BirthFIT Saldo for gavekort
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Last Update: fredag 3. mars 2023
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BirthFIT Ireland | Pregnancy Wellness | Aleanbh Cox
The first midwife-run pregnancy wellness studio in Ireland to offer education, well-being workshops and fitness classes to pregnant mothers
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Book Online | BithFIT Ireland | Dublin
Gift Certificate. Courses. More. Upcoming Classes. Hypnobirthing. Spinning Babies Parent Class. Winner Flow. Hypnobirthing Class- Winnerflow included. I am lovely, I am loveable, I am loved! Ended. 315 euros. €315. View Course. Hypnobirthing Class- Winnerflow included . I am proud of myself, however birth goes! Starts Nov 19. 315 euros. €315. Loading availability... Book Now. October ...
BirthFIT Ireland | Pregnancy Wellness | Aleanbh Cox
Gift Certificate. Courses. More. Welcome to. BirthFIT Ireland. Be fit. Be BirthFIT. The first midwife-run pregnancy wellness studio in Ireland to offer education, well-being workshops and fitness classes to pregnant mothers (and their partners) Book Online. Heading 1 . About Me. My name is Aleanbh Cox. I have always been interested in the miracle of childbirth and the inner strength that women ...
Winner Flow | BirthFIT Ireland
The Winner Flow is a biocompatible mouthpiece that is used during breathing exercises. It was first designed by a French physiotherapist to help with rehabilitation and for toning the abdominal pelvic floor. (acceptable in surgical rooms). It is now being used to help women in labour and during the birth of their baby (or babies) to control ...
Hypnobirthing Class- Winnerflow included | BirthFIT Ireland
Gift Certificate. More. This course can no longer be booked. Hypnobirthing Class- Winnerflow included. I am lovely, I am loveable, I am loved! Ended Ended; 315 euros. €315. Breathing Space; Service Description ...
October Spinning Babies® Parent Class | BirthFIT Ireland
Do you have aches and pains in pregnancy? Has your healthcare provider put it down to ''being pregnant''? It could be that, with a few exercises, you will feel a lot better in a few weeks. Is your baby Breech? Would you like to have a physiological (Vaginal) birth? You will learn exercises that may help make more space for your baby within your pelvis, thus, potentially allowing baby to move in ...
Winner Flow Training- May | BirthFIT Ireland
Gift Certificate. More. This course can no longer be booked. Winner Flow Training- May. Previous attendee to one of my classes?Add this to your birth toolbox! Ended Ended; 20 euros. €20. Online Session; Service Description. Learn about the Winner Flow: - How it works, - How to use it, - When to use it, and more! Contact Details + 0872282889. Breathing Space, Cork Street ...
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Gift Certificate | BirthFIT Ireland
Gavekort nettside, vilkår for BirthFIT.
Gift Certificate | BirthFIT Ireland
If you would prefer to give a gift voucher of a certain amount, please get in touch using the contact form below. I will be in touch with you and will send out a gift certificate to you, or directly to the parents-to-be, if you wish. As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions at all. Hypnobirthing. Spinning Babies Parent Class. Winner Flow. Hypnobirthing Class- Winnerflow ...
Antenatal Yoga | BithFIT Ireland | Dublin
Gift Certificate. More. Antenatal Yoga. Why should I attend antenatal yoga? Antenatal yoga is one of the best forms of exercise that one can do during pregnancy as it promotes a healthy pregnancy. It does this by helping posture, keeping blood pressure normal, strengthening the pelvic floor, etc, all things that can be affected by pregnancy. It is also known to increase stamina and strength as ...
Breastfeeding Workshop | BithFIT Ireland | Dublin
Gift Certificate. More. Breastfeeding Workshop. As an experienced midwife and mother of 2 daughters, both of whom I breastfed, I am familiar with the ups and downs of breastfeeding, both short-term and long-term. I want mothers to leave the workshop feeling confident and more informed about breastfeeding. Come join me and learn about: What to expect in the first few days and in the first few ...
The Winner Flow has arrived! - BirthFIT Ireland
Gift Certificate. More. All Posts; pregnancy health; Search. Aleanbh Cox. Mar 10, 2021; 3 min read; The Winner Flow has arrived! What is the Winner Flow? The Winner Flow is a biocompatible mouthpiece that is used during breathing exercises. It was first designed by a French physiotherapist to help with rehabilitation and for toning the abdominal pelvic floor. (acceptable in surgical rooms). It ...
Hypnobirthing Class
Gift Certificate. Courses. More. Hypnobirthing Class. Price. 315. Duration. 2 days. Enroll < Back. About the Course. Hypnobirthing is an approach to birth which uses visualisations, relaxations and knowledge about the birth process (and the hospital birth process) to take the fear out of birth and to enable women to birth more confidently and calmly. You will be able to use the breathing ...
Spinning Babies Parent Class
Gift Certificate. Courses. More. Spinning Babies Parent Class. Price. 150. Duration. 3 hours. Enroll < Back. About the Course. Spinning Babies is an approach to pregnancy and birth which aims to utilise the space within the pelvis to allow for an easier pregnancy and birth. This means that, with specific daily and weekly exercises, you will prepare your body for what it is designed to do ...
Antenatal Classes | BithFIT Ireland | Dublin
Gift Certificate. More. Antenatal Classes This isn''t just your ordinary antenatal class. This is a workshop that explores topics about pregnancy, birth and the early postnatal period in an interactive and relaxed setting. ...
WinnerFlow -
Gift Certificate. Courses. More. WinnerFlow. Price. 20. Duration. 30 minutes. Enroll < Back. About the Course. The Winner Flow is a biocompatible mouthpiece that is used during breathing exercises. It was first designed by a French physiotherapist to help with rehabilitation and for toning the abdominal pelvic floor. (acceptable in surgical rooms). It is now being used to help women in labour ...
BirthFIT Saldo for gavekort
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Kvittering: Hvis du nylig foretok et kjøp med gavekortet, sjekk kvitteringen. Noen kvitteringer viser gjenværende saldo etter hver transaksjon.
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