Holderness Point to Point Geschenkkarten Guthaben Vereinigtes Königreich Geschenkkarten Verzeichnis

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Informationen zur Händler Webseite und Holderness Point to Point Kartenguthaben Prüfung. https://www.holdernesspoint2point.co.uk


Holderness Point to Point 13th March at Dalton Park, South Dalton. First Race 1.30pm - victoria-dolton

We are fortunate enough to hold our point to point in the beautiful park on Dalton Estate, by kind permission of Lord Hotham. TRACK SIDE PARKING We are one of the few courses that offer trackside parking, please pre book your peg to avoid disappointment. Pegs are £65. Note to spectators with centre course parking tickets please can we ask you be at your parking space by 1pm. Depending on ground conditions access to the centre of the course may be closed to vehicles from 1pm until after the end of the last race. If the centre course is closed to vehicles late arrivals will be parked as directed and without a refund. ADMISSION CHARGES FOR 2022 Single admission tickets are only £12. DISABLED PARKING There will be designated disabled parking for blue badge holders. Please take directions on the day from our volunteer car parking attendants. All standard admission charges still apply. Single admission £12, trackside parking £65. HOME MADE REFRESHMENTS & BAR Freshly made and locally sourced beef burgers. As well as sandwiches, cakes, tea & coffee. There will be a selection of Beers, Wine and Spirits available from our bar. FIRST RACE 1.30pm We have 6 races on the card. ADVERTISING & SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Please contact doltonvictoria@gmail.com Photos by kind permission of Peter Hotham

Holderness Point to Point Händlerinformationen

Webseite, Kontaktnummer und Geschenkkarten Informationen für Holderness Point to Point.

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Holderness Point to Point Geschenkkarte

Holderness Point to Point Links zu Geschenkkarten oder Geschenkgutscheinen. Bequeme Möglichkeit, das Guthaben im Handumdrehen zu verwalten GCB App fürs Handy


Gift Vouchers - victoria-dolton

CONTACT US:  doltonvictoria@gmail.com GDPR - PRIVACY POLICYIntroduction The Holderness Hunt is a pack of hounds registered with the Masters of Foxhounds Association. We maintain a pack of hounds and undergo legal hunting activities during the hunting season. We also run hunt events, fund raisers, information evenings and other activities associated with the hunting community. The Holderness Hunt and its associated supporting clubs keep information about its members, staff, farmers and landowners. We mainly communicate via email and post, but may communicate verbally for more urgent matters. Communications are for informational purposes, membership updates and for the promotion of hunt events and other associated activities. Personal Information The Holderness Hunt retains information about its members as well as supporters, officials, landowners and farmers. Upon joining the Holderness Hunt or renewing annual subscriptions, we will request certain personal details such as Name, Address and contact details. We will use this data for communicating with members and supporters. How we collect information When members of the Holderness Hunt or it supporting clubs actively sign up or subscribe to our membership or communicate with us, they may choose voluntarily to give us certain information (for example by filling in text boxes or completing registration forms). This information requires direct action by the individual at the time in order for us to receive it. There is the option to opt out of future communications should members wish to do so when giving this information. Our members have applied consent to the Holderness Hunt by actively giving us their details when subscribing. In doing so, they are allowing active communication from us on such matters as stated above. There will always be an option for any of our members to opt out of any further communications. How long we retain information for The Holderness Hunt will not retain information for longer than necessary. We will only hold onto the information you provide either for as long as you are a member. If legally required or if it is reasonably necessary to resolve disputes, prevent fraud or abuse or if we have a legitimate interest, we may also retain information for a limited period of time as required, even after you are no longer a member or no longer associated with the Holderness Hunt. You are entitled to request that any of your data is deleted from our records at any time. Consent The Holderness Hunt will not contact any persons for whom we do not have consent to do so. We understand that you trust us with your personal information and we are committed to ensuring the security and privacy of your personal information. You are able to do any of the following: · You can verify the details you have submitted to the Holderness Hunt by contacting us at the following email address: holderness-hunt@hotmail.com· You can contact us to change, correct or delete any or all of your personal information. We may retain archived copies of your information as required by law or for legitimate business purposes (including helping address fraud and spam).· You can unsubscribe from receiving any emails from us by emailing an unsubscribe request to the email address referred to above. Once you do this, you will no longer receive any emails from us.· You can request a readable copy of the personal data we hold on you at any time. To do this, please contact us at the above email address.Use of Personal Information & How the Law Applies There are times when it is not practical or feasible for the Holderness Hunt to obtain or record consent, however this information will only be used or processed if there is a Legitimate Interest for us to do so, and in doing so your interests and rights as an individual are not harmed. Farmers & Landowners – The Holderness Hunt holds information (eg. names, addresses and boundaries) about farmers and landowners within the hunt country. This is so that the hunt can inform them of hunt activities that may be going on or around their land. Contact is made for informational purposes only, and we feel that this is for the Legitimate Interest of the individual farmer or landowner as it is in their interest to know of activities going on in the area so any preparation can be made as necessary. Hunt Followers – Sometimes people following our hunt are not our active members or active members of a local or neighbouring pack. They may therefore not be fully up to date with communications about hunting on that day. For all follower’s safety, as well as the safety of the hounds and others (on horse, foot or in cars) it is important that people know who is following the hunt on a particular day. We will therefore try to keep a record of recent people following hunts so that we can communicate this information as necessary to those in charge of any particular day. Changes to your data From time to time the Holderness Hunt may need to contact those in its membership and database to make sure that we have accurate details for you. Data Sharing The Holderness Hunt will not rent, swap or sell any personal information to other organisations. Information is only shared with direct connections of the hunt, such as the Supporters Club, the Holderness Hunt Point to Point & other hunt event organisers. Please note, we are constantly reviewing how we process and protect data. Therefore, changes to our policy may occur at any time. We will endeavour to publicise any changes. October 2018

