Life Spa London Geschenkkarten Guthaben Vereinigtes Königreich Geschenkkarten Verzeichnis

Geschenkkarte und Gutschein

Life Spa London Geschäftsüberblick

Informationen zur Händler Webseite und Life Spa London Kartenguthaben Prüfung.


Life Spa London - Beauty Treatments in Ealing

Your Health and Safety is our absolute priority at this time, so to protect you and our therapists we have introduced enhanced Hygiene and Safety protocols for all of our treatments to comply with the latest guidelines released by the Department of Business, Energy & Industy trade organisation.While we were closed, we were busy preparing for our reopening with lots of new safety, hygiene and distancing measures in place*All Therapist have undertaken extra training and qualifications to make us Covid 19 Compliant. Certificates will be displayed in our digital monitor at the entrance of the salon.*All our treatments have been risk assessed (a copy of our risk assessment will be available upon request)*All therapist will be wearing the correct PPE in accordance with the latest guidelines released from the Government.(Therapist will be wearing a mask, Face Visor when applicable, disposable apron, disposable gloves, etc)*All rooms have been redecorated sanitised and we will be allowing 15minutes between clients to thoroughly disinfectant our tool and the room before we continue with another client.*Reception area has been redesigned to allow safety measurements to be implemented maintaining 1metre distance. Clear signs are displayed on the floor indicating the correct distance to be kept between clients.* Manicure and Pedicure tools have been assigned separate kit for each therapist where applicable we will be using disposable files, foot files, disposable pedicure bowls etc.* Unfortunately we will not be able to offer any refreshments during your visits until restrictions are lifted and we will be allowed to carry on as normal and enjoy serving you a hot drink also giving you a hug 😊 For now we have to keep the distance and stay safe.What we ask from you  *Please sanitise your hands as soon as you enter the salon (there will be hand sanitiser station in reception and in all of the rooms) * Please wear your mask at that point before you walk in to Reception (If you dont have a mask we will have masks available at a small cost of £1*Please follow the social distance 1meter rule (on the floor there will be clearly displayed stickers ) **Please arrive at the time of your appointment and alone where applicable as we will not be able to allow anyone else in the salon to wait while your treatment is taking place. we can only have three clients at the same time in Reception and all treatments will be staggered into different start and finish times.* Please don’t touch the products on display if you need any help a member of staff will come and help you and handle all products while wearing the correct PPE to avoid any cross contamination. * Please place shoes and handbags on the baskets provided and clothes to be hanged at the back of the doors. We will be disposing any treatment waste after every client’s treatment and will change towels after every treatment. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have that we have not covered on this email and we will be happy to go through and explain in more details.At last but not least we are kindly asking customers not to make an appointment if:You have experienced any cold or flu symptoms in the last 14 daysYou have been in contact with anyone with cold or flu symptoms in the last 14 daysThank youLifepa Team

Life Spa London Händlerinformationen

Webseite, Kontaktnummer und Geschenkkarten Informationen für Life Spa London.

Links zum Händlerverzeichnis

Offizielle Webseite
Über den Händler
Händler Info
Service & Support

Social Media für Händler

Social Media Links für Life Spa London

Official Facebook
Official Twitter
Official Instagram

Life Spa London Geschenkkarte

Life Spa London Links zu Geschenkkarten oder Geschenkgutscheinen. Bequeme Möglichkeit, das Guthaben im Handumdrehen zu verwalten GCB App fürs Handy


Gift Vouchers - Life Spa London

Your Health and Safety is our absolute priority at this time, so to protect you and our therapists we have introduced enhanced Hygiene and Safety protocols for all of our treatments to comply with the latest guidelines released by the Department of Business, Energy & Industy trade organisation.While we were closed, we were busy preparing for our reopening with lots of new safety, hygiene and distancing measures in place*All Therapist have undertaken extra training and qualifications to make us Covid 19 Compliant. Certificates will be displayed in our digital monitor at the entrance of the salon.*All our treatments have been risk assessed (a copy of our risk assessment will be available upon request)*All therapist will be wearing the correct PPE in accordance with the latest guidelines released from the Government.(Therapist will be wearing a mask, Face Visor when applicable, disposable apron, disposable gloves, etc)*All rooms have been redecorated sanitised and we will be allowing 15minutes between clients to thoroughly disinfectant our tool and the room before we continue with another client.*Reception area has been redesigned to allow safety measurements to be implemented maintaining 1metre distance. Clear signs are displayed on the floor indicating the correct distance to be kept between clients.* Manicure and Pedicure tools have been assigned separate kit for each therapist where applicable we will be using disposable files, foot files, disposable pedicure bowls etc.* Unfortunately we will not be able to offer any refreshments during your visits until restrictions are lifted and we will be allowed to carry on as normal and enjoy serving you a hot drink also giving you a hug 😊 For now we have to keep the distance and stay safe.What we ask from you  *Please sanitise your hands as soon as you enter the salon (there will be hand sanitiser station in reception and in all of the rooms) * Please wear your mask at that point before you walk in to Reception (If you dont have a mask we will have masks available at a small cost of £1*Please follow the social distance 1meter rule (on the floor there will be clearly displayed stickers ) **Please arrive at the time of your appointment and alone where applicable as we will not be able to allow anyone else in the salon to wait while your treatment is taking place. we can only have three clients at the same time in Reception and all treatments will be staggered into different start and finish times.* Please don’t touch the products on display if you need any help a member of staff will come and help you and handle all products while wearing the correct PPE to avoid any cross contamination. * Please place shoes and handbags on the baskets provided and clothes to be hanged at the back of the doors. We will be disposing any treatment waste after every client’s treatment and will change towels after every treatment. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have that we have not covered on this email and we will be happy to go through and explain in more details.At last but not least we are kindly asking customers not to make an appointment if:You have experienced any cold or flu symptoms in the last 14 daysYou have been in contact with anyone with cold or flu symptoms in the last 14 daysThank youLifepa Team

