Trans Perth Smart Rider Cadeaubonnen Credit
Cadeaubon en tegoedbon
Opties voor het controleren van het saldo
Instructies van de dealer
Dealer Info
Dealerwebsite, telefoonnummer, locaties
Sociale media
Links naar sociale media pagina's en blogs
Details cadeaukaarten
Cadeaubonnen Website, Algemene voorwaarden
Nuttige artikelen
Online artikelen en fragmenten
Gebruikers score
Tips, aanbiedingen & discussies
Saldoquery App
Geschenkbonnen beheren via de mobiele app
Last Update: zaterdag 17 oktober 2020
Trans Perth Smart Rider Zakelijk Overzicht
Informatie over de website van de handelaar en Trans Perth Smart Rider creditcardcontrole.
Zakelijke hoogtepunten
Transperth Home
Newly developed roads or addresses may not show up in the JourneyPlanner if Transperth has not yet received the data. If your address does not display but local streets near you do, please use the Customer Feedback Form to bring this to our attention. Why does my journey result include a lot of walking?
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Trans Perth Smart Rider Verkoper informatie
Website, contactnummer en cadeaubonnen informatie voor Trans Perth Smart Rider.
Links naar verkopersgidsen
Inzichten van verkopers
Standard SmartRider
If you've registered your SmartRider and it's lost or stolen we can transfer your
remaining balance to your new card. Unfortunately there's no protection for ...
Lost or stolen SmartRider cards - Transperth
If you’ve registered your SmartRider and it’s lost or stolen we can transfer your remaining balance to your new card. Unfortunately there’s no protection for unregistered cards. Make sure you let us know as soon as you notice it’s gone so we can hotlist it. For more info go to Lost or Stolen Cards.
SmartRider FAQs
If you've registered your SmartRider and it's lost or stolen we can transfer your
remaining balance to your new card. Unfortunately there's no protection for ...
Types of SmartRider
Standard. If you normally pay full fare, this gives you a discount. Standard SmartRider; Concession. If you are entitled to a concession no other type of SmartRider card covers.
How to contact Transperth bus service?
For information about working for the PTA and currently advertised vacancies, visit their website’s employment section. The bus companies that operate Transperth bus services do their own recruiting. Please contact them about jobs for bus drivers. For their contact details go to About Us. We outsource our call centre operations to Serco.
Disability Assistance -
Communication Cards help you communicate with Transperth personnel. A communication card has two sections where you can write information. Please stop at - this should show your destination. Please help with the following - write in this area if you need the Transperth driver to assist you with anything concerning your trip.
Transperth Events
Transperth is the easy, simple way to attend many sporting fixtures, concerts and other events. Check the information below before planning your journey.
Login to My Account
Planned Service Changes What''s changing? Services Proposed changes to Wanneroo Rd and Mirrabooka area services
Seniors SmartRider - Transperth
Conveniently your Seniors SmartRider card is combined with your Western Australian Seniors card. It is double-sided, being a Seniors SmartRider on one side and a WA Seniors card on the other. With your Seniors SmartRider you will be able to travel for free at the following times: From first service until 6am; From 9am until 3.30pm
Login to My Account - Transperth
Proposed changes to routes 107, 340 and 353 Effective: Friday 3 September 2021 Route 320, 321, 328, 712 and 767 Bus Stop Changes
Login to My Account - Transperth
Planned Service Changes What''s changing? Services Proposed changes to Wanneroo Rd and Mirrabooka area services
Create My Account - Transperth
Create My Account. Sign-up to My Account and register your SmartRider today for added protection and to save up to 20% on fares. With My Account you can save 20% on your fares by signing up for Autoload. ... SmartRider Cards. Do you wish to add a SmartRider Card? Yes No. Terms And Conditions.
Student SmartRider
If your school is a participating school or registered for online ordering, please ask your school’s administration about the cost of cards. Otherwise your initial card costs $5.00. A replacement card costs $5.00. Cards are issued with zero balance, students will need to add value to the card before using it. Order now via Monitor WA website ...
Login to My Account - Transperth
Proposed changes to routes 107, 340 and 353 Effective: Friday 3 September 2021 Route 320, 321, 328, 712 and 767 Bus Stop Changes
Verkoper sociale media
Social Media Links voor Trans Perth Smart Rider
Trans Perth Smart Rider Gift Card
Trans Perth Smart Rider Links naar cadeaubonnen of cadeaubonnen. Handige manier om het krediet in een mum van tijd te beheren
GCB app voor mobiele telefoon
Programma voor cadeaubonnen
Registering your SmartRider card
Make your SmartRider card a little bit smarter.
