 pin digit if present to redeem it here. Add gift card. × Verify your account. Enter code sent to . OK. Haven''t received your code? Resend code. × Verify your account. Please enter a phone number. NZ. I agree to the terms and conditions. Would you like to receive promotional emails? OK ...

Bird On A Wire Saldo do cartão presente

Você pode descobrir o saldo do cartão Bird On A Wire por visita loja contador / balcão.

Saldo do cartão presente

Opções de verificação de saldo do vale-presente

  • Na loja: leve o vale-presente a uma loja física do varejista ou restaurante que emitiu o vale-presente. Aproxime-se de um funcionário da loja ou caixa e solicite ajuda para verificar o saldo. Eles geralmente podem digitalizar ou inserir manualmente o número do cartão-presente para fornecer o saldo atual.
  • Aplicativo móvel: se o emissor do vale-presente tiver um aplicativo móvel, baixe-o e instale-o em seu smartphone ou tablet. Faça login ou crie uma conta e adicione seu vale-presente ao aplicativo. O aplicativo deve exibir o saldo disponível.
  • Recibo: Se você fez uma compra recente usando o vale-presente, verifique o recibo. Alguns recibos exibem o saldo restante após cada transação.

Consulta de Saldo do Vale-Presente

Informações para Bird On A Wire inquérito de saldo de cartão presente para ver o saldo e transações restantes.

Recebimento de cheque
Bird On A Wire saldo do cartão presente na recepção de compras
Verificar compra recibo para o equilíbrio
Balcão de loja
Bird On A Wire inquérito de saldo de cartão presente em loja
Visite a loja contador ou help desk para equilíbrio
  • Saldo on-line: Siga o link para o site de verificação de saldo oficial do comerciante. Você precisará preencher o número do cartão e o pin a fim de recuperar o saldo do cartão.
  • Ligação: ligar do comerciante suporte número e fornece dados do cartão, você será capaz de obter o equilíbrio no telefone.
  • Factura / recibo: o saldo remanescente do cartão está impresso na factura comercial / recibo.
  • Balcão de loja: geralmente o saldo do cartão poderia ser pesquisado no balcão de loja ou a loja

Informações sobre o saldo do vale-presente

  • Gift Cards — Bird On A Wire Yes. Your gift card is simply a method of payment and can be used when purchasing deals and promotions in store. How do I check the balance of my Bird On A Wire Gift Card? You can check your gift card balance at anytime using the online portal, simply scan the QR code on the back of you gift card or click the link above. You will just need the ...

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App de saldo de cartão presente

App de saldo de cartão presente ajuda a gerenciar todos os saldos de cartão de presente em um só lugar. Adicionar seu cartão a app e usar o verificador de equilíbrio automatizado Bird On A Wire presente cartão em poucos cliques.
  • Viver o saldo do cartão de comerciante de cartão
  • Número do cartão não mais tendencioso digitar cada vez
  • Opções de consulta de saldo em um relance
Gift Card Balance App

GCB App | Gerencia o equilíbrio simplesmente e facilmente

GCB armazena todos os dados de cartões de presente em seu dispositivo local apenas.