Oplysninger om forhandlerwebsite og Prezzo Restaurants kortsaldokontrol. https://www.prezzorestaurants.co.uk/
Prezzo | Authentic Italian Dishes | Prezzo Italian Restaurant
Prezzo is a chain of British-owned restaurants serving food inspired by Italian cuisine in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The first restaurant opened on New Oxford Street, London in November 2000. As of January 2019 there were more than 180 branches across the country, following many closures in 2018. It is part of Prezzo Holdings, part owned by TPG Capital, which also operates the Chimichanga, Caffe Uno, MEXIco and Cleaver restaurant brands.
Prezzo Italian Restaurants offers casual Italian dining that brings authentic Italian cuisine combined with impeccable service. Find out more and book here.
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Hjemmeside, kontaktnummer og gavekortoplysninger for Prezzo Restaurants.
Prezzo (restaurant)
Prezzo (\"price\" in Italian) is a chain of British-owned restaurants serving food inspired by Italian cuisine in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
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Du kan finde ud af Prezzo Restaurants kortsaldo ved at online balancekontrol kontrol af telefonbalance visit butik tæller / help desk.
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