Holderness Point to Point Geschenkkarte kaufen


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Holderness Point to Point Geschenkkarten Guthaben

Sie können das Holderness Point to Point Kartenguthaben ermitteln, indem Sie die Kasse / Helpdesk besuchen.

Geschenkkarten Guthaben

Optionen zur Überprüfung des Geschenkkartenguthabens

  • Im Geschäft: Bringen Sie die Geschenkkarte zu einem physischen Geschäft des Einzelhändlers oder Restaurants, das die Geschenkkarte ausgestellt hat. Wenden Sie sich an einen Filialmitarbeiter oder Kassierer und bitten Sie ihn um Hilfe bei der Überprüfung des Kontostands. Normalerweise können sie die Geschenkkartennummer scannen oder manuell eingeben, um den aktuellen Kontostand anzuzeigen.
  • Mobile App: Wenn der Herausgeber der Geschenkkarte über eine mobile App verfügt, laden Sie diese herunter und installieren Sie sie auf Ihrem Smartphone oder Tablet. Melden Sie sich an oder erstellen Sie ein Konto und fügen Sie dann Ihre Geschenkkarte zur App hinzu. Die App sollte das verfügbare Guthaben anzeigen.
  • Quittung: Wenn Sie kürzlich einen Kauf mit der Geschenkkarte getätigt haben, überprüfen Sie die Quittung. Auf einigen Belegen wird nach jeder Transaktion der Restbetrag angezeigt.

Abfrage des Geschenkkartenguthabens

Informationen für Holderness Point to Point Guthaben Abfrage der Geschenkkarte, um das verbleibende Guthaben und die Transaktionen anzuzeigen.

Holderness Point to Point Geschenkkarten Guthaben auf dem Beleg
Quittungen zur Überprüfung nutzen
Holderness Point to Point Guthaben Abfrage im Laden
Guthaben an der Ladentheke erfahren
  • Online Kontostand : Folgen Sie dem Link zur offiziellen Website des Händlers zur Überprüfung des Kontostands. Sie müssen die Kartennummer und die PIN eingeben, um das Kartenguthaben abzurufen.
  • Telefonanruf : Rufen Sie die Support-Nummer des Händlers an und geben Sie die Kartendetails an. Sie können dann das Guthaben per Telefon abrufen.
  • Rechnung / Quittung : Der Restbetrag der Karte wird auf der Einkaufsrechnung / Quittung ausgedruckt.
  • Ladentheke : In der Regel kann der Kartensaldo an der Ladentheke eingesehen werden

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Gift Card Balance App

Mit der Gift Card Balance App können Sie alle Guthaben Ihrer Geschenkkarten an einem Ort verwalten. Fügen Sie Ihre Karte zur App hinzu und verwenden Sie mit wenigen Klicks den automatischen Holderness Point to Point Guthabenprüfer für Geschenkkarten.
  • Kartenguthaben Ansicht live vom Kartenhändler
  • Kein ständiges Eingeben der Kartennummern
  • Abfragemöglichkeiten auf einen Blick
Gift Card Balance App

GCB App | Guthaben Verwaltung einfach und sicher

GCB speichert alle Geschenkkarten Daten nur auf Ihrem Gerät.