FBT Card Saldo de la tarjeta de regalo Australia directorio de tarjetas regalo

Tarjeta de regalo, certificado de regalo y vale de regalo

FBT Card visión general del negocio

Información del sitio web del comerciante y verificación del saldo de la tarjeta de FBT Card. https://www.accesspay.com.au/

Aspectos destacados del negocio

Home - AccessPay Pty Ltd

AccessPay has been a leading provider of salary packaging and employee benefits to the not-for-profit sector since 2001. As a privately owned, Adelaide-based

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FBT Card Información del comerciante

Sitio web, número de contacto e información de la tarjeta de regalo para FBT Card.

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Perspectivas del comerciante

  • My Card | AccessPay Pty Ltd For card activation and further information (including the Product Disclosure Statement and Financial Services Guide), please select your card: The AccessPay. https://www.accesspay.com.au/mycard/
  • End of the FBT year | AccessPay Pty Ltd Once the purchase process has been completed, the cards will be sent to you via Australia Post. Activation instructions will be included with your card. Claiming your salary packaging account balance. The Fringe Benefits Tax year ends of 31 March 2019. https://www.accesspay.com.au/endofyear/
  • Entertainment benefits - AccessPay Pty Ltd Simply nominate the amount of pre-tax funds to be allocated to entertainment benefit (up to a maximum of $2,650 each FBT year) and then pay for eligible meal and entertainment expenses with your salary packaging card or make a claim so we can repay you from your salary packaging funds. If you choose the AccessPay card, you simply pay as you go. https://accesspay.com.au/entertainment-benefits/
  • Entertainment Benefits | AccessPay Pty Ltd Salary Packaging and Employee Benefits Card* ... to salary package next FBT year (from April 1) will be reduced by the balance in your account on 31 March. https://www.accesspay.com.au/employee/entertainment-benefits/
  • FBT Card Frequently Asked Freuently Asked Questions cards. This is at the merchant’s discretion. Can I get a refund on a purchase made with the card? Any refunds on FBT card transactions are subject to the policy of the specific merchant. Refunds may be in the form of a credit back to the card. Can I get the funds on the https://www.accesspay.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/AccessPay_FBT_Card_FAQ.pdf
  • Important information for the end of FBT year - AccessPay ... Important information: All your salary packaging funds must be spent by 31 March 2021. On 1 April, any unspent funds will count towards your 2021/22 FBT annual limit reducing the amount you can salary package. If you would like to make changes to your salary packaging deductions before the 31 March 2021, ensure you make the change two weeks ... https://accesspay.com.au/end-of-fbt-year/
  • General Living Expenses | AccessPay Pty Ltd Rent or mortgage repayments; Credit card and personal loan payments; Expenses via a Salary Packaging and Entertainment Benefits Card; Household utility ... https://www.accesspay.com.au/employee/general-living-expenses/
  • Salary Packaging and Meal Entertainment Card The card can be used anywhere Mastercard prepaid cards are accepted to pay for goods and services, including online purchase transactions. Some merchants may choose not to accept prepaid Mastercard cards. Some restrictions apply, please see below. https://www.accesspay.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Card_UserGuide-Mastercard-5_4.pdf
  • ACTIVATING MY CARD USING MY CARD Whilst the cards will look the same, they will have the product type printed on them, ie Salary Packaging or Meal Entertainment. The product type will determine where the card can be spent. 19) Can I use my FBT Card online? Yes, your card can be used for both online and in-person purchases. https://account.accesspay.com.au/files/document/FBTcard_FAQ.pdf
  • Your AccessPay account - AccessPay Pty Ltd Your online account is also the easiest way to make sure your details and all your documentation is up to date. Enjoy the convenience of having easy access to all your … https://accesspay.com.au/managing-account/
  • AccessPay Salary Packaging and Employee Benefits Cards The Salary Packaging and Employee Benefits Card offers you a convenient way to spend your salary packaging funds and comes with the security and simplicity of being able to be utilised wherever prepaid Visa is accepted (subject to the restrictions listed). https://account.accesspay.com.au/files/document/Card_UserGuide.pdf
  • AccessPay - Salary Packaging Specialists Salary Packaging Specialists AccessPay provides reliable, flexible and cost effective salary packaging services to charitable, Not for Profit, Community and Disability Service organisations across Australia. https://account.accesspay.com.au/Default.aspx
  • My Card The AccessPay Salary Packaging and Meal Entertainment Cards are a more convenient way to manage your funds . If you choose to package both living expenses and meal entertainment, although the funds are kept separate, they are available on the same card, meaning less plastic in your wallet. https://account.accesspay.com.au/pds
  • Information for Sunnyfield employees - AccessPay Pty Ltd AccessPay’s Mobile App provides secure and convenient access to your salary packaging, so you can view your account anytime, anywhere. Features include the ability to … https://accesspay.com.au/sunnyfield/
  • Credit Card Statement4 Cards Enquiries Lost/StoIen Cards Statement Period Account Number Credit Litriit Available Credit at Statement Date Qantas Frequent Flyer Number Pöiñts Earned thïS Statement Periöd 1312 73 1800 033 844 o 06/2009 1234-5678-1234-5678 $12,000.00 $4,000.00 123456 2.738 ANZ:r èStátement¾ an: easier way to receive Statement oriliñe. https://account.accesspay.com.au/files/document/Credit%20Card%20Example.pdf
  • FAQ''s and news - AccessPay Pty Ltd FAQ''s and news. Quick links. Calculate your savings. Download a fact sheet. Find a form. https://accesspay.com.au/faqs-and-news/
  • AccessPay - Salary Packaging Specialists Specialising in the administration of effective salary-packaging arrangements for employers, employees & senior executives https://account.accesspay.com.au/Login.aspx

