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Star Theatre Launceston Przegląd biznesowy

Informacje o stronie sprzedawcy i sprawdzanie salda karty Star Theatre Launceston.

Najważniejsze informacje biznesowe

Star Theatre Launceston | Movies Now Showing

EC = Event CinemaSC = Star ClassicsB = Baby SessionIFC = Invermay Film Club      = Sold Out      = Filling FastSun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | SatSun:2:25pmIFCMore InformationMore InformationSun:10:00amMore InformationSun:5:00pmMore InformationSun:12:20pmMore InformationMore InformationSun:7:25pmMore InformationMore InformationMore SessionsMore InformationMore InformationMore SessionsMore InformationMore InformationMore InformationMore InformationMore InformationMore InformationMore SessionsMore InformationMore InformationMore InformationMore InformationMore InformationMore InformationMore InformationMore Information

Star Theatre Launceston Informacje handlowe

Strona internetowa, numer kontaktowy i informacje o karcie upominkowej Star Theatre Launceston.

Linki do katalogu handlowców

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strona główna
Informacje o sklepie
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Serwis & Wsparcie

Informacje handlowe

  • Tickets | Star Theatre Launceston Visit our gift card page for more information. THE MEMORY OF A GREAT FILM LASTS A LIFETIME. SUBSCRIBE. BECOME A SUBSCRIBER. Receive our weekly e-news full of movie news, reviews and what''s coming soon, Subscribe here. Facebook; Instagram; Star Theatre - 217b Invermay Road Invermay, Launceston, 7250 Tel: (03) 6333 1190 ...
  • Newsletter | Star Theatre Launceston Visit our gift card page for more information. THE MEMORY OF A GREAT FILM LASTS A LIFETIME. SUBSCRIBE. BECOME A SUBSCRIBER. Receive our weekly e-news full of movie news, reviews and what''s coming soon, Subscribe here. Facebook; Instagram; Star Theatre - 217b Invermay Road Invermay, Launceston, 7250 Tel: (03) 6333 1190 ...
  • Contact Us | Star Theatre Launceston Visit our gift card page for more information. THE MEMORY OF A GREAT FILM LASTS A LIFETIME. SUBSCRIBE. BECOME A SUBSCRIBER. Receive our weekly e-news full of movie news, reviews and what''s coming soon, Subscribe here. Facebook; Instagram; Star Theatre - 217b Invermay Road Invermay, Launceston, 7250 Tel: (03) 6333 1190 ...
  • Screens Without Borders | Star Theatre Launceston Visit our gift card page for more information. THE MEMORY OF A GREAT FILM LASTS A LIFETIME. SUBSCRIBE. BECOME A SUBSCRIBER. Receive our weekly e-news full of movie news, reviews and what''s coming soon, Subscribe here. Facebook; Instagram; Star Theatre - 217b Invermay Road Invermay, Launceston, 7250 Tel: (03) 6333 1190 ...
  • The Killing of Two Lovers (IFC members only) at Star ... Gift Voucher terms and conditions ; The Killing of Two Lovers (IFC members only) at Star Theatre. The Killing of Two Lovers (IFC members only) 85 mins | Rated M (Mature themes, violence, sexual references and coarse language) Directed by Robert Machoian . Starring Clayne Crawford, Chris Coy, Sepideh Moafi . David desperately tries to keep his family of six together during a separation from his ...
  • Minamata (IFC members only) at Star Theatre - movie times ... Gift Voucher terms and conditions ; Minamata (IFC members only) at Star Theatre. Minamata (IFC members only) 115 mins | Rated MA 15+ Directed by Andrew Levitas . Starring Tadanobu Asano, Hiroyuki Sanada, Ryô Kase, Jun Kunimura, Minami , Johnny Depp, Bill Nighy. Johnny Depp plays the famous Life magazine photographer W. Eugene Smith who in 1971 undertook the most challenging and important ...
  • Star Theatre Launceston | Movies Now Showing Visit our gift card page for more information. THE MEMORY OF A GREAT FILM LASTS A LIFETIME. SUBSCRIBE. BECOME A SUBSCRIBER. Receive our weekly e-news full of movie news, reviews and what''s coming soon, Subscribe here. Facebook; Instagram; Star Theatre - 217b Invermay Road Invermay, Launceston, 7250 Tel: (03) 6333 1190 ...
  • De Gaulle (IFC members only) at Star Theatre - movie times ... Gift Voucher terms and conditions ; De Gaulle (IFC members only) at Star Theatre. De Gaulle (IFC members only) 108 mins | Rated M (Mature themes, injury detail and brief nudity) Directed by Gabriel Le Bomin . Starring Lambert Wilson, Olivier Gourmet, Catherine Mouchet, Isabelle Carré, Pierre Hancisse, Gilles Cohen . Writer/director Gabriel Le Bomin’s spectacularly-mounted biographical drama ...
  • Carmilla (IFC members only) at Star Theatre - movie times ... Gift Voucher terms and conditions ; Carmilla (IFC members only) at Star Theatre. Carmilla (IFC members only) 94 mins | Rated MA15+ (Strong themes and violence) Directed by Emily Harris . Starring Tobias Menzies, Greg Wise, Hannah Rae, Devrim Lingnau, Jessica Raine. Isolated from the outside world, fifteen-year-old Lara (Hannah Rae) lives in seclusion on a vast country estate with her father ...

