Cajun Card Office Saldo de la tarjeta de regalo Estados Unidos directorio de tarjetas regalo

Tarjeta de regalo, certificado de regalo y vale de regalo

Cajun Card Office visión general del negocio

Información del sitio web del comerciante y verificación del saldo de la tarjeta de Cajun Card Office.

Aspectos destacados del negocio

Cajun Card Office Administration and Finance Division

Administration and Finance Division

cajun card cajun card balance

Cajun Card Office Información del comerciante

Sitio web, número de contacto e información de la tarjeta de regalo para Cajun Card Office.

Enlaces del directorio de comerciantes

Sitio web oficial
página principal
Acerca de store
Información del comerciante
Tienda / Ubicación
Ayuda & Preguntas y respuestas
servicio al cliente
Correo electrónico
Enviar correo electrónico
letra chica
Iniciar sesión
Manage My Account

Perspectivas del comerciante

  • FAQ | Cajun Card Office How do I get a Cajun Card?Where are you located and where can I park?What forms of payment does the Cajun Card office accept?How do I put money on my card?Is there a minimum deposit amount?Can I pay tuition with my Cajun Card?What are ADM''s and where are they located?Who is eligible to obtain a Cajun Card?
  • Cajun Cash | Cajun Card Office "Cajun Cash" is the term used for the monetary deposit put onto the Cajun Card. If students and/or parents decide to deposit funds onto the Cajun Card, the money is called "Cajun Cash." Cajun Cash is similar to a debit account. Anyone with a valid Cajun Card can deposit money onto their card. Cajun Cash rolls over semester to semester so you never have to worry about losing your money.
  • Cajun Card Agreement | Cajun Card Office My Cajun Card is valid for as long as I am a student at UL Lafayette. My Cajun Card will automatically be validated each semester upon payment of tuition. There will be a $20.00 replacement charge for lost or stolen Cajun Cards. Lost or stolen cards should be reported in person to the Cajun Card Office in the Student Union, Rm. 134, by phone at (337) 851-2273, or you may deactivate your card ...
  • How to deposit funds | Cajun Card Office Visit the Cajun Card office in the Student Union, Rm. 134 and make a deposit with our staff. We accept cash, check, money orders, and all major debit/credit cards. If paying with a credit card there is a $5.00 minimum deposit, this applies to paying online and in our office. Mail a check or money order to our office.
  • Account Balance | Cajun Card Office In the Dupre Library copier room, you can add money to your Cajun Card on the ADM machine and copy whatever you need for school.
  • CAJUN CARD MERCHANT AGREEMENT The Merchant shall promptly return any Cajun Cards retained or left by cardholders to the Cajun Card Office. C. FEES/PAYMENTS The Merchant is provided (1) terminal/printer at each location. The Merchant agrees to pay a onetime set up cost of $500.00 for each additional terminal/printer requested at the merchant
  • About Us | Cajun Card Office The Cajun Card! You may know it under different names such as ID card, library card, meal plan card, or parking access card — but that''s because it serves as all those things and more. The Cajun Card is an important card to help you navigate through college life. From sporting events to discounts through the Red Dot program, take advantage of everything it has to offer.
  • Deposit | Cajun Card Office Students and parents are welcome to make deposits at any time. If you prefer not to deposit money online, you may visit the Cajun Card Office located in the Student Union, Rm. 134 (cash, check, credit card), call (337) 851-2273 (credit card only), visit the Library ADM (cash only), or mail a check to: Cajun Card Services PO BOX 43615
  • Cajun Cash Refund Request | Cajun Card Office Cajun Cash Refund Request. If you are graduating or resigning from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, fill out this form to receive your Cajun Cash refund. Please note, this refund form does not cover Declining Balance. For a refund of your Declining Balance please contact to begin the process.
  • My Cajun Card | Cajun Card Office Your Cajun Card is your key to campus life. While serving as an identification card, it can also be your ticket into Ragin'' Cajun games and events, building/dorm/parking access, meal plan, library, printing, copies, discounts, and Cajun Cash. One card does it all! Current students and employees are eligible to receive a Cajun Card. Visit us in the Student Union, Rm. 134 and bring a form of ...
  • Red Dot Discount Program | Cajun Card Office Red Dot Discount Program. Discounts! What student doesn''t want to save a little cash? Visit the Student Government Association (SGA) website to view places where you can show your card to receive discounts. Cajun Card Services. Previous Next. Campus in your pocket
  • Cajun Card Office Administration and Finance Division Your Cajun Card will be the most important thing in your wallet during your time at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.. First and foremost, it serves as your student ID. But the Cajun Card is also your free season pass to all Ragin'' Cajun ® home games *, gives you admission to campus events, is your library card, meal card, building, lab, and parking pass, and gets you discounts at ...
  • Password | Cajun Card Office In the Dupre Library copier room, you can add money to your Cajun Card on the ADM machine and copy whatever you need for school.
  • Meal Plan/Dining Services | Cajun Card Office Campus resident meal plans will be automatically activated once the semester begins. You can use your meal plan with declining balance at UL Lafayette Dining Services facilities on campus. For more meal plan information visit UL Lafayette Dining Services'' website. If your meal plan is not working or you need to change your plan, please go to the Housing department located in Buchanan Hall, 2nd ...
  • Cajun Cash locations | Cajun Card Office Cajun Cash locations. Cajun Cash can be spent on or off campus at the following locations: On Campus: Ragin'' Cajuns Store (Cannot use to rent books) All Copy Machines. On Campus Printing (Papercut) Library. Office of Transportation Services. Campus Dining Areas.

