Booksellers Saldo buono regalo Nuova Zelanda directory buoni regalo

Buono regalo, buono regalo e buono regalo

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New Home Page : Booksellers NZ

Booksellers NZ is the membership association for bookshops in New Zealand. Keep up to date with New Release Books, Bestsellers and purchase Book Tokens for New Zealand Book Stores.

Not sure which book they would prefer? Booksellers are the perfect gift for any age. They’re New Zealand’s only national book gift card, redeemable at over 300 bookshops all over the country, including many independent bookshops, Paper Plus, Take Note and The Warehouse stores. Booksellers can be loaded with any amount from $20 to $1000.

Booksellers Informazioni sul commerciante

Informazioni sul sito web, sul numero di contatto e sui buoni regalo Booksellers.

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Informazioni sul commerciante

  • Members Resources - Booksellers NZ The Booksellers Gift Card can also be purchased through a range of third party retailers including New World, Pak N Save, Warehouse Stationery, BP Service Stations and Z Service Stations or you can purchase the gift card online through Gift Station. They can only be redeemed at member bookstores.
  • BOOKSELLERS NZ GIFT CARD Card account id. Transaction type. Transaction value. Final account balance. Transaction fee. Q: How do we issue the gift card through our Eftpos machine/s?
  • Paper Plus Northlands - Booksellers NZ The Paper Plus chain is well represented throughout New Zealand and includes a strong presence in both city and provincial centres, with over 100 stores there is a location from Kaitaia to Invercargill. Paper Plus have a wide range of Books, Stationery, Cards, Paper products and associated gifts.
  • Whanga Books - Booksellers NZ Whanga Books is located in Whangamata, please contact them by phone or email ...
  • New Home Page : Booksellers NZ New Home Page : Booksellers NZ. Booksellers Aotearoa New Zealand. Our members are booksellers, publishers and industry friends. We are focused on the changing world of booksellers and publishing. Find Out More >. Book Industry News. The latest in book industry news, from our members and industry partners. Book News >. Nielsen Bestsellers.
  • Membership Benefits - Booksellers NZ Sell and redeem the Booksellers NZ electronic Gift Card – sold in supermarkets and department stores nationwide, but only redeemable at bookshops; Receive the weekly industry e-newsletter The Read, featuring the Nielsen Bestseller charts and the Indie Top 20; Receive Preview of Reviews – an advance list of the books reviewed in newspapers, magazines and on radio; Participate in the annual ...
  • Tokens Landing Page - Booksellers NZ – Book Tokens If you are visiting this store from overseas, welcome! Here is a guide to the range of prices for books in New Zealand: Children’s Books: $12-$25 for Junior Fiction and YA novels, $19-$30+ for Picture Books and Non-fiction. Adult Fiction: $25-$40 for a novel. Adult Non-fiction: $35-$50 for non-illustrated paperback, $4-$75 for illustrated ...
  • Great Gift Ideas Inside n by K e e ly O. 'S h a n n e s s y fro m T h e N e w S h ip s by K a te D u ig n a n. Great. Gift Ideas. Inside ..... doctors' certificates, to create an older, possibly wiser twin to that earlier .... seeks to redress the balance with this fascinating account of  ...
  • COVID-19: Booksellers NZ Response - Booksellers NZ We will invest in the capacity of every member who has an online store to accept the plastic Booksellers gift card (which is administered by ePay). This may take a wee while to implement but it will help all our members to be ready for when we come out of all this difficulty. Gemma Browne returns to the team from 1 April and she will be tasked with ramping up our social media profile as well ...
  • About Us - Booksellers NZ The Booksellers gift card is administered by ePay, but financially secured by the same fund. Join now to make the most of our member benefits, and help your bookshop save money. PHYSICAL ADDRESS. Booksellers NZ Ground Floor Red Shield House 79 Boulcott St Wellington 6011. POSTAL ADDRESS. Booksellers NZ PO Box 25 033 Wellington 6140. GENERAL ENQUIRIES. Phone 04 472 1908 Email info@booksellers ...
  • Contact Us : Booksellers NZ We are the membership association for bookshops in New Zealand, and all activities that we undertake are for the direct benefit of our members. We are not a bookshop – but you could check out our Directory if you are after a specific book, or wish to know where you can spend your Book Tokens or Books Gift Card. PHYSICAL ADDRESS. Booksellers NZ
  • Nielsen NZ Bestsellers : Booksellers NZ Information supplied by Nielsen BookScan ©2021 Confidential & Proprietary. Members, find out more about the list and how it is compiled. Please note, only subscribers to The Read can access the most recent Bestsellers list, as per Booksellers NZ’s contractual agreement with Nielsen Book. Older lists are available to all.

