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Home | Eli''s Branford Home
Eli''s Restaurant Group Home Brew Contest 2017 Eli''s Branford takes dining to new "heights" on Route 1 in Branford. Featuring all your favorite offerings that makes the Eli''s restaurants the Best for American food. Whether you are looking for a great night spot with a gr ...
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Eli''s Restaurant Group : SwipeIt.com
SwipeIt.com provides custom Gift Card and Loyalty Card Programs.� All clients receive free graphic design with every order.� We specialize in plastic card production, gift card accessories and reward card fulfillment. Swipe It specializes in helping the small to medium sized merchant switch from paper gift certificates to a plastic gift card program. Whether you have an existing card program or need help starting one swipeit.com is your destination for everything you need. Our focus is to help you increase your revenue from your card programs. Browse our site to see our card carriers, marketing supplies and card consulting services.� Swipe It was founded in Boston, MA in 1998.
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