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Cajun Card Office Tarjeta de regalo

Cajun Card Office de tarjetas regalo o certificados de regalo. Forma conveniente de administrar el equilibrio sobre la marcha Aplicación móvil GCB

Programa de tarjetas de regalo

Card Services | Cajun Card Office

Your Cajun Card will be the most important thing in your wallet during your time at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.. First and foremost, it serves as your student ID. But the Cajun Card is also your free season pass to all Ragin'' Cajun ® home games *, gives you admission to campus events, is your library card, meal card, building, lab, and parking pass, and gets you discounts at ...

Cajun Card Office compra de tarjetas de regalo

Resumen de la tarjeta de regalo

The Cajun Card! You may know it under different names such as ID card, library card, meal plan card, or parking access card — but that''s because it serves as all those things and more. The Cajun Card is an important card to help you navigate through college life. From sporting events to discounts through the Red Dot program, take advantage of everything it has to offer.

Enlaces de tarjetas de regalo

Página web de tarjetas de regalo, términos y condiciones para Cajun Card Office.

Tarjeta regalo oficial
Tarjeta de compra en línea
Referencia de la tarjeta
Región de la tarjeta

Cajun Card Office Saldo de la tarjeta de regalo

Puede encontrar Cajun Card Office saldo de la tarjeta verificación de saldo en línea, comprobación del saldo del teléfono, mostrador de la tienda de visitas / mesa de ayuda.

Saldo de la tarjeta de regalo

Opciones de verificación de saldo de tarjetas de regalo

  • En línea: visite el sitio web del emisor de la tarjeta de regalo y busque la sección "Consultar saldo" o "Saldo de la tarjeta de regalo". Ingrese el número de la tarjeta de regalo y el PIN (si corresponde) en la página web para ver el saldo restante.
  • Teléfono: busque un número de servicio al cliente que se encuentra en el reverso de la tarjeta de regalo o en el sitio web del emisor. Llame al número y siga las indicaciones automáticas para consultar el saldo. Es posible que deba ingresar el número de la tarjeta de regalo y otros detalles requeridos durante la llamada. (337) 851-2273
  • En la tienda: lleve la tarjeta de regalo a una tienda física del minorista o restaurante que emitió la tarjeta de regalo. Acérquese a un asociado de la tienda o al cajero y solicite ayuda para verificar el saldo. Por lo general, pueden escanear o ingresar manualmente el número de la tarjeta de regalo para proporcionar el saldo actual.
  • Aplicación móvil: si el emisor de la tarjeta de regalo tiene una aplicación móvil, descárguela e instálela en su teléfono inteligente o tableta. Inicie sesión o cree una cuenta y luego agregue su tarjeta de regalo a la aplicación. La aplicación debería mostrar el saldo disponible.
  • Recibo: si realizó una compra reciente con la tarjeta de regalo, verifique el recibo. Algunos recibos muestran el saldo restante después de cada transacción.

Cajun Card Office comprobación del saldo de la tarjeta regalo

Información de saldo de la tarjeta de regalo

One card does it all! Current students and employees are eligible to receive a Cajun Card. Visit us in the Student Union, Rm. 134 and bring a form of picture ID and a Ragin'' Cajun smile. Please make sure to read the Cajun Card Agreement under our policies section.

Consulta de saldo de tarjeta de regalo

Información para Cajun Card Office Consulta del saldo de la tarjeta regalo para ver el saldo restante y las transacciones.

Cheque en línea
Llamar y comprobar saldo por
(337) 851-2273
Comprobar recibo
Cajun Card Office saldo de la tarjeta regalo en el recibo de compra
Compruebe el saldo del recibo de compra
Mostrador de la tienda
Cajun Card Office consulta de saldo de tarjeta de regalo en la tienda
Visite el mostrador de la tienda o el servicio de asistencia para obtener el saldo
  • Saldo en línea: siga el enlace al sitio web oficial de verificación de saldo del comerciante. Usted tendrá que rellenar el número de tarjeta y pin con el fin de recuperar el saldo de la tarjeta.
  • Llamada telefónica: llame al número de soporte del comerciante y pregunte si puede verificar el saldo de la tarjeta. Es posible que pueda obtener el saldo en el teléfono después de proporcionar los detalles de la tarjeta.
  • Factura/ Recibo: el saldo restante de la tarjeta se imprime en la factura/ recibo de compra.
  • Mostrador de la tienda: por lo general, el saldo de la tarjeta se puede buscar en la tienda o en el mostrador de la tienda

Información sobre el saldo de la tarjeta de regalo

  • Account Management | Cajun Card Office You can check your balance, see your account statement, put money on your card, see what meal plan you have, change your password, etc. To access your ...
  • How to check balance | Cajun Card Office How to check balance. You may check your balance anytime by: Visiting the Cajun Card office in the Student Union, Rm. 134. Checking online through the account management page.
  • Cajun Cash Off-Campus Data Collection Terminal Procedures If they are still persistent, you can always do a balance check by following the procedures listed. For example the customer may think they have $10 but you can do a balance check and show them they actually have only $6.00 in which this will not cover their purchase. 4. Bottom line, if it says “insufficient balance”, they do NOT have the funds to pay for their purchase. Another form of ...

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Aplicación de saldo de tarjeta de regalo

Gift Card Balance App le ayuda a administrar todos los saldos de tarjetas de regalo en un solo lugar. Agregue su tarjeta a la aplicación y use el verificador de saldos de tarjetas de regalo automatizado Cajun Card Office en unos pocos clics.
  • Saldo de la tarjeta en vivo del comerciante de tarjetas
  • No más número de tarjeta tendencioso escribiendo cada vez
  • Equilibrar las opciones de consulta de un vistazo
Gift Card Balance App

| de la aplicación GCB Administra el equilibrio de manera simple y fácil

GCB almacena todos los datos de las tarjetas regalo solo en su dispositivo local.