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How Is PhysioWorks Operating During COVID-19?Health Departments have continued to encourage physiotherapy clinics to remain open during this period. At PhysioWorks, we have adopted some key strategies to maintain the safe provision of physiotherapy and our allied health services.Provide a Safe COVID-19 Free Zone for our patients and staff who are providing proximity consultations.Provide Safe & Effective Online Solutions. TeleHealth Online PhysiotherapyProvide Safe GP Pre-Screened Home Visits for our high-risk patients.Provide Online Solutions.What Services Are PhysioWorks Currently Providing?PhysioWorks is continually adapting to the latest information available from the Health Departments regarding how we can safely provide our healthcare service for our beautiful clients. We understand that pain and disability do not take a rest, but we must respect the COVID-19 impact on our people (patients and staff) and understand that it is no longer business as usual.Current Services & StatusBased on these priorities, we are providing the current physiotherapy services:PhysiotherapyIn-Clinic consultation (face to face). Operational with some minor limitations. Read below for details, or call our clinic to discuss. You can book online for 24 hours.Physiotherapist BookingsTelehealth Online Physio (remote). Available for over 80% of conditions. Read on for details, visit TeleHealth Online Physio Consultation or call our clinic to discuss if your situation is suitable.Home Visits (face to face). Only patients who have been pre-approved by their GP. Read below for details, or call our clinic to discuss.Online Product SolutionsOur online shop is fully operational. Our suppliers are sending direct to the client where possible during this period.If you need some home exercise equipment or some home treatment products, our online shop may be useful for you.Massage ServicesQld Health has recently announced that registered massage therapists may resume clinical practice with some social distancing guidelines etc. You can book online 24/7.Massage BookingsIn-Clinic ConsultationsFace to face in-clinic consultations is currently continuing with heightened virus transmission protocols for our staff and patients. PhysioWorks is doing everything it can to maintain COVID-19 Safe Zones within our clinics. All patients who are self-isolating, have had a known COVID-19 contact or have early symptoms will NOT be permitted to attend PhysioWorks. You should be abiding by Queensland Health instructions. TeleHealth Online Physio Consultation is the ONLY physio option available to you at the moment.We Are Keeping Our Clinics a COVID19-Free Zone!PhysioWorks will NOT be seeing patients with a fever in a face-to-face consultation. Consider a TeleHealth Online Physio Appointment.All patients are requested to use the hand sanitiser provided in reception on arrival.If you have a cough, we will ask you to wear a facemask.In-clinic appointments will be available to healthy asymptomatic or GP-approved patients.Patients will be able to phone check-in and then either wait in their car or outside the clinic for their appointment. Our receptionist will call you when the previous consultation has finished avoiding unnecessary reception congregation.All patients are welcome to bring their towel to appointments to lay over the bed, but this is not mandatory.TeleHealth Online Physio InformationTeleHealth-Physiotherapist-AustraliaTeleHealth Online Physio Can Assist:New injury assessment & assistanceProfessional advice and tipsExercise prescription (we will also email you your exercises via an online App or PDF)Post-operative or exercise upgradesEstablish Home Exercise Programs (especially since Gyms closed)Online Home Workstation Setups (we''ve seen this increase with the transition to work from home)Monitor your progressBook Your TeleHealth Online Physio Appointment.TeleHealth - Online Physio FAQsGP-Approved Home VisitsHome Visits will be increased during the COVID-19 period but only for a patient who has GP clearance for home visits. Home visit patients will be pre-screened via a phone call and advised to check with their GP if their health profile poses a risk.There will be no call-out surcharge for high-risk >70 years or other high-risk health issues, during this COVID-19 period. Please call us if you seek a GP-approved home visit.Keep or Start Outdoor Exercising While You CanThe winter weather is a massive bonus for Queenslanders, so get out and about to clear your head and get some feel-good exercise. The benefits of daily exercising are not just physical. The psychological side of things is equally important. That''s why it has been so good to see so many people out exercising. If we keep this up, the Council will need to widen more of them!Please Remember to SOCIAL DISTANCE!Just remember that if your feet aren''t moving and you are closer than 1.5 metres from someone who doesn''t live in your home, you are breaching the social distancing rules. Keep doing the right thing, and we''ll be allowed to exercise outdoors for longer.Not Sure How To Start Your Exercise Program?While many are out and about already, those of you who just don''t know how to start an exercise program safely (e.g. exercise dose and plan) is welcome to contact one of our physio. We can even do this TeleHealth style is required. Just give us a call.What Services Have Ceased or Altered Significantly?Visiting Allied Health