Thames River Clippers Geschenkkarten Guthaben
Geschenkkarte und Gutschein
Guthaben Abfrage
Optionen für die Überprüfung des Guthaben
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Händler Info
Händler Webseite, Telefonnummer, Standorte
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Geschenkkarten Details
Geschenkkarten Webseite, Geschäftsbedingungen
Tipps, Angebote & Diskussionen
Guthaben Abfrage App
Geschenkkarten per Handy App verwalten
Last Update: Montag, 26. Oktober 2020
Thames River Clippers Geschäftsüberblick
Informationen zur Händler Webseite und Thames River Clippers Kartenguthaben Prüfung.
Thames River Cruises & London Boat Trips - Uber Boat by Thames Clippers
The fastest and most frequent fleet on the River Thames; providing River Boat Services and Thames River Cruises for both London commuters and visitors.
Thames River Clippers Händlerinformationen
Webseite, Kontaktnummer und Geschenkkarten Informationen für Thames River Clippers.
Links zum Händlerverzeichnis
Frequently Asked Questions - Thames Clippers
Yes, you can touch in and touch out with contactless payment cards or Oyster to pay as you go on our services. Our card readers are situated by the boarding ramps at our piers, please touch in when instructed to board. A member of our staff must see you touch in. The card readers support auto top-up. We do not have top up facilities at our piers.
Frequently Asked Questions - Thames Clippers
Do you have any questions about taking a river bus on the Thames? Read our
frequently asked questions here and find out all of the essential information.
Prices and Discounts - Thames Clippers Prices
Oyster cards linked to Travelcards (weekly, monthly, annual) will automatically apply the 1/3 off when touching in and out. Passengers with paper Travelcards will need to purchase their tickets with the self-service ticket machine, the ticketing app or at a ticket office. See pricing pdf for more details
CONDITIONS OF CARRIAGE INTRODUCTION ... All Oyster cards used to purchase travel will be eligible for inspection by appropriate nominated Thames Clippers staff with hand-held card readers. Failure to have sufficient credit may be classed as fare evasion under these Conditions. 3.5 Refunds for travel via Oyster card pay as you go will in dealt ...
Touch in and take to the Thames as contactless payment ...
Touch in and take to the Thames as contactless payment comes to the river View All News From today (20 May), customers travelling on MBNA Thames Clippers River Bus services will be able to pay as you go using contactless payment cards, as part of Transport for London (TfL)’s continued investment in the river.
Clipper Rewards Loyalty Scheme - Thames Clippers
Clipper Rewards Loyalty Scheme. We are delighted to launch Clipper Rewards, an exclusive loyalty club for all our season ticket holders. In addition to saving 71% off regular fares when you purchase a Thames Clippers season ticket, you can now also benefit from exclusive discounts, offers and competitions.
London Attractions on the River Thames - Thames Clippers
Almost all works are available for sale and the gallery’s bookshop stocks a wide range of books, materials and cards for art lovers. More Information. Tate Modern Bankside Pier. The finest display of international modern art in Britain, housed in the former Bankside Power Station transformed by architects Herzog & De Meuron. Entrance to the ...
Thames Clippers Tickets
Family River Roamer Gift Voucher. With a Family River Roamer 2 adults and up to 3 kids can travel all day on the river! Add to Basket. Adult River Roamer Gift Voucher. A great gift for those who love exploring London over and over again! Add to Basket. Child River Roamer Gift Voucher. Kids and teenagers love taking the boat! They have space and the best views . Add to Basket. Family RR and EAL ...
Thames Clippers
Customers using contactless payment cards are charged the same adult rate pay as you go fare as using an Oyster card. All they need to do is touch in on the card reader with their contactless payment card or mobile device - when asked to do so by a member of staff as they board - and then touch out again at the end of their journey, or when ...
Thames Clippers Tickets
Adult RR and EAL Gift Voucher. Add to Basket. Surprise someone with a day out in London by river. Make it extra special with an Emirates Air Line experience. Book now. Add to Wishlist; Child RR and EAL Gift Voucher . Add to Basket. Here is a day to remember! Travelling on the Thames and then flying above London on the cable car. What an adventure. Book now. Add to Wishlist; My Basket. You have ...
Boat Safety Advice - Thames Clippers
Boat Safety Advice. ... We recommend you read the safety cards provided in seatback pockets within the vessel and on posters located on the back deck of the vessel. Passengers should take care when moving around the vessel, only leaving their seats when using the on-board facilities. Please note, access to the foredeck is not allowed when the ...
It''s Our 20th Birthday! - Uber Boat by Thames Clippers
Experiences at The O 2 such as tickets to a live performance, entries for Up at The O 2 and a £100 gift voucher to spend at ICON Outlet; A family ticket to the ''Beasts of London'' exhibition at Museum of London; One night stay with breakfast for two at Good Hotel London, in the historic Royal Victoria Docks ; Exciting dining opportunities in Bankside, a riverside destination for food, art and ...
Social Media für Händler
Social Media Links für Thames River Clippers
Thames River Clippers Geschenkkarte
Thames River Clippers Links zu Geschenkkarten oder Geschenkgutscheinen. Bequeme Möglichkeit, das Guthaben im Handumdrehen zu verwalten
GCB App fürs Handy
What''s on and offers - Uber Boat by Thames Clippers
Access to exclusive offers to events and attractions along the river Thames in London
Formulare für Geschenkkarten
Uber Boat by Thames Clippers gift vouchers always make a great gift!
