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Home - Joyful Healing with Denise Hill
Joyful Healing offers sound therapy, (including one to one sessions, and group sound baths) Reiki and Tameana Vibrational Crystal Healing sessions to relax, de-stress and balance your mind, body and spirit.Each modality can work as a complementary treatment alongside conventional health therapies, and boost the immune system. JOYFUL HEALING HAS BEEN OFFERING REMOTE AND DISTANT TREATMENTS IN REIKI, TAMEANA AND SOUND THERAPY TO ALLOW CLIENTS TO RECEIVE A TREATMENT IN THE COMFORT OF THEIR OWN HOME, DURING THE PANDEMIC, AND WILL CONTINUE TO OFFER THESE SESSIONS.HOWEVER, THE GREAT NEWS IS 1 TO 1 IN PERSON CONSULTATIONS ARE NOW BACK UP AND RUNNING TOO.Please contact Denise if you would like an appointment this way. Thank you.Live soundbaths are back.1)Every other Tuesday morning 11am-noon at Kilcoole Community Centre. Old School, Kilcoole, starting MAR 8THAlso Saturday afternoons 5.00- 6.00pm, at Kilcoole Com Centre, fortnightly, starting FEB 19th2) Every other Tuesday Morning 11am -noonAt The Soul Sanctuary, Wicklow Holistic Centre. New St, Wicklow Town starting FEB 15thAlso Wednesday evenings 7.30pm-8.30pm, at The Soul Sanctuary, New St, Wicklow Town, startingMAR 9th.Limited places only to still allow for all safe covid protocols and social distancing. Book in, in advance and pay by Paypal or Revolut to secure your place.See soundbath workshop page for actual dates, times and venues of soundbaths.Denise Hillis a member of the Sound Healing Association of Ireland, having trained with The Celtic School of Sound Healing. She is a qualified sound therapist using tuning forks, Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, drum, gongs and voice, for healing. She is a Reiki practitioner and teacher, and a Tameana practitioner and teacher too. She is also proud to be a Suara Sound Academy Sound Ambassador, having trained with Suara Sound Academy in UK, who are a recognised and registered school with the British Complementary Medicine Association, offering bespoke sacred healing tuning fork sessions for clients.
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