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Last Update: lørdag 19. mars 2022
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Storyworks | Life Writing Courses and Retreats
Founder and facilitator Bridget BrandonSince 1998 Storyworks has offered dynamic courses and retreats in life writing.The life writing courses and retreats are designed to give each participant, an experienced writer or just starting out, an enriching, powerful and practical knowledge of the art of writing memoir. You will learn how to translate the richness of lived experience into vivid, engaging stories.Bridget’s particular skill is in bringing the story out and getting you to bypass the critic within. This rich process allows you to reflect on your own life and create a collection of treasured stories for loved ones. There are short and longer online courses as well as weeklong retreats.Courses | Retreat | About Storywork
Storyworks Kjøperinformasjon
Nettsted, kontaktnummer og gavekortinformasjon for Storyworks.
Merchant Insights
Is it ‘A’? | Storyworks
Gift Voucher; Is it ‘A’? I love David my son. And my daughter. But this is about my son. I love him as a father would naturally love his son – and then some. But I love him more when I understand why I love him, when I experience a special reason for loving him. And such an understanding and reason occurred last Saturday en route to the Harbord Diggers¹ Club. He decided he wanted to ...
Courses - Storyworks
Gift Voucher; Courses. Information coming … Contact Storyworks. Send an email. Tel: 61 2 9389 9475. Mobile: 0425 241 828. Facebook; Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress ...
Stories from Current Classes - Storyworks
Gift Voucher; Stories from Current Classes. 1. Childhood 2. Is it ‘A’? 3. A Family Holiday 4. Relationship through Place 5. Changing Body 6. Significant Relationships 7. Spiritual Journey 8. Social Change/Work 9. Important Moments with my Mother. Contact Storyworks. Send an email. Tel: 61 2 9389 9475. Mobile: 0425 241 828. Stories Menu. A Family Holiday; A Significant Relationship ...
Contact Us - Storyworks
Gift Voucher; Contact Us. Email us at to book into the course you would like to attend or for more information. Phone us at Storyworks on 614 2524 1828 to talk with a teacher and to book into a class. International callers: dial your country code, then +614 2524 1828. Contact Storyworks. Send an email. Tel: 61 2 9389 9475. Mobile: 0425 241 828. Facebook ...
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Storyworks Gavekort
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Gift Vouchers | Storyworks
Give a unique gift to a family member or loved one. A gift voucher for one of the courses offered by Storyworks. They can be made to any $A value.Contact us on or call us on 61 2 9389 9475 to discuss the details.
Give a unique gift to a family member or loved one. A gift voucher for one of the courses offered by Storyworks. They can be made to any $A value.
Gavekort nettside, vilkår for Storyworks.
Gift Vouchers | Storyworks
Gift Vouchers. Give a unique gift to a family member or loved one. A gift voucher for one of the courses offered by Storyworks.
About Storyworks | Storyworks
Gift Voucher; About Storyworks Let me tell you a story… When we hear these words they spark anticipation no matter what our age. What is it about a story that enthralls and captivates us? Why do we love them so? Why do we repeat them over and over again? It is because life is a perpetual sequence of stories – of accomplishment and set-back, of surprise ‘endings’ and twists of fate, of ...
Life Writing Courses and Retreats - Storyworks
Gift Voucher; Welcome to Storyworks Life Writing Courses and Retreats 2018. Founder and facilitator Bridget Brandon. Since 1998 Storyworks has offered dynamic courses and retreats in life writing. The life writing courses and retreats are designed to give each participant, an experienced writer or just starting out, an enriching, powerful and practical knowledge of the art of writing memoir ...
FAQs - Storyworks
Gift Voucher; FAQs Do I need to be a writer? No. Each person finds their own particular style of expressing themselves. What emerges is each individual’s own language, own voice. It is amazing to see how people’s writing style evolves over the year as they gain confidence. There is no technical critique of people’s writing, but the course does include tips and hints on how to help the ...
Enrol - Storyworks
Gift Voucher; Enrol. If you are a human and are seeing this field, please leave it blank. Fields marked with a * are required. I would like to enrol in: * Writing and Yoga Retreat 2018 - $1500 (full-fee) or $1400 (early bird if paid before 30 Jan 2018) - Deposit $350; Pick Up the Pen Again: Write, Explore, Discover Stories of Now - $220. Deposit $100 ; Bridget also runs special focus groups ...
Storyworks Saldo for gavekort
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