Life Spa London Geschenkkarte kaufen


Geschenkkarten Webseite, Geschäftsbedingungen für Life Spa London.

Offizielle Geschenkkarte
Region der Karte
Vereinigtes Königreich
Erkunden Sie andere Karten

Einblicke in Geschenkkarten

  • Gift Vouchers - Life Spa London Gift Vouchers. Lifespa Gift Vouchers can be bought for any treatment or value and can be inscribed with a personal message. You can purchase vouchers in store or call us on 020 8567 5159 and we will send them out to you. Lifespa vouchers are valid for SIX months from date of purchase, after this date the voucher will automatically become void.

Life Spa London Geschenkkarten Guthaben

Sie können das Life Spa London Kartenguthaben ermitteln, indem Sie die Kasse / Helpdesk besuchen.

Geschenkkarten Guthaben

Optionen zur Überprüfung des Geschenkkartenguthabens

  • Im Geschäft: Bringen Sie die Geschenkkarte zu einem physischen Geschäft des Einzelhändlers oder Restaurants, das die Geschenkkarte ausgestellt hat. Wenden Sie sich an einen Filialmitarbeiter oder Kassierer und bitten Sie ihn um Hilfe bei der Überprüfung des Kontostands. Normalerweise können sie die Geschenkkartennummer scannen oder manuell eingeben, um den aktuellen Kontostand anzuzeigen.
  • Mobile App: Wenn der Herausgeber der Geschenkkarte über eine mobile App verfügt, laden Sie diese herunter und installieren Sie sie auf Ihrem Smartphone oder Tablet. Melden Sie sich an oder erstellen Sie ein Konto und fügen Sie dann Ihre Geschenkkarte zur App hinzu. Die App sollte das verfügbare Guthaben anzeigen.
  • Quittung: Wenn Sie kürzlich einen Kauf mit der Geschenkkarte getätigt haben, überprüfen Sie die Quittung. Auf einigen Belegen wird nach jeder Transaktion der Restbetrag angezeigt.

Abfrage des Geschenkkartenguthabens

Informationen für Life Spa London Guthaben Abfrage der Geschenkkarte, um das verbleibende Guthaben und die Transaktionen anzuzeigen.

Life Spa London Geschenkkarten Guthaben auf dem Beleg
Quittungen zur Überprüfung nutzen
Life Spa London Guthaben Abfrage im Laden
Guthaben an der Ladentheke erfahren
  • Online Kontostand : Folgen Sie dem Link zur offiziellen Website des Händlers zur Überprüfung des Kontostands. Sie müssen die Kartennummer und die PIN eingeben, um das Kartenguthaben abzurufen.
  • Telefonanruf : Rufen Sie die Support-Nummer des Händlers an und geben Sie die Kartendetails an. Sie können dann das Guthaben per Telefon abrufen.
  • Rechnung / Quittung : Der Restbetrag der Karte wird auf der Einkaufsrechnung / Quittung ausgedruckt.
  • Ladentheke : In der Regel kann der Kartensaldo an der Ladentheke eingesehen werden

Life Spa London Nutzerbewertung

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Gift Card Balance App

Mit der Gift Card Balance App können Sie alle Guthaben Ihrer Geschenkkarten an einem Ort verwalten. Fügen Sie Ihre Karte zur App hinzu und verwenden Sie mit wenigen Klicks den automatischen Life Spa London Guthabenprüfer für Geschenkkarten.
  • Kartenguthaben Ansicht live vom Kartenhändler
  • Kein ständiges Eingeben der Kartennummern
  • Abfragemöglichkeiten auf einen Blick
Gift Card Balance App

GCB App | Guthaben Verwaltung einfach und sicher

GCB speichert alle Geschenkkarten Daten nur auf Ihrem Gerät.