PractitionersPlease contact your specific practitioner. Most practitioners have modified their service delivery during this period. TeleHealth is available for some of these practitioners.R U OK?We are a "caring for people" business, and we know that anxiety, stress and other psychological factors are at play. There will be some short-term challenges ahead, but we can all help each other get through this. That''s what friends and family do best. If you do need some help, please read on to see some mental health options that are now available to you.Mental Health Support OptionsMental health issues are a serious concern in the aftermath. While our team can be a friendly listening ear, if you have serious concerns, please contact Lifeline 131114, Beyond Blue 1300 224636, or your GP.Please Call Us If You Need A ChatSocial distancing does have a downside, with a lack of human interaction. If you need someone to chat to during this challenging period, please feel free to call one of our clinics. Our friendly reception team love a chat, and our practitioners will happily call you back between patients. We consider our patients as family and friends. If you need us, we are here.No Reported COVID-19Our sympathies and support go out to the families and friends who have contracted COVID-19. To our knowledge, we have no known cases that affect a member of our staff or patient community. We''d also like to keep it that way, so thank you for minimising virus transmission actions, which is your current priority.Keep Safe & Healthy Yourself.While we understand that COVID-19 does require everyone''s vigilance, we can safely get through this period if we all do the right thing.All of our staff have undertaken the latest COVID-19 Infection Control Training. While this free online training is for healthcare workers, the information is excellent, and we recommend for all patients. Our Staff & YouAll practitioners and administration staff are now working only in one clinic or remotely. We apologise to all patients who may be inconvenienced by this decision. However, we have made this call to serve the majority of our patients best and for staff safety.If one clinic does close to face-to-face patients, we will prioritise their time to TeleHealth appointments.Staff are working in non-adjacent regions within the clinic and not congregating to keep social distancing at the forefront.Staff hours have altered to decrease potential cross-contamination periods.Clinic HygieneWe aim to keep all of our PhysioWorks clinics a COVID-19 Safe Zone.Principally we have established high-end infection control policies to keep our clinics a "COVID-19 Safe Zone" for the safety of our people (staff and patients).We have refreshed our infection control protocols for all staff to maintain impeccable hygiene practices.We will be requesting the same infection-control practices from any persons (patients and others) who enter a PhysioWorks clinic.Staff and patients will continue to adhere to strict hand washing and sanitising protocols.Equipment and surfaces cleaned regularly.Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is available.COVID-19 Symptoms? What To Do?Here is a quick synopsis of COVID-19 symptoms and what actions you should take.All staff or patients who have a fever, shortness of breath, dry cough, sore throat, or feel fatigued should self-isolate until your GP clears you. Self-isolation includes NOT attending PhysioWorks or other face-to-face locations.Shortness of breath? You should be phoning 000 for advice. The combination of fever and shortness of breath appears to be the most likely symptoms that differentiate between COVID-19 and the flu.Fever is something you can measure at home with a thermometer. It is associated with COVID-19, the flu and other infections. Temperature is not generally associated with the common cold. If you have a fever, contact your GP. PhysioWorks will not be seeing patients with a fever in a face-to-face consultation. Even if you don''t have COVID-19 or Influenza, you are fighting an infection and should be resting at home. Consider our TeleHealth Online Physio Appointment Option.Fatigue typically means your health is under stress. Please call your GP.Cough or sore throat? GPs have informed us that over 99% of coughs and sore throats are related to the seasonal increase in common cold. If associated with a fever, or if in doubt, please call your GP.The good news is that the vast majority of you will not have COVID-19. Less than 1% of currently COVID-19 tested Australians have tested positive. However, now is a time to be cautious. If you have any symptoms, you should be calling your GP for advice and only attend face-to-face appointments if cleared by them.Apply the current recommendations of self-isolation, social distancing and good hygiene.Reliable InformationThe Health Department has informed us that the most reliable source of information will be at Safe & HealthyFinally, we wish you and your family the best of health during this challenging period. We are all in this together, and PhysioWorks is happy to play our part in minimising the virus transmission, keeping our staff and patients healthy while assisting them during this "business as UNusual" period.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us. And remember, if you simply need a chat, please call us.Many thanks and best wishes through this challenging period.The PhysioWorks Team
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