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FBT Card Tarjeta de regalo

FBT Card de tarjetas regalo o certificados de regalo. Forma conveniente de administrar el equilibrio sobre la marcha Aplicación móvil GCB

Programa de tarjetas de regalo

Frequently asked questions - AccessPay Pty Ltd

On this page you will find: Reminder – spend your balances! Missed tax savings due to remaining balances Book an one-to-one appointment at a time that suits you FBT Cards – a quick way to spend your Salary Packaging Card balance How to claim your salary packaging account balance Accessing your account online Reportable Fringe... Read more

FBT Card compra de tarjetas de regalo

Enlaces de tarjetas de regalo

Página web de tarjetas de regalo, términos y condiciones para FBT Card.

Tarjeta regalo oficial
Tarjeta de compra en línea
Región de la tarjeta

Perspectivas de la tarjeta de regalo

  • Online claims promotion terms & conditions - AccessPay Pty Ltd One (1) $500 AccessPay flexi e-Gift Card will be allocated to the winner. The winner will be notified in writing by email within two (2) business days of the draw. Prize will be issued to the winners within two (2) weeks of them being notified and accepting the Prize. Notification Details : The name of the Prize winners will be published online at https://www.accesspay.com.au within two (2 ... https://accesspay.com.au/online-claims-promotion-terms-conditions/
  • Submit Claim Promotion Terms & Conditions SCHEDULE Promoter • 5 x $100 AccessPay flexi e-Gift Card Flexi eGift Card will be dispatched via email. Recipient will be able to activate and redeem their eGift Card following the instructions provided in the email. Recipient can choose which merchant or retailer they want to use the eGift Card at, from the list of participants, and they are not limited to just one store. Flexi eGift Card credit must be ... https://accesspay.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Claims-promotion-terms-and-conditions-AccessPay-2021-approved.pdf
  • Frequently Asked Questions The AccessPay Salary Packaging and ... Card including how to activate and make your first payment, how to ... account, your Meal Entertainment balance can't be used to .... discounted gift vouchers. https://www.accesspay.com.au/wp-content/uploads/AccessPay_Cardholder_Guide_short_V1.05.19.pdf

FBT Card Saldo de la tarjeta de regalo

Puede encontrar FBT Card saldo de la tarjeta verificación de saldo en línea, comprobación del saldo del teléfono, mostrador de la tienda de visitas / mesa de ayuda.

