Merchant website info and Kernels Popcorn card balance check.
kernels gift card balance
Website, contact number and gift card information for Kernels Popcorn.
Kernels Popcorn gift card or gift certificate links. Convenient way to manage balance on the fly in GCB mobile app
Terms and condition on the back of gift card.
Purchase product and check remaining balance at any participating Kernels store in Canada. Register your card and view card balance and activity at Issuer not responsible for lost, stolen or destroyed cards or any unauthorized use of card. User agrees to be bound by terms and conditions set forth above. Card cannot be redeemed for cash.
Note: Gift cards cannot be used to purchase other gift cards.
Limit of one (1) gift card per order.
Gift card web page, terms & conditions for Kernels Popcorn.
You can find out Kernels Popcorn card balance by online balance check, phone balance check, visit store counter/ help desk.
Information for Kernels Popcorn gift card balance inquiry to see remaining balance and transactions.