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The One Room Escape

Been here twice, for the rooms: The Legend of 5 Holy Pearls (more challenging), and Return To Thebes (balanced difficulty).Both have very impressive props and setup would make you feel like walking into a movie set.The owner is very friendly and helpful with the hints, so if you’re really stuck, just ask.

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  • Terms and Conditions – The One Room Escape - Gift Voucher; Terms and conditions Banner. Dear customer, before you start, please spend few minutes to review the following information about the legal terms and conditions that apply to your use of The One Room Escape (owned by LYZ GROUP PTY LTD ACN: 611 968 917) website and any bookings or services that you request from us. If you don’t agree to these terms and conditions, please do not ...
  • Book Now – The One Room Escape - Gift Voucher; GET READY TO START THE JOURNEY. BEST ESCAPE ROOM MELBOURNE | ADVENTURE GAMES MELBOURNE. ⬇⬇ Read Me Please ⬇⬇ Please check your confirmation email If the booking is NOT completed for any reason, the slot will be available again after 5-10 mins Please select “pay deposit” to avoid overpaying if you are not sure of the final number Have questions? Check out the F.A.Q ...
  • Pricing – The One Room Escape - Go to the “Book Now” page Pick up a date and a time slot on the calendar of the game; Fill out all your details; Make a $50.00 deposit for your reservation online.

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  • Gift Voucher – The One Room Escape Sharing your joy to your loved ones | The One Room Escape MELBOURNE. Want to share your happiness? Get them the gift vouchers from The One ...
  • Green Hospital – The One Room Escape - Gift Voucher; Green Hospital. DIFFICUILTY. 2-6 (Small game) GROUP SIZE. 60. DURATION. GAME TASK. Discover the truth from the abandoned hospital, or become a patient yourself. ***This is a horror game with jump scares, so not for the faint of heart. Green Hospital is perfect for small groups.*** **We recommend players should be 12 years old or above to this game, parents please consider if that ...
  • FAQ – The One Room Escape 3. Rescheduling within 48 hours will incur $50 rescheduling fee. Q: Do you sell gift vouchers? A: Yes ...
  • The One Room Escape Gift Voucher · THE ONE. Best Escape Room Experiences in Melbourne. OPEN. TIME SLOTSPRICEFAQ ...
  • About Us – The One Room Escape - Gift Voucher; ABOUT US. ESCAPE ROOMS — THINGS TO DO NEAR ME. WE ARE ... The One Room Escape is established in 2016, covering an area of 1600 square metres, located at 9 ARISTOC ROAD, GLEN WAVERLEY, AUSTRALIA. After a 12-month preparation, we could finally announce we are open now. The One built a high-end centre of escape rooms with a huge cost. We pursue the most real environment and your ...
  • The Conspiracy – The One Room Escape - Gift Voucher; The Conspiracy. DIFFICUILTY. 2-6 (Small game) GROUP SIZE. 60. DURATION. GAME TASK. Complete the kidnapper’s task and rescue the hostage. ***This game is a small game, making it perfect for smaller groups. It is also one of the more difficult games, so there’s a lot of thinking and deduction involved.*** Please be aware there is a fire alarm light in the room and will be ...
  • RETURN TO THEBES – The One Room Escape - Gift Voucher; RETURN TO THEBES. DIFFICUILTY. 4-10(Large game) GROUP SIZE. 60. DURATION. GAME TASK. Return to the mysterious mausoleum of Thebes, find the clues left by John the curator and reveal the truth of the pharaoh’s curse. ***This game is a large game, it has a bit of thinking and hands-on puzzle-solving, making it great for large groups and beginners*** BACKGROUND STORY RETURN TO ...
  • Games – The One Room Escape - Gift Voucher; GAMES. INDOOR ACTIVITIES MELBOURNE | ROOM ESCAPE. There could be four seasons in one day in Melbourne, and there could be rainy and windy in each “season”. Escape room could be a good choice as indoor activities in Melbourne. You can have fun with your family and friends, also you can hold a team building, have a birthday party, even make a surprising marriage proposal. There ...

The One Room Escape Saldo for gavekort

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  • Online saldo: Følg lenken til selgerens offisielle saldosjekknettsted. Du må fylle ut kortnummer og pin for å hente kortsaldo.
  • Telefonsamtale: Ring forhandlerens støttenummer og spør om du kan sjekke kortsaldoen. Det kan hende du kan få saldo på telefonen etter å ha gitt kortdetaljer.
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  • Butikkteller: Vanligvis kan kortsaldoen ses opp i butikk- eller butikkdisken

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