Social media del commerciante

Link sui social media per Booksellers

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Booksellers Buono regalo

Booksellers buoni regalo o buoni regalo. Modo conveniente per gestire l'equilibrio al volo App mobile GCB

Programma di carte regalo

Booksellers Gift Cards - Booksellers NZ

The Booksellers Gift cards can be loaded with any amount from $20 to $1000. Each gift card is valid for one year from the date of issue. They are financially secured by Book Tokens (NZ) Ltd, and administered by ePay on Booksellers NZ''s behalf. For each gift card sold in store the Bookstore will receive 5% of the value. E.g. A customer purchases a gift card to the value of $100. The bookstore that sells the gift card earns $5 from the transaction. (Epay will invoice and debit the store for $95.)For each gift card redeemed in store the bookstore will receive 90% of the value. E.g. A customer redeems a gift card to the value of $100. The bookstore that redeems this gift card takes $90 from the transaction. (Epay will pay the $90 on the 14th or 28th of each month.)To order more cards call the Epay IVR system on 0800 649 999 and enter your account number and PIN number or you can speak with a customer care representative or email

This gift card may be redeemed for any merchandise sold in participating independent, Paper Plus and Take Note stores (excluding; Lotto lottery tickets, postal products, postal stamps and goods sold by other agencies.) Please note this gift card may only be redeemed for books in The Warehouse stores. The funds available will be verified at time of purchase. This card cannot be redeemed for cash, returned for a refund or exchanged for another gift card. The gift card and purchases made with it are subject to the terms of trade as set out by Booksellers NZ, which may change from time to time. Protect this card and treat it like cash: it cannot be replaced if lost or stolen. Booksellers and epay are not responsible for lost or stolen gift cards. No change is given and any balance that remains on the card can only be used in whole or in part against future purchases at participating Booksellers NZ member stores. Any unused credit cannot be used and will not be refunded once card has expired.

Our ''Books'' Gift Card is valid for 12 months from its issue. While it is available for sale in retail outlets all over New Zealand, it may only be redeemed at participating bookshops. Recipients of Gift Cards are expected to use these cards within 12 months of receiving them. However, there is an automatic 3-month extension on every card sold.

Booksellers acquisto buoni regalo

Design e foto della carta regalo

Booksellers design di buoni regalo e opere d'arte

Termini e condizioni della carta regalo

Termini e condizioni sul retro del buono regalo.

This gift card may be redeemed for any merchandise sold in participating Independent. Paper Plus and Take Note stores (excluding lotto, lottery tickets, postal products, postal stamps and goods sold by other agencies.) Please note this gift card may only be redeemed for books in The Warehouse stores.( The funds available will be verified at time Of purchase. This card cannot be redeemed for cash.( retumed for a refund or exchanged for another gift card. This gift card and purchases made with it are subject to the terms of trade as set out by Booksellers NZ.( which may change from time to time. Protect this card and treat it like cash; it cannot be replaced if lost or stolen. Booksellers NZ and Epay NZ are not responsible for lost or stolen gift cards.( NO change is given and any balance that remains on the card can only be used in whole or in part against future purchases at participating Booksellers NZ member stores. Any unused credit cannot be used and will not be refunded once card has expired. Card balances are available online at

Moduli per buoni regalo

The Booksellers Gift cards can be loaded with any amount from $20 to $1000. Each gift card is valid for one year from the date of issue. They are financially secured by Booksellers NZ, and administered by ePay on Booksellers NZ''s behalf.
For each gift card sold in store the Bookstore will receive 5% of the value. E.g. A customer purchases a gift card to the value of $100. The bookstore that sells the gift card earns $5 from the transaction. (Epay will invoice and debit the store for $95.)For each gift card redeemed in store, the bookstore will receive 90% of the value. E.g. A customer redeems a gift card to the value of $100. The bookstore that redeems this gift card takes $90 from the transaction. (Epay will pay the $90 on the 14th or 28th of each month.)

