The National Space Centre Geschenkkarten Guthaben
Geschenkkarte und Gutschein
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Guthaben Abfrage App
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Last Update: Sonntag, 20. Februar 2022
The National Space Centre Geschäftsüberblick
Informationen zur Händler Webseite und The National Space Centre Kartenguthaben Prüfung.
Home - The National Space Centre
An out of this world experience for the whole family.
The National Space Centre Händlerinformationen
Webseite, Kontaktnummer und Geschenkkarten Informationen für The National Space Centre.
Links zum Händlerverzeichnis
Can I Visit During COVID? - The National ... - Space Centre
For all questions relating to Annual Pass extensions and bookings, please see the ANNUAL PASS AND GIFT VOUCHER BOOKING page (pre-booking ALL tickets is currently essential, including Annual Pass holders). Sign up to our mailing list and keep up-to-date with the latest National Space Centre news. Sign up! Contact us. Please leave this field empty. Please leave this field empty. Map. Twitter ...
FAQs - The National Space Centre
The National Space Centre offers Home Education families the same ticketing opportunities as our school visitors: • A visit Monday-Friday during school term time (cannot be booked during school holiday theme weeks). • £8.50 +VAT per child and £8.50 +VAT per adult (cannot be upgraded to the FREE Annual Pass).
Closure Package - The National Space Centre
Buying a gift voucher will help support the National Space Centre, a not-for-profit charity, during the temporary closure and you will receive a voucher that can be used up to 23 December 2021. The Annual Pass Gift Pack comes with tickets for the family to use at the National Space Centre on any standard daytime opening, Special Events and school holiday periods (excludes Premium and Evening ...
Home - The National Space Centre
Booking in advance is essential (including Annual Pass and Gift Voucher holders). Please visit our ESSENTIAL INFORMATION page to plan your visit. Sign up to our mailing list and keep up-to-date with the latest National Space Centre news. Sign up! Contact us. Please leave this field empty. Please leave this field empty. Map. Twitter. @spacecentre: 👩🚀 You can try your own experiment ...
Annual Pass and Gift Voucher Bookings - The National Space ...
Annual Pass and Gift Voucher Bookings. We have significantly reduced the number of tickets available each day, therefore, we are asking all Annual Pass and Gift Voucher holders to book their tickets in advance. • All bookings must be made a minimum of three days in advance. • Bookings will be manually processed Monday – Friday 10:00-16:00.
Sitemap - The National Space Centre
Close; What’s On. Brickish Weekend Brickish Weekend 12/03/2022 - 13/03/2022 The National Space Centre is joining forces with Fairy Bricks and the Brickish Association to host a celebration of all things LEGO.; Supper Club Supper Club 19/03/2022 Working with the best local suppliers, our chefs have created a five course tasting menu for you to enjoy in the heart of the museum.
Social Media für Händler
Social Media Links für The National Space Centre
The National Space Centre Geschenkkarte
The National Space Centre Links zu Geschenkkarten oder Geschenkgutscheinen. Bequeme Möglichkeit, das Guthaben im Handumdrehen zu verwalten
GCB App fürs Handy
Annual Pass and Gift Voucher Bookings - The National Space Centre
We have significantly reduced the number of tickets available each day, therefore, we are asking all Annual Pass and Gift Voucher holders to book their tickets in advance.• All bookings must be made a minimum of three days in advance.• Bookings will be manually processed Monday – Friday 10:00-16:00.• You will receive an email confirming your booking once it has been manually processed (this can take up to 3 days during busy periods). • Please do not visit without an email confirmation.• If you find you are unable to visit after booking please email us, so we are able to reallocate the tickets.A planetarium show is included on your first visit, so is not included in subsequent visits. If there are spaces on the day in the planetarium you can purchase upon arrival at a cost of £3 per person. Please check we are open on the day you wish to visit before submitting your request. Thank you for your support. We are really looking forward to welcoming you back to the National Space Centre very soon.Will my Annual Pass be extended due to the closure period?We will be extending all FREE Annual Passes from the date of closure (not valid on any passes that expired on or before 19 March 2020). If you upgraded to a FREE Annual Pass after 01 May 2019, we will extend this to cover 2021, however, as the charity is in a period of recovery, and if you are in a position to support us, please do consider buying a ticket for your next visit.Should an increase in Coronavirus force the business to enter a subsequent period of closure, we will reissue any extension notification based on the situation at that point in time.We sincerely appreciate your support and understanding during these unprecedented times #StaySafeOur Booking team are available Monday to Friday 09:30-16:00 Outside of these hours we cannot process any bookings.If you turn up without a booking you will be turned away.If you have not received confirmation of your booking, please do not set out on your journey (always check your junk/spam folder).We cannot process a booking with less than three day’s notice.You will still be required to provide proof of ID upon arrival.Please remember to bring photo ID with you when you visit using an Annual Pass.
Geschenkkarten Webseite, Geschäftsbedingungen für The National Space Centre.
The National Space Centre Geschenkkarten Guthaben
Sie können das The National Space Centre Kartenguthaben ermitteln, indem Sie die Kasse / Helpdesk besuchen.
Geschenkkarten Guthaben
Optionen zur Überprüfung des Geschenkkartenguthabens
Im Geschäft: Bringen Sie die Geschenkkarte zu einem physischen Geschäft des Einzelhändlers oder Restaurants, das die Geschenkkarte ausgestellt hat. Wenden Sie sich an einen Filialmitarbeiter oder Kassierer und bitten Sie ihn um Hilfe bei der Überprüfung des Kontostands. Normalerweise können sie die Geschenkkartennummer scannen oder manuell eingeben, um den aktuellen Kontostand anzuzeigen.
Mobile App: Wenn der Herausgeber der Geschenkkarte über eine mobile App verfügt, laden Sie diese herunter und installieren Sie sie auf Ihrem Smartphone oder Tablet. Melden Sie sich an oder erstellen Sie ein Konto und fügen Sie dann Ihre Geschenkkarte zur App hinzu. Die App sollte das verfügbare Guthaben anzeigen.
Quittung: Wenn Sie kürzlich einen Kauf mit der Geschenkkarte getätigt haben, überprüfen Sie die Quittung. Auf einigen Belegen wird nach jeder Transaktion der Restbetrag angezeigt.
Abfrage des Geschenkkartenguthabens
Informationen für The National Space Centre Guthaben Abfrage der Geschenkkarte, um das verbleibende Guthaben und die Transaktionen anzuzeigen.
Quittungen zur Überprüfung nutzen
Guthaben an der Ladentheke erfahren
Online Kontostand : Folgen Sie dem Link zur offiziellen Website des Händlers zur Überprüfung des Kontostands. Sie müssen die Kartennummer und die PIN eingeben, um das Kartenguthaben abzurufen.
Telefonanruf : Rufen Sie die Support-Nummer des Händlers an und geben Sie die Kartendetails an. Sie können dann das Guthaben per Telefon abrufen.
Rechnung / Quittung : Der Restbetrag der Karte wird auf der Einkaufsrechnung / Quittung ausgedruckt.
Ladentheke : In der Regel kann der Kartensaldo an der Ladentheke eingesehen werden