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Last Update: onsdag 25. mai 2022
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True West Gallery - Santa Fe - Southwestern Jewelry & Art
Santa Fe''s Trusted Premier Source for Native American and Southwestern Jewelry, Zapotec and Navajo Weavings, Pottery, Sculpture, Carvings & Art.
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ANNUAL SALE GUIDE | truewestgallery
Gift Card. More. Annual SALE! 10% Storewide! Coupon Code: Annual10. 20% Treasure Chest of the Southwest! Coupon Code: TCS20. 20% Lynne Pomeranz Photos! Coupon Code: LP20. 15% Melanie Lente! Coupon Code: ML15. 20% Veronica Benally! CC: VB20. 20% ALL Zapotec Weavings! CC: Zap20 . 15% Ben Nelson Paintings! BN15 ...
This Saturday! Popup Event featuring potter, Jacob Frye - truewest
Gift Card. More. This Saturday! Popup Event featuring potter, Jacob Frye - July 20th, 2019. Join us this Saturday, July 20th, at True West Gallery in Santa Fe, for a pop up event from 10am - 5pm. We''re honored to have Jacob and his work here, and hope you will join us. Jacob Thomas Frye was born in Santa Fe, New Mexico and is an enrolled member of Tesuque Pueblo, he is a fourth-generation ...
Generations of Creativity - truewest
Gift Card. More. Generations of Creativity. Father and Son – Meet Navajo painter Yellowman and his son Ben Nelson Friday July 5th from 5PM to 8PM. Demonstration and new work available. Post not marked as liked. Recent Posts. Artist Reception for Carlo Martinez - Friday, July 2nd . Hangin'' with the Masters ...
Santa Fe, New Mexico - True West Gallery - Santa Fe
Gift Card. More. Monty Claw . Monty is a Navajo artist from Gallup, NM who specializes in making fine jewelry, Peyote style fans, beadwork, and paintings. Monty''s work is built on patience, love and hard work. Much of his work created through being self taught as an artist and pushes himself to a bold, clean, and creative look. He studied at the Institute of American Indian Art, the premier ...
True West Gallery - Santa Fe, New Mexico
Gift Card. More. Jock Favour An Arizona native, Jock Favour is well known for his old-style jewelry that pays tribute to the classic techniques of Native American jewelry-making. Jock achieves the antique look of his jewelry by combining older stones with ingot silver to create heavy, beautiful pieces. He describes his technique as follows: ...
True West Gallery - Santa Fe, New Mexico
Gift Card. More. Frank Howell ABOUT THE ARTIST. Frank Howell (1937 – 1997) was one of the cornerstone artists of the Southwest Native Art Movement. He was known for his finely rendered, etching-like portraits of Native Americans and their symbolic artifacts. His goal was to embody the dignity of his subjects and create a fusion of the physical and spiritual worlds – what he called, “The ...
Gift Card. More. UPCOMING EVENTS. First Friday Art Opening June 2, 2017. Meet Santa Fe painter Ken Bonner Fri June 2nd from 5PM-8PM, and all weekend demonstrating his colorful visions of New Mexico. Sat June... Native Treasures Weekend ...
Native Treasures Weekend
Gift Card. More. Native Treasures Weekend. True West presents Navajo jeweler Fritz Casuse during Native Treasures weekend – Fri & Sat May 26th & 27th 10-6pm. Fritz will be bringing new work and demonstrating Tufa carving. Meet Comanche painter Eric Tippeconic on Sat May 27th 5:30-8pm. Events; Post not marked as liked. Recent Posts. Artist Reception for Carlo Martinez - Friday, July 2nd ...
True West Gallery - Santa Fe, New Mexico
Gift Card. More. Malcolm Furlow . You recognize his hallmarks: electrifying colors, vibrant portraiture, and masterfully constructed scenes borne from both introspection and retrospect. Malcolm Furlow''s prolific body of work continues to earn critical acclaim around the world. Overwhelmingly considered a living legend, the master painter remains a significant figure in the fabric of the ...
True West Gallery - Santa Fe, New Mexico
Gift Card. More. UPCOMING EVENTS. Artist Reception for Carlo Martinez - Friday, July 2nd. Updated: Jun 27, 2021. Join us at True West Gallery on Friday, July 2, 2021 from 5pm to 8pm to celebrate Painter, Sculptor and Jeweler Carlo Martinez. To quote N. Scott Momaday, "Carlo Ray Martinez is the quintessential Santa Fe artist. Steeped in the tradition of the land of enchantment, he is an ...
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