Geschenkkarten Webseite, Geschäftsbedingungen für Thames River Clippers.
Einblicke in Geschenkkarten
Thames Clippers Gift Vouchers - Tickets
Adult River Roamer Gift Voucher. A great gift for those who love exploring London over and over again! Add to Basket. Child River Roamer Gift Voucher. Kids and teenagers love taking the boat! They have space and the best views. Add to Basket. Family River Roamer Gift Voucher. With a Family River Roamer 2 adults and up to 3 kids can travel all day on the river! Add to Basket. Family RR and EAL ...
Gift Vouchers - Uber Boat by Thames Clippers
A gift voucher can be redeemed at any point twelve months from its date of purchase and will be emailed to the recipient. To redeem the gift voucher, the recipient simply needs to show their gift certificate to a member of staff at one of our ticket offices. You can even combine your River Roamer ticket with a trip on the Emirates Air Line if your friend isn''t scared of heights! Buy a Gift ...
Thames Clippers Gift Vouchers - Tickets
Family River Roamer Gift Voucher. Add to Basket. With a Family River Roamer 2 adults and up to 3 kids can travel all day on the river! Book now. Add to Wishlist; Family RR and EAL Gift Voucher. Add to Basket. What a treat for the whole family, travelling by river and then experiencing London''s cable car. ...
Thames Clippers Adult RR and EAL Gift Voucher - Gift ...
Adult RR and EAL Gift Voucher. £27.80. £27.80. Select a template. Cable car - adult. Give your friends and family a day to remember. A River Roamer is perfect for exploring London in style, valid for hop-on, hop-off all day river travel between 23 piers* including Battersea Power Station, Westminster, Tower, Greenwich and North Greenwich.
Thames Clippers Adult River Roamer Gift Voucher - Gift ...
Adult River Roamer Gift Voucher. £18.40. £20.40. Select a template. White wave - adult. Give your friends and family a day to remember. A River Roamer is perfect for exploring London in style, valid for hop-on, hop-off all day river travel between 23 piers* including Battersea Power Station, Westminster, Tower, Greenwich and North Greenwich.
Thames Clippers Child River Roamer Gift Voucher - Gift ...
Child River Roamer Gift Voucher. £9.20. £10.20. Select a template. White wave child. Give your friends and family a day to remember. A River Roamer is perfect for exploring London in style, valid for hop-on, hop-off all day river travel between 23 piers* including Battersea Power Station, Westminster, Tower, Greenwich and North Greenwich.
Thames Clippers Family RR and EAL Gift Voucher - Gift ...
Family RR and EAL Gift Voucher. £64.70. £64.70. Select a template. Cable car - family. Give your friends and family a day to remember. A River Roamer is perfect for exploring London in style, valid for hop-on, hop-off all day river travel between 23 piers* including Battersea Power Station, Westminster, Tower, Greenwich and North Greenwich.
Thames River Clippers Geschenkkarten Guthaben
Sie können das Thames River Clippers Kartenguthaben ermitteln, indem Sie Guthaben per Handy überprüfen, die Kasse / Helpdesk besuchen.
Geschenkkarten Guthaben
Optionen zur Überprüfung des Geschenkkartenguthabens
Telefon: Suchen Sie nach der Kundendienstnummer, die auf der Rückseite der Geschenkkarte oder auf der Website des Ausstellers angegeben ist. Rufen Sie die Nummer an und befolgen Sie die automatischen Anweisungen, um den Kontostand zu überprüfen. Möglicherweise müssen Sie während des Anrufs die Geschenkkartennummer und andere erforderliche Details eingeben.
Im Geschäft: Bringen Sie die Geschenkkarte zu einem physischen Geschäft des Einzelhändlers oder Restaurants, das die Geschenkkarte ausgestellt hat. Wenden Sie sich an einen Filialmitarbeiter oder Kassierer und bitten Sie ihn um Hilfe bei der Überprüfung des Kontostands. Normalerweise können sie die Geschenkkartennummer scannen oder manuell eingeben, um den aktuellen Kontostand anzuzeigen.
Mobile App: Wenn der Herausgeber der Geschenkkarte über eine mobile App verfügt, laden Sie diese herunter und installieren Sie sie auf Ihrem Smartphone oder Tablet. Melden Sie sich an oder erstellen Sie ein Konto und fügen Sie dann Ihre Geschenkkarte zur App hinzu. Die App sollte das verfügbare Guthaben anzeigen.
Quittung: Wenn Sie kürzlich einen Kauf mit der Geschenkkarte getätigt haben, überprüfen Sie die Quittung. Auf einigen Belegen wird nach jeder Transaktion der Restbetrag angezeigt.
Abfrage des Geschenkkartenguthabens
Informationen für Thames River Clippers Guthaben Abfrage der Geschenkkarte, um das verbleibende Guthaben und die Transaktionen anzuzeigen.
Quittungen zur Überprüfung nutzen
Guthaben an der Ladentheke erfahren
Online Kontostand : Folgen Sie dem Link zur offiziellen Website des Händlers zur Überprüfung des Kontostands. Sie müssen die Kartennummer und die PIN eingeben, um das Kartenguthaben abzurufen.
Telefonanruf : Rufen Sie die Support-Nummer des Händlers an und geben Sie die Kartendetails an. Sie können dann das Guthaben per Telefon abrufen.
Rechnung / Quittung : Der Restbetrag der Karte wird auf der Einkaufsrechnung / Quittung ausgedruckt.
Ladentheke : In der Regel kann der Kartensaldo an der Ladentheke eingesehen werden