Link della carta regalo

Pagina web del buono regalo, termini e condizioni per Booksellers.

Informazioni sulle carte regalo

Booksellers Saldo buono regalo

Puoi scoprire il saldo Booksellers carta da controllo del saldo online, controllo del saldo telefonico, negozio / help desk.

Saldo buono regalo

Opzioni di controllo del saldo della carta regalo

  • Online: visita il sito Web dell'emittente della carta regalo e cerca la sezione "Verifica saldo" o "Saldo carta regalo". Inserisci il numero della carta regalo e il PIN (se applicabile) sulla pagina Web per visualizzare il saldo residuo.
  • Telefono: cerca il numero del servizio clienti indicato sul retro della carta regalo o sul sito Web dell'emittente. Chiama il numero e segui le istruzioni automatiche per controllare il saldo. Potrebbe essere necessario inserire il numero della carta regalo e altri dettagli richiesti durante la chiamata. 0800649999
  • In negozio: porta la carta regalo in un negozio fisico del rivenditore o del ristorante che ha emesso la carta regalo. Avvicinati a un commesso del negozio o al cassiere e richiedi assistenza per controllare il saldo. Di solito possono scansionare o inserire manualmente il numero della carta regalo per fornire il saldo corrente.
  • App per dispositivi mobili: se l'emittente della carta regalo dispone di un'app per dispositivi mobili, scaricala e installala sul tuo smartphone o tablet. Accedi o crea un account, quindi aggiungi la tua carta regalo all'app. L'app dovrebbe visualizzare il saldo disponibile.
  • Scontrino: se hai effettuato un acquisto recente utilizzando la carta regalo, controlla lo scontrino. Alcune ricevute visualizzano il saldo residuo dopo ogni transazione.

Booksellers assegno saldo buono regalo

Richiesta Saldo Carta Regalo

Informazioni per Booksellers richiesta di saldo buono regalo per vedere saldo rimanente e transazioni.

Controllo online
Controlla il saldo online all'ora
Chiama e controlla il saldo
Controlla ricevuta
Booksellers saldo buono regalo sulla ricevuta dello shopping
Controlla la ricevuta di acquisto per il saldo
Contatore negozio
Booksellers richiesta di saldo buono regalo in negozio
Visita il banco del negozio o l'help desk per l'equilibrio
  • Saldo online: segui il link al sito ufficiale di controllo del saldo del commerciante. Dovrai compilare il numero e il pin della carta in modo da recuperare il saldo della carta.
  • Telefonata: chiama il numero di supporto del commerciante e chiedi se puoi controllare il saldo della carta. Potresti essere in grado di ottenere il saldo sul telefono dopo aver fornito i dettagli della carta.
  • Fattura/Ricevuta: il saldo residuo della carta viene stampato sulla fattura/ricevuta della spesa.
  • Banco negozio: di solito il saldo della carta potrebbe essere cercato al banco del negozio o del negozio

Booksellers Revisione utente

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App Saldo buoni regalo

Gift Card Balance App ti aiuta a gestire tutti i saldi dei buoni regalo in un unico posto. Aggiungi la tua carta all'app e usa il controllo Booksellers del saldo del buono regalo in pochi clic.
  • Saldo della carta in tempo dal commerciante di carte
  • Niente più tipizzazione tendenziosa del numero di carta ogni volta
  • Bilanciare le opzioni di query a colpo d'occhio
Gift Card Balance App

App GCB | Gestisce l'equilibrio in modo semplice e semplice

GCB memorizza tutti i dati dei buoni regalo solo sul tuo dispositivo locale.