Media społecznościowe handlowców

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Star Theatre Launceston Karta podarunkowa

Star Theatre Launceston linki do karty upominkowej lub bonu upominkowego. Wygodny sposób zarządzania równowagą w locie Aplikacja mobilna GCB

Program kart podarunkowych

Gift Cards | Star Theatre Launceston

Give the gift of entertainment!Beautifully printed Gift Cards are available at the Star Theatre box office, or enjoy the convenience of an eGift Card delivered directly to an email address.The lucky recipient may use their gift voucher for both movie and candy bar. Gift cards can be purchased to the value of your choice and may be used with all concession, pension and student cards upon redemption. The value of the card will be adjusted after each purchase and may be used over multiple visits.Gift card expiry dates – not good business senseWhile we’re all for milk and cheese having an expiry date, we’ve never understood why gift cards should? There’s nothing worse than coming across a gift card you received, only to find that it has expired. When we re-opened the Sun Theatre in Melbourne, and we were setting policies for a new business, we asked ourselves; “what annoys us elsewhere?”, and then we did the opposite. So, that’s why we don’t have advertising on screen, and why our gift cards and movie vouchers have no expiry date. And that is the way it should be.Perhaps it’s as simple as: “Do unto others as you’d like to be done to yourself.”Gift cards are valid at the Star Theatre, and all Sun Cinema’s.Click to Purchase eGift CardCheck Balance

Star Theatre Launceston zakup karty upominkowej

Formularze kart podarunkowych

Give the gift of entertainment!
The lucky recipient may use their gift voucher for both movie and candy bar. Gift cards can be purchased to the value of your choice and may be used with all concession, pension and student cards upon redemption. The value of the card will be adjusted after each purchase and may be used over multiple visits.
Gift card expiry dates – not good business senseWhile we’re all for milk and cheese having an expiry date, we’ve never understood why gift cards should? There’s nothing worse than coming across a gift card you received, only to find that it has expired. When we re-opened the Sun Theatre in Melbourne, and we were setting policies for a new business, we asked ourselves; “what annoys us elsewhere?”, and then we did the opposite. So, that’s why we don’t have advertising on screen, and why our gift cards and movie vouchers have no expiry date. And that is the way it should be.
You simply can''t go wrong, everyone loves the movies.
Visit our gift card page for more information.

Linki do kart podarunkowych

Strona internetowa karty upominkowej, warunki Star Theatre Launceston.

Oficjalna karta podarunkowa
Region karty

Informacje o kartach podarunkowych

  • Gift Cards | Star Theatre Launceston The lucky recipient may use their gift voucher for both movie and candy bar. Gift cards can be purchased to the value of your choice and may be used with all concession, pension and student cards upon redemption. The value of the card will be adjusted after each purchase and may be used over multiple visits. Gift card expiry dates – not good business sense While we’re all for milk and ...

Star Theatre Launceston Saldo karty upominkowej

Możesz dowiedzieć się, Star Theatre Launceston saldo karty, wizytuj licznik sklepu / help desk.

Saldo karty upominkowej

Opcje sprawdzania salda karty podarunkowej

  • W sklepie: zanieś kartę podarunkową do sklepu stacjonarnego sprzedawcy lub restauracji, która ją wydała. Podejdź do pracownika sklepu lub kasjera i poproś o pomoc w sprawdzeniu salda. Zwykle mogą zeskanować lub ręcznie wprowadzić numer karty podarunkowej, aby podać aktualne saldo.
  • Aplikacja mobilna: jeśli wystawca karty podarunkowej ma aplikację mobilną, pobierz ją i zainstaluj na smartfonie lub tablecie. Zaloguj się lub utwórz konto, a następnie dodaj kartę podarunkową do aplikacji. Aplikacja powinna wyświetlić dostępne saldo.
  • Paragon: jeśli dokonałeś ostatniego zakupu przy użyciu karty podarunkowej, sprawdź paragon. Niektóre paragony wyświetlają saldo pozostałe po każdej transakcji.

Zapytanie o saldo karty podarunkowej

Informacje dla Star Theatre Launceston zapytanie o saldo karty upominkowej, aby zobaczyć pozostałe saldo i transakcje.

Sprawdź potwierdzenie
Star Theatre Launceston saldo karty upominkowej na paragonie zakupu
Sprawdź potwierdzenie zakupu dla salda
Licznik sklepu
Star Theatre Launceston zapytanie o saldo karty upominkowej w sklepie
Odwiedź sklep lub punkt pomocy technicznej, aby uzyskać równowagę
  • Saldo online: kliknij link na oficjalną stronę sprzedawcy. Musisz podać numer karty i pin, aby odzyskać saldo karty.
  • Zadzwoń: zadzwoń pod numer pomocy technicznej sprzedawcy i zapytaj, czy możesz sprawdzić saldo karty. Możesz uzyskać równowagę w telefonie po podaniu danych karty.
  • Faktura/ Paragon: pozostałe saldo karty jest drukowane na fakturze /paragonie.
  • Licznik sklepu: zwykle saldo karty można sprawdzić w sklepie lub sklepie

Star Theatre Launceston Przegląd użytkownika

Podziel się swoim doświadczeniem Star Theatre Launceston


Aplikacja saldo karty upominkowej

Gift Card Balance App pomaga zarządzać wszystkimi saldami kart upominkowych w jednym miejscu. Dodaj kartę do aplikacji i użyj automatycznego sprawdzania salda Star Theatre Launceston karty upominkowej za pomocą kilku kliknięć.
  • Saldo karty na żywo od sprzedawcy kart
  • Koniec z najsłabiejszą kartą za każdym razem
  • Opcje kwerendy równoważącej na pierwszy rzut oka
Gift Card Balance App

| aplikacji GCB Zarządza balansem w prosty i łatwy sposób

GCB przechowuje wszystkie dane kart upominkowych tylko na lokalnym urządzeniu.