Saldo de la tarjeta de regalo

Opciones de verificación de saldo de tarjetas de regalo

You can check your card balance and transaction history by visiting sam.emerchants.com.au.

  • En línea: visite el sitio web del emisor de la tarjeta de regalo y busque la sección "Consultar saldo" o "Saldo de la tarjeta de regalo". Ingrese el número de la tarjeta de regalo y el PIN (si corresponde) en la página web para ver el saldo restante. https://sam.emerchants.com.au/
  • Teléfono: busque un número de servicio al cliente que se encuentra en el reverso de la tarjeta de regalo o en el sitio web del emisor. Llame al número y siga las indicaciones automáticas para consultar el saldo. Es posible que deba ingresar el número de la tarjeta de regalo y otros detalles requeridos durante la llamada. 1300-739-889
  • En la tienda: lleve la tarjeta de regalo a una tienda física del minorista o restaurante que emitió la tarjeta de regalo. Acérquese a un asociado de la tienda o al cajero y solicite ayuda para verificar el saldo. Por lo general, pueden escanear o ingresar manualmente el número de la tarjeta de regalo para proporcionar el saldo actual.
  • Aplicación móvil: si el emisor de la tarjeta de regalo tiene una aplicación móvil, descárguela e instálela en su teléfono inteligente o tableta. Inicie sesión o cree una cuenta y luego agregue su tarjeta de regalo a la aplicación. La aplicación debería mostrar el saldo disponible.
  • Recibo: si realizó una compra reciente con la tarjeta de regalo, verifique el recibo. Algunos recibos muestran el saldo restante después de cada transacción.

FBT Card comprobación del saldo de la tarjeta regalo

Consulta de saldo de tarjeta de regalo

Información para FBT Card Consulta del saldo de la tarjeta regalo para ver el saldo restante y las transacciones.

Cheque en línea
Consultar saldo en línea en
Llamar y comprobar saldo por
Comprobar recibo
FBT Card saldo de la tarjeta regalo en el recibo de compra
Compruebe el saldo del recibo de compra
Mostrador de la tienda
FBT Card consulta de saldo de tarjeta de regalo en la tienda
Visite el mostrador de la tienda o el servicio de asistencia para obtener el saldo
  • Saldo en línea: siga el enlace al sitio web oficial de verificación de saldo del comerciante. Usted tendrá que rellenar el número de tarjeta y pin con el fin de recuperar el saldo de la tarjeta.
  • Llamada telefónica: llame al número de soporte del comerciante y pregunte si puede verificar el saldo de la tarjeta. Es posible que pueda obtener el saldo en el teléfono después de proporcionar los detalles de la tarjeta.
  • Factura/ Recibo: el saldo restante de la tarjeta se imprime en la factura/ recibo de compra.
  • Mostrador de la tienda: por lo general, el saldo de la tarjeta se puede buscar en la tienda o en el mostrador de la tienda

Información sobre el saldo de la tarjeta de regalo

FBT Card Revisión de usuario

Comparte tu experiencia de FBT Card

Correo electrónico

Aplicación de saldo de tarjeta de regalo

Gift Card Balance App le ayuda a administrar todos los saldos de tarjetas de regalo en un solo lugar. Agregue su tarjeta a la aplicación y use el verificador de saldos de tarjetas de regalo automatizado FBT Card en unos pocos clics.
  • Saldo de la tarjeta en vivo del comerciante de tarjetas
  • No más número de tarjeta tendencioso escribiendo cada vez
  • Equilibrar las opciones de consulta de un vistazo
Gift Card Balance App

| de la aplicación GCB Administra el equilibrio de manera simple y fácil

GCB almacena todos los datos de las tarjetas regalo solo en su dispositivo local.