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Wakefield Press

Things are ripping along over here at Wakefield Press HQ. We all know that the lead up to Christmas is the busiest time of the year, but this year we decided to challenge ourselves by bringing out a bunch of new books at the same time. Wakefield Press sells Exposure rights in Korea Joel Magarey''s Exposure is to be published in Korea. Wakefield Press has signed the contract on Korean rights for Exposure for an undisclosed advance to Sigma Books.

Wakefield Press Verkoper informatie

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Wakefield Press (Australia)

Wakefield Press Wakefield Press is an independent publishing company based in the Adelaide suburb of Mile End, South Australia.

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Inzichten van verkopers

  • book extract Archives - Wakefield Press Richard Zachariah’s Vanished Land is an ode to what once was within the picturesque Western Districts of Victoria. His rich language frames anecdotes of rose-tinted childhood musings alongside despairing soliloquies on the modern state of the once majestic region. http://www.wakefieldpress.com.au/blog/tag/book-extract/
  • Terms and policies - Wakefield Press If you do not wish to enter your credit card details into our online payment system, you may use other payment ... Credit cards payments are processed in real-time through the ANZ eGate secure server and payment gateway. .... Gift certificates ... https://www.wakefieldpress.com.au/pages.php?pageid=9
  • Our Fathers Cleared the Bush Archives - Wakefield Press The wild weather last week was nothing more for many of us than an excuse to play cards by candlelight for a few hours. For some people, especially on the Eyre Peninsula, the storms were much more destructive. http://www.wakefieldpress.com.au/blog/tag/our-fathers-cleared-the-bush/
  • Torrens Island Internment Camp - Wakefield PressWakefield ... Those interned on Torrens Island found ways to relieve the monotony. Bungardy wrote of gambling, cards and two-up being played from ‘morning until late at nights’, until a notice was issued banning gambling of any sort. After this, two-up ceased, but card-playing continued – including poker. http://www.wakefieldpress.com.au/blog/2017/02/torrens-island-concentration-camp/
  • Sales Coordinator and Receptionist position - Wakefield Press running the Wakefield Press bookshop;; processing cash and credit card sales;; using MYOB to process and track orders;; coordinating all awards entries; ... http://www.wakefieldpress.com.au/pages.php?pageid=41
  • Wakefield Press :: News archive Voting closes on 20 October, and voters will also go into a draw to win a prize pack containing a $100 gift voucher for Gertrude and Alice Bookstore and Café, a set of … https://www.wakefieldpress.com.au/news.php
  • The Navy-blue Suitcase - Wakefield Press But The Navy-blue Suitcase is not like that. It has optimism, humour, an indefatigable faith in a better future, and a powerful sense that life is what you make of it, no matter what cards you’ve been dealt.'' http://www.wakefieldpress.com.au/product.php?productid=1319
  • Literature - Crime/Fantasy/Horror :: Ecstasy Lake - Wakefield Press All Steve and Tasso need do is play their cards right, which means keeping their discovery a secret, staying out of gang wars, and trying not to get killed. https://www.wakefieldpress.com.au/product.php?productid=1269
  • Jetties in the Eyre Peninsula - Wakefield Press Jetties in the Eyre Peninsula. Posted on 7 October 2016 by Wakefield Press. The wild weather last week was nothing more for many of us than an excuse to play cards by candlelight for a few hours. For some people, especially on the Eyre Peninsula, the storms were much more destructive. http://www.wakefieldpress.com.au/blog/2016/10/jetties-eyre-peninsula/
  • Biography/Autobiography/True Stories - Wakefield Press See all the winners and honour books here – it's the perfect place to find a gift for children and teens, or to find a good quality YA book for your .... Gift certificates ... http://www.wakefieldpress.com.au/home.php?cat=3&sort=orderby&sort_direction=1&page=5
  • Wakefield Press :: Submissions Wakefield Press is an independent book publishing company based in Adelaide, South Australia. http://www.wakefieldpress.com.au/pages.php?pageid=5
  • News archive - Wakefield Press Voting closes on 20 October, and voters will also go into a draw to win a prize pack containing a $100 gift voucher for Gertrude and Alice Bookstore and Café, ... http://www.wakefieldpress.com.au/news.php
  • Ayesha Aggarwal - Wakefield PressWakefield Press Her latest memoir, The Navy-blue Suitcase, is a collection of stories from her travelling life told with ‘optimism, humour, an indefatigable faith in a better future, and a powerful sense that life is what you make of it, no matter what cards you’ve been dealt’ (ANZ LitLovers LitBlog). Today we’re sharing a little snippet from the years ... http://www.wakefieldpress.com.au/blog/author/ayesha/
  • Chequered Lives is smashing it! - Wakefield Press Mar 7, 2014 ... The Ultimate Wakefield Press Christmas Gift Guide15 December 2016In " Christmas". previous post Hey back at you, gorgeous. next post Best ... http://www.wakefieldpress.com.au/blog/2014/03/chequered-lives-is-smashing-it/
  • Peter Monteath Archives - Wakefield Press In October 1914, after the outbreak of World War I, Torrens Island off Port Adelaide was turned into an internment camp.It is a lesser known impact of war in Australia, but it is an ugly chapter in our history. Thanks to the diary kept by Frank Bungardy and the photos of Paul Dubotzky, historians Peter Monteath, Mandy Paul and Rebecca Martin have been able to recreate the conditions of the ... http://www.wakefieldpress.com.au/blog/tag/peter-monteath/
  • World War I Archives - Wakefield Press In October 1914, after the outbreak of World War I, Torrens Island off Port Adelaide was turned into an internment camp.It is a lesser known impact of war in Australia, but it is an ugly chapter in our history. Thanks to the diary kept by Frank Bungardy and the photos of Paul Dubotzky, historians Peter Monteath, Mandy Paul and Rebecca Martin have been able to recreate the conditions of the ... http://www.wakefieldpress.com.au/blog/tag/world-war-i/
  • Flyer editor and a gallery curator), is the ideal gift book for anyone who loves art and flowers. • Ideal for Mother's Day, or indeed any gift occasion. ..... Card number. https://www.wakefieldpress.com.au/files/for_the_trade_files/WPD_New-releases_flyer_201905.pdf

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Wakefield Press is an independent publishing company based in the Adelaide suburb of Mile End, South Australia. They publish around 40 titles a year in many genres and on many topics, with a special focus on South Australian stories.

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