Links naar cadeaubonnen
Cadeaukaartenwebsite, Algemene voorwaarden voor Trans Perth Smart Rider.
Trans Perth Smart Rider Cadeaubonnen Credit
U kunt het Trans Perth Smart Rider kaartsaldo vinden door naar Bekijk uw saldo online, Controleer uw saldo per mobiele telefoon, de kassier / helpdesk te gaan.
Cadeaubonnen Credit
Opties voor saldocontrole cadeaukaart
SMS text your SmartRider card number (the nine digits after the SR letters) and we will reply with your SmartRider balance. You should text 13 62 13 for Telstra, Optus and Virgin customers only. Other customers will need to use 0456 13 62 13 instead.
Online: Ga naar de website van de uitgever van de cadeaubon en zoek naar het gedeelte 'Saldo controleren' of 'Saldo cadeaubon'. Voer het cadeaukaartnummer en de pincode (indien van toepassing) in op de webpagina om het resterende saldo te bekijken.
Telefoon: Zoek naar een klantenservicenummer op de achterkant van de cadeaukaart of op de website van de uitgever. Bel het nummer en volg de geautomatiseerde aanwijzingen om het saldo te controleren. Mogelijk moet u tijdens het gesprek het nummer van de cadeaukaart en andere vereiste gegevens invoeren.
In de winkel: breng de cadeaukaart naar een fysieke winkellocatie van de detailhandelaar of het restaurant dat de cadeaukaart heeft uitgegeven. Benader een winkelmedewerker of kassier en vraag om hulp bij het controleren van het saldo. Ze kunnen meestal het nummer van de cadeaubon scannen of handmatig invoeren om het huidige saldo op te geven.
Mobiele app: als de uitgever van de cadeaubon een mobiele app heeft, download en installeer deze dan op uw smartphone of tablet. Log in of maak een account aan en voeg vervolgens je cadeaubon toe aan de app. De app zou het beschikbare saldo moeten weergeven.
Ontvangstbewijs: Als u een recente aankoop heeft gedaan met de cadeaubon, controleer dan het ontvangstbewijs. Sommige ontvangstbewijzen tonen het resterende saldo na elke transactie.
Tegoed opvragen cadeaukaart
Informatie voor Trans Perth Smart Rider Tegoed Controleer de cadeaubon om het resterende saldo en transacties te bekijken.
Ontvangstbewijzen voor verificatie gebruiken
Ontdek credits aan de balie
Online Balans : Volg de link naar de officiële website van de dealer om het saldo te controleren. U moet het kaartnummer en de PIN-code in te voeren om de kaart balans te halen.
Telefoongesprek: bel het ondersteuningsnummer van de dealer en geef de kaartgegevens op. U kunt het saldo vervolgens telefonisch opvragen.
Factuur / ontvangst: de rest van de kaart wordt op de aankoopfactuur / -bon afgedrukt.
Winkelbalie: In de regel kan het kaartsaldo worden bekeken aan de winkelbalie
Inzichten in het saldo van cadeaubonnen
Checking your SmartRider balance - Transperth
There are a number of ways you can check your SmartRider balance, but there are a few things you should know. Any time you check your balance via My Account, the Transperth app, SMS or the InfoLine, your balance will be up to 24 hours (one day) behind.
Using SmartRider - Transperth
The system deducts the default fare from your SmartRider card balance next time you tag on. For buses The default fare is the cash fare of the longest journey you could have taken on that service. The exception is when you tag onto two bus services within 60 minutes without tagging off the first. When this happens, we use your second tag on location as your tag off location for the first bus ...
Registering your SmartRider card
Your SmartRider stores information including your concession status, Autoload status and card balance. When we need to update this information, a pending action is created so that the information on the card can be updated. Pending actions are generally available to your SmartRider the day following their creation, except BPAY which can take several days to become available. For example if you ...
Transperth > SmartRider > FAQs > What Is A Pending Action?
Your SmartRider stores information including your concession status, Autoload status and card balance. When we need to update this information, a pending action is created so that the information on the card can be updated. Pending actions are generally available to your SmartRider the day following their creation, except BPAY which can take several days to become available. For example if you ...
Autoload - Transperth
Your SmartRider stores information including your concession status, Autoload status and card balance. When we need to update this information, a pending action is created so that the information on the card can be updated. Pending actions are generally available to your SmartRider the day following their creation, except BPAY which can take several days to become available. For example if you ...
Concession SmartRider - Transperth
Your SmartRider stores information including your concession status, Autoload status and card balance. When we need to update this information, a pending action is created so that the information on the card can be updated. Pending actions are generally available to your SmartRider the day following their creation, except BPAY which can take several